22 research outputs found

    Extending the use of plateau-escaping macro-actions in planning

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    Many fully automated planning systems use a single, domain independent heuristic to guide search and no other problem specific guidance. While these systems exhibit excellent performance, they are often out-performed by systems which are either given extra human-encoded search information, or spend time learning additional search control information offline. The benefit of systems which do not require human intervention is that they are much closer to the ideal of autonomy. This document discusses a system which learns additional control knowledge, in the form of macro-actions, during planning, without the additional time required for an online learning step. The results of various techniques for managing the collection of macro-actions generated are also discussed. Finally, an explanation of the extension of the techniques to other planning systems is presented

    Learning Useful Macro-actions for Planning with N-Grams

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    International audienceAutomated planning has achieved significant breakthroughs in recent years. Nonetheless, attempts to improve search algorithm efficiency remain the primary focus of most research. However, it is also possible to build on previous searches and learn from previously found solutions. Our approach consists in learning macro-actions and adding them into the planner's domain. A macro-action is an action sequence selected for application at search time and applied as a single indivisible action. Carefully chosen macros can drastically improve the planning performances by reducing the search space depth. However, macros also increase the branching factor. Therefore, the use of macros entails a utility problem: a trade-off has to be addressed between the benefit of adding macros to speed up the goal search and the overhead caused by increasing the branching factor in the search space. In this paper, we propose an online domain and planner-independent approach to learn 'useful' macros, i.e. macros that address the utility problem. These useful macros are obtained by statistical and heuristic filtering of a domain specific macro library. The library is created from the most frequent action sequences derived from an n-gram analysis on successful plans previously computed by the planner. The relevance of this approach is proven by experiments on International Planning Competition domains

    The Complexity of Planning Problems With Simple Causal Graphs

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    We present three new complexity results for classes of planning problems with simple causal graphs. First, we describe a polynomial-time algorithm that uses macros to generate plans for the class 3S of planning problems with binary state variables and acyclic causal graphs. This implies that plan generation may be tractable even when a planning problem has an exponentially long minimal solution. We also prove that the problem of plan existence for planning problems with multi-valued variables and chain causal graphs is NP-hard. Finally, we show that plan existence for planning problems with binary state variables and polytree causal graphs is NP-complete

    Marvin: A Heuristic Search Planner with Online Macro-Action Learning

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    This paper describes Marvin, a planner that competed in the Fourth International Planning Competition (IPC 4). Marvin uses action-sequence-memoisation techniques to generate macro-actions, which are then used during search for a solution plan. We provide an overview of its architecture and search behaviour, detailing the algorithms used. We also empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of its features in various planning domains; in particular, the effects on performance due to the use of macro-actions, the novel features of its search behaviour, and the native support of ADL and Derived Predicates

    Analytical learning and term-rewriting systems

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    Analytical learning is a set of machine learning techniques for revising the representation of a theory based on a small set of examples of that theory. When the representation of the theory is correct and complete but perhaps inefficient, an important objective of such analysis is to improve the computational efficiency of the representation. Several algorithms with this purpose have been suggested, most of which are closely tied to a first order logical language and are variants of goal regression, such as the familiar explanation based generalization (EBG) procedure. But because predicate calculus is a poor representation for some domains, these learning algorithms are extended to apply to other computational models. It is shown that the goal regression technique applies to a large family of programming languages, all based on a kind of term rewriting system. Included in this family are three language families of importance to artificial intelligence: logic programming, such as Prolog; lambda calculus, such as LISP; and combinatorial based languages, such as FP. A new analytical learning algorithm, AL-2, is exhibited that learns from success but is otherwise quite different from EBG. These results suggest that term rewriting systems are a good framework for analytical learning research in general, and that further research should be directed toward developing new techniques

    Substructure Discovery of Macro-Operators

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems LaboratoryNational Science Foundation / NSF INT-85-11170Office of Naval Research / N00014-82-K-0186Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency / N00014-87-K-0874Texas Instruments, Inc