7,339 research outputs found

    User needs elicitation via analytic hierarchy process (AHP). A case study on a Computed Tomography (CT) scanner

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    Background: The rigorous elicitation of user needs is a crucial step for both medical device design and purchasing. However, user needs elicitation is often based on qualitative methods whose findings can be difficult to integrate into medical decision-making. This paper describes the application of AHP to elicit user needs for a new CT scanner for use in a public hospital. Methods: AHP was used to design a hierarchy of 12 needs for a new CT scanner, grouped into 4 homogenous categories, and to prepare a paper questionnaire to investigate the relative priorities of these. The questionnaire was completed by 5 senior clinicians working in a variety of clinical specialisations and departments in the same Italian public hospital. Results: Although safety and performance were considered the most important issues, user needs changed according to clinical scenario. For elective surgery, the five most important needs were: spatial resolution, processing software, radiation dose, patient monitoring, and contrast medium. For emergency, the top five most important needs were: patient monitoring, radiation dose, contrast medium control, speed run, spatial resolution. Conclusions: AHP effectively supported user need elicitation, helping to develop an analytic and intelligible framework of decision-making. User needs varied according to working scenario (elective versus emergency medicine) more than clinical specialization. This method should be considered by practitioners involved in decisions about new medical technology, whether that be during device design or before deciding whether to allocate budgets for new medical devices according to clinical functions or according to hospital department

    Aligning a Service Provisioning Model of a Service-Oriented System with the ITIL v.3 Life Cycle

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    Bringing together the ICT and the business layer of a service-oriented system (SoS) remains a great challenge. Few papers tackle the management of SoS from the business and organizational point of view. One solution is to use the well-known ITIL v.3 framework. The latter enables to transform the organization into a service-oriented organizational which focuses on the value provided to the service customers. In this paper, we align the steps of the service provisioning model with the ITIL v.3 processes. The alignment proposed should help organizations and IT teams to integrate their ICT layer, represented by the SoS, and their business layer, represented by ITIL v.3. One main advantage of this combined use of ITIL and a SoS is the full service orientation of the company.Comment: This document is the technical work of a conference paper submitted to the International Conference on Exploring Service Science 1.5 (IESS 2015

    Semantic-driven Configuration of Internet of Things Middleware

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    We are currently observing emerging solutions to enable the Internet of Things (IoT). Efficient and feature rich IoT middeware platforms are key enablers for IoT. However, due to complexity, most of these middleware platforms are designed to be used by IT experts. In this paper, we propose a semantics-driven model that allows non-IT experts (e.g. plant scientist, city planner) to configure IoT middleware components easier and faster. Such tools allow them to retrieve the data they want without knowing the underlying technical details of the sensors and the data processing components. We propose a Context Aware Sensor Configuration Model (CASCoM) to address the challenge of automated context-aware configuration of filtering, fusion, and reasoning mechanisms in IoT middleware according to the problems at hand. We incorporate semantic technologies in solving the above challenges. We demonstrate the feasibility and the scalability of our approach through a prototype implementation based on an IoT middleware called Global Sensor Networks (GSN), though our model can be generalized into any other middleware platform. We evaluate CASCoM in agriculture domain and measure both performance in terms of usability and computational complexity.Comment: 9th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge & Grids (SKG), Beijing, China, October, 201


