3 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of dual-branch selection diversity receiver that uses desired signal algorithm in correlated Weibull fading environment

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    Rad je usmjeren na analizu karakteristika višestrukog sustava selektivnog kombiniranja (SC) s dvije grane gdje su i interferencija željenog signala i ko-kanalna interferencija (CCI) izložene Weibull fedingu. Za slučaj kada se algoritam željenog signala rabi kao kriterij za donošenje odluke izvedeni su izrazi zatvorenog oblika za zajedničku funkciju raspodjele vjerojatnosti (PDF) željenog signala i interferencije kao i PDF za trenutačni odnos signal-interferencija (SIR) na izlazu sustava. Ovi se izrazi rabe za analizu karakteristika cijeloga sustava rabeći vjerojatnost otkaza sustava, prosječnu vjerojatnost greške bita (ABEP) i prosječni izlaz SIR kao mjere za karakteristike sustava. Konačno, rezultati dobiveni u ovom radu uspoređeni su s ranije objavljenim rezultatima za isti sustav koji rabi algoritam na bazi SIR-a.This paper focuses on performance analysis of dual-branch selection combining (SC) diversity system where both, desired signal as well as co-channel interference (CCI), are subjected to Weibull fading. For the case when desired signal algorithm is used as decision criterion, closed form expressions for joint probability density function (PDF) of desired signal and interference as well as PDF for instantaneous signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) at the system output are derived. These expressions are used for overall system performance analysis using outage probability, average bit error probability (ABEP) and average output SIR as system performance measures. Finally, the results obtained in this paper are compared to the previously published results for the same system that uses SIR based algorithm

    Primena tehnika kombinovanja kod bežičnih telekomunikacionih sistema u prisustvu smetnje

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    Research results shown in this thesis consider selection combining space diversity systems. Weibull fading model is used to describe a desired signal and interference in a wireless telecommunication channel. In an interference-limited environment, like a cellular communication system, the level of cochannel interference is sufficiently high compared to noise so that it can be neglected. In that case, a selection combining receiver can employ different combining algorithms, that can be used to forward the chosen signal to the output of the receiver. After the theoretical basis, which is given at the beginning of the thesis, a detailed analysis of space diversity systems that use different selection algorithms is presented. The system performance is analyzed using one of the proposed criteria: maximal signal-tointerference ratio, maximal desired signal, maximal total signal, and minimal interference. For a system employing each of these algorithms, a detailed analysis of statistical characteristics of first and second order is given using the expressions derived in this thesis. The first focus is on deriving the expressions for probability density function of instantaneous signal-to-interference ratio at the output of selection combining receiver employing each of the previously mentioned algorithms. Based on the derived expressions, numerical results are presented for statistical characteristics of the first order, namely outage probability, average bit error probability, average signal-to-interference ratio and channel capacity. Additionally, for the statistical characteristics of the second order, which are level crossing rate and average fade duration, expressions for joint probability density function of instantaneous signal-tointerference ratio and its time derivative are derived. A new mathematical approach for obtaining analytical expression for probability density function of instantaneous signal-to-interference ratio at the output of selection combining receiver with two branches that uses maximal signal-to-noise ratio algorithm is presented. Considering that mobile terminals are relatively small, the distance between receiving antennas is not large enough to be neglected. Therefore, the correlation between the branches is included in the analysis of statistical characteristics of the first order. Due to easier mathematical manipulation, statistical characteristics of second order do not consider correlation between receiving branches. Numerical results obtained using the expressions derived in this thesis for different decision algorithms are presented graphically. The illustrations show the influence of fading severity, correlation between the desired signals, as well as the interfering ones and balanced and unbalanced inputs for each of mentioned algorithms on outage probability, average bit error probability, average signal-to-interference ratio and channel capacity. The results for second order statistics for dual branch selection diversity system operating in Weibull fading environment were compared for a system that employs two selection algorithms, algorithm based on maximal signal-to-interference ratio, as most frequently used one, and algorithm based on minimal interference, the algorithm that was not exploited in literature. The main contribution of this thesis lies in obtained results for statistical characteristics and performance of the system that uses four proposed algorithms at receiver side. The presented analysis of selection diversity system for given channel conditions can be applied to achieve optimized solutions of wireless system design