3 research outputs found

    Accelerated computation using runtime partial reconfiguration

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    Runtime reconfigurable architectures, which integrate a hard processor core along with a reconfigurable fabric on a single device, allow to accelerate a computation by means of hardware accelerators implemented in the reconfigurable fabric. Runtime partial reconfiguration provides the flexibility to dynamically change these hardware accelerators to adapt the computing capacity of the system. This thesis presents the evaluation of design paradigms which exploit partial reconfiguration to implement compute intensive applications on such runtime reconfigurable architectures. For this purpose, image processing applications are implemented on Zynq-7000, a System on a Chip (SoC) from Xilinx Inc. which integrates an ARM Cortex A9 with a reconfigurable fabric. This thesis studies different image processing applications to select suitable candidates that benefit if implemented on the above mentioned class of reconfigurable architectures using runtime partial reconfiguration. Different Intellectual Property (IP) cores for executing basic image operations are generated using high level synthesis for the implementation. A software based scheduler, executed in the Linux environment running on the ARM core, is responsible for implementing the image processing application by means of loading appropriate IP cores into the reconfigurable fabric. The implementation is evaluated to measure the application speed up, resource savings, power savings and the delay on account of partial reconfiguration. The results of the thesis suggest that the use of partial reconfiguration to implement an application provides FPGA resource savings. The extent of resource savings depend on the granularity of the operations into which the application is decomposed. The thesis could also establish that runtime partial reconfiguration can be used to accelerate the computations in reconfigurable architectures with processor core like the Zynq-7000 platform. The achieved computational speed-up depends on factors like the number of hardware accelerators used for the computation and the used reconfiguration schedule. The thesis also highlights the power savings that may be achieved by executing computations in the reconfigurable fabric instead of the processor core

    A Reconfigurable Processor for Heterogeneous Multi-Core Architectures

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    A reconfigurable processor is a general-purpose processor coupled with an FPGA-like reconfigurable fabric. By deploying application-specific accelerators, performance for a wide range of applications can be improved with such a system. In this work concepts are designed for the use of reconfigurable processors in multi-tasking scenarios and as part of multi-core systems

    Architectures for Adaptive Low-Power Embedded Multimedia Systems

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    This Ph.D. thesis describes novel hardware/software architectures for adaptive low-power embedded multimedia systems. Novel techniques for run-time adaptive energy management are proposed, such that both HW & SW adapt together to react to the unpredictable scenarios. A complete power-aware H.264 video encoder was developed. Comparison with state-of-the-art demonstrates significant energy savings while meeting the performance constraint and keeping the video quality degradation unnoticeable