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    With cloud and mobile computing, a new category of software products emerges as mass-market information systems (IS) that addresses distributed and heterogeneous end-users. Understanding user requirements and the factors that drive user adoption are crucial for successful design of such systems. IS research has suggested several theories and models to explain user adoption and intentions to use, among them the IS Success Model and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Although these approaches contribute to theoretical understanding of the adoption and use of IS in mass-markets, they are criticized for not being able to drive actionable insights on IS design as they consider the IT artifact as a black-box (i.e., they do not sufficiently address the system internal characteristics). We argue that IS needs to embrace market research techniques to understand and empirically assess user preferences and perceptions in order to integrate the "voice of the customer" in a mass-market scenario. More specifically, conjoint analysis (CA), from market research, can add user preference measurements for designing high-utility IS. CA has gained popularity in IS research, however little guidance is provided for its application in the domain. We aim at supporting the design of mass-market IS by establishing a reliable understanding of consumer’s preferences for multiple factors combing functional, non-functional and economic aspects. The results include a “Framework for Conjoint Analysis Studies in IS” and methodological guidance for applying CA. We apply our findings to the privacy-aware design of mass-market IS and evaluate their implications on user adoption. We contribute to both academia and practice. For academia, we contribute to a more nuanced conceptualization of the IT artifact (i.e., system) through a feature-oriented lens and a preference-based approach. We provide methodological guidelines that support researchers in studying user perceptions and preferences for design variations and extending that to adoption. Moreover, the empirical studies for privacy- aware design contribute to a better understanding of the domain specific applications of CA for IS design and evaluation with a nuanced assessment of user preferences for privacy-preserving features. For practice, we propose guidelines for integrating the voice of the customer for successful IS design. -- Les technologies cloud et mobiles ont fait Ă©merger une nouvelle catĂ©gorie de produits informatiques qui s’adressent Ă  des utilisateurs hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes par le biais de systĂšmes d'information (SI) distribuĂ©s. Les termes “SI de masse” sont employĂ©s pour dĂ©signer ces nouveaux systĂšmes. Une conception rĂ©ussie de ceux-ci passe par une phase essentielle de comprĂ©hension des besoins et des facteurs d'adoption des utilisateurs. Pour ce faire, la recherche en SI suggĂšre plusieurs thĂ©ories et modĂšles tels que le “IS Success Model” et le “Technology Acceptance Model”. Bien que ces approches contribuent Ă  la comprĂ©hension thĂ©orique de l'adoption et de l'utilisation des SI de masse, elles sont critiquĂ©es pour ne pas ĂȘtre en mesure de fournir des informations exploitables sur la conception de SI car elles considĂšrent l'artefact informatique comme une boĂźte noire. En d’autres termes, ces approches ne traitent pas suffisamment des caractĂ©ristiques internes du systĂšme. Nous soutenons que la recherche en SI doit adopter des techniques d'Ă©tude de marchĂ© afin de mieux intĂ©grer les exigences du client (“Voice of Customer”) dans un scĂ©nario de marchĂ© de masse. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, l'analyse conjointe (AC), issue de la recherche sur les consommateurs, peut contribuer au dĂ©veloppement de systĂšme SI Ă  forte valeur d'usage. Si l’AC a gagnĂ© en popularitĂ© au sein de la recherche en SI, des recommandations quant Ă  son utilisation dans ce domaine restent rares. Nous entendons soutenir la conception de SI de masse en facilitant une identification fiable des prĂ©fĂ©rences des consommateurs sur de multiples facteurs combinant des aspects fonctionnels, non-fonctionnels et Ă©conomiques. Les rĂ©sultats comprennent un “Cadre de rĂ©fĂ©rence pour les Ă©tudes d'analyse conjointe en SI” et des recommandations mĂ©thodologiques pour l'application de l’AC. Nous avons utilisĂ© ces contributions pour concevoir un SI de masse particuliĂšrement sensible au respect de la vie privĂ©e des utilisateurs et nous avons Ă©valuĂ© l’impact de nos recherches sur l'adoption de ce systĂšme par ses utilisateurs. Ainsi, notre travail contribue tant Ă  la thĂ©orie qu’à la pratique des SI. Pour le monde universitaire, nous contribuons en proposant une conceptualisation plus nuancĂ©e de l'artefact informatique (c'est-Ă -dire du systĂšme) Ă  travers le prisme des fonctionnalitĂ©s et par une approche basĂ©e sur les prĂ©fĂ©rences utilisateurs. Par ailleurs, les chercheurs peuvent Ă©galement s'appuyer sur nos directives mĂ©thodologiques pour Ă©tudier les perceptions et les prĂ©fĂ©rences des utilisateurs pour diffĂ©rentes variations de conception et Ă©tendre cela Ă  l'adoption. De plus, nos Ă©tudes empiriques sur la conception d’un SI de masse sensible au respect de la vie privĂ©e des utilisateurs contribuent Ă  une meilleure comprĂ©hension de l’application des techniques CA dans ce domaine spĂ©cifique. Nos Ă©tudes incluent notamment une Ă©valuation nuancĂ©e des prĂ©fĂ©rences des utilisateurs sur des fonctionnalitĂ©s de protection de la vie privĂ©e. Pour les praticiens, nous proposons des lignes directrices qui permettent d’intĂ©grer les exigences des clients afin de concevoir un SI rĂ©ussi


