
Intrusion Detection Using Self-Training Support Vector Machines


Intrusion is broadly defined as a successful attack on a network. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a software tool used to detect unauthorized access to a computer system or network. It is a dynamic monitoring entity that complements the static monitoring abilities of a firewall. Data Mining techniques provide efficient methods for the development of IDS. The idea behind using data mining techniques is that they can automate the process of creating traffic models from some reference data and thereby eliminate the need of laborious manual intervention. Such systems are capable of detecting not only known attacks but also their variations.Existing IDS technologies, on the basis of detection methodology are broadly classified as Misuse or Signature Based Detection and Anomaly Detection Based System. The idea behind misuse detection consists of comparing network traffic against a Model describing known intrusion. The anomaly detection method is based on the analysis of the profiles that represent normal traffic behavior. Semi-Supervised systems for anomaly detection would reduce the demands of the training process by reducing the requirement of training labeled data. A Self Training Support Vector Machine based detection algorithm is presented in this thesis. In the past, Self-Training of SVM has been successfully used for reducing the size of labeled training set in other domains. A similar method was implemented and results of the simulation performed on the KDD Cup 99 dataset for intrusion detection show a reduction of upto 90% in the size of labeled training set required as compared to the supervised learning techniques

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