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    Discusses design elements that should be utilized for optimal measurement of dual task performance, and reviews literature suggesting that these elements are underutilized. Participants seem to be able to effectively "tune out" one or the other task in a dual task paradigm, though traditional analyses and POC analyses converge to inform us that under these experimental conditions (which may not require adequate cognitive load), UFOV performance is not as greatly impacted by concurrent verbal tasks as pilot data and theory suggest. While smaller than expected, these dual task costs have implications in an applied setting, as 19% of subjects exhibited UFOV scores under dual task conditions that would predict more than double the risk of injurious accident. Finally, highly arousing negatively valent verbal stimuli may lead to greatest interference with visual attention performance

    The Self Referent Effect in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    The self-memory system depends on the prioritisation and capture of self-relevant information, so may be disrupted by difficulties in attending to, encoding and retrieving self-relevant information. The current study compares memory for self-referenced and other-referenced items in children with ADHD and typically-developing comparison groups matched for verbal and chronological age. Children aged 5-14 (N=90) were presented with everyday objects alongside an own-face image (self-reference trials) or an unknown child’s image (other-referenced trials). They were asked whether the child shown would like the object, before completing a surprise source memory test. In a second task, children performed, and watched another person perform, a series of actions before their memory for the actions was tested. A significant self-reference effect (SRE) was found in the typically-developing children (i.e., both verbal and chronological age-matched comparison groups) for the first task, with significantly better memory for self-referenced than other-referenced objects. However, children with ADHD showed no SRE, suggesting a compromised ability to bind information with the cognitive self-concept. In the second task, all groups showed superior memory for actions carried out by the self, suggesting a preserved enactment effect in ADHD. Implications and applications for the self-memory system in ADHD are discussed.<br/

    The self‐reference effect in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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    The self‐memory system depends on the prioritization and capture of self‐relevant information, so may be disrupted by difficulties in attending to, encoding and retrieving self‐relevant information. The current study compares memory for self‐referenced and other‐referenced items in children with ADHD and typically developing comparison groups matched for verbal and chronological age. Children aged 5–14 (N = 90) were presented with everyday objects alongside an own‐face image (self‐reference trials) or an unknown child's image (other‐referenced trials). They were asked whether the child shown would like the object, before completing a surprise source memory test. In a second task, children performed, and watched another person perform, a series of actions before their memory for the actions was tested. A significant self‐reference effect (SRE) was found in the typically developing children (i.e. both verbal and chronological age‐matched comparison groups) for the first task, with significantly better memory for self‐referenced than other‐referenced objects. However, children with ADHD showed no SRE, suggesting a compromised ability to bind information with the cognitive self‐concept. In the second task, all groups showed superior memory for actions carried out by the self, suggesting a preserved enactment effect in ADHD. Implications and applications for the self‐memory system in ADHD are discussed

    Using a Prediction and Option Generation Paradigm to Understand Decision Making

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    In many complex and dynamic domains, the ability to generate and then select the appropriate course of action is based on the decision maker\u27s reading of the situation--in other words, their ability to assess the situation and predict how it will evolve over the next few seconds. Current theories regarding option generation during the situation assessment and response phases of decision making offer contrasting views on the cognitive mechanisms that support superior performance. The Recognition-Primed Decision-making model (RPD; Klein, 1989) and Take-The-First heuristic (TTF; Johnson & Raab, 2003) suggest that superior decisions are made by generating few options, and then selecting the first option as the final one. Long-Term Working Memory theory (LTWM; Ericsson & Kintsch, 1995), on the other hand, posits that skilled decision makers construct rich, detailed situation models, and that as a result, skilled performers should have the ability to generate more of the available task-relevant options. The main goal of this dissertation was to use these theories about option generation as a way to further the understanding of how police officers anticipate a perpetrator\u27s actions, and make decisions about how to respond, during dynamic law enforcement situations. An additional goal was to gather information that can be used, in the future, to design training based on the anticipation skills, decision strategies, and processes of experienced officers. Two studies were conducted to achieve these goals. Study 1 identified video-based law enforcement scenarios that could be used to discriminate between experienced and less-experienced police officers, in terms of their ability to anticipate the outcome. The discriminating scenarios were used as the stimuli in Study 2; 23 experienced and 26 less-experienced police officers observed temporally-occluded versions of the scenarios, and then completed assessment and response option-generation tasks. The results provided mixed support for the nature of option generation in these situations. Consistent with RPD and TTF, participants typically selected the first-generated option as their final one, and did so during both the assessment and response phases of decision making. Consistent with LTWM theory, participants--regardless of experience level--generated more task-relevant assessment options than task-irrelevant options. However, an expected interaction between experience level and option-relevance was not observed. Collectively, the two studies provide a deeper understanding of how police officers make decisions in dynamic situations. The methods developed and employed in the studies can be used to investigate anticipation and decision making in other critical domains (e.g., nursing, military). The results are discussed in relation to how they can inform future studies of option-generation performance, and how they could be applied to develop training for law enforcement officers

    Producing effective messages in the multicommunicating environment managing multitasking in organizational meetings

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    At some time during a week a corporate worker is likely to attend an organizational meeting. The availability of multiple wireless technologies makes it possible for meeting attendees to be engaged in multitasking, i.e., performing multiple tasks simultaneously. During meetings the attendees often take the opportunity to continue working on their projects, read and write e-mail messages or surf the Web. This study evaluated the impacts of such multitasking behaviors on individual performances in the multicommunicating environment. The study used the experimental design. Respondents for this study were 154 undergraduate students in a large southeastern university. The participants accomplished two communication tasks simultaneously during the experiment: listening and writing. They were instructed to listen to a lecture presentation and at the same time write responses to an open-ended online survey questions, i.e., the participants of the study were multitasking.The researcher compared several factors (social presence, multitasking abilities, polychronicity, task prioritization, and receiver apprehension) for three different treatments (multi task vs. single task, live presenter vs. virtual presenter, one channel vs. two channels). In addition, a scale to measure multitasking abilities was developed and validated during the experiment. It was found that multitasking or completing two tasks simultaneously significantly decreases performances on both tasks. The performance on the listening task was decreased by 9.5%; the writing task performance was decreased by 11.2%. The researcher found no evidence that the degree of social presence could affect task prioritization and performance in the multicommunicating environment. However, multi-task performance was improved in the two-channel condition. Presenting the information in visual and oral forms significantly enhanced the information recall on the listening task.This finding suggests that the negative impact of multitasking can be reduced under certain conditions. The results of the study also indicate that individuals differ in their abilities to multitask. It was found that the level of receiver apprehension affects not only processing outcomes as message information is being received and perceived, but also processing outcomes as message information is being produced. It seems relatively clear that being less apprehensive about listening is an index of better performance in the multicommunicating environment
