8,708 research outputs found

    The boomerang returns? Accounting for the impact of uncertainties on the dynamics of remanufacturing systems

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    Recent years have witnessed companies abandon traditional open-loop supply chain structures in favour of closed-loop variants, in a bid to mitigate environmental impacts and exploit economic opportunities. Central to the closed-loop paradigm is remanufacturing: the restoration of used products to useful life. While this operational model has huge potential to extend product life-cycles, the collection and recovery processes diminish the effectiveness of existing control mechanisms for open-loop systems. We systematically review the literature in the field of closed-loop supply chain dynamics, which explores the time-varying interactions of material and information flows in the different elements of remanufacturing supply chains. We supplement this with further reviews of what we call the three ‘pillars’ of such systems, i.e. forecasting, collection, and inventory and production control. This provides us with an interdisciplinary lens to investigate how a ‘boomerang’ effect (i.e. sale, consumption, and return processes) impacts on the behaviour of the closed-loop system and to understand how it can be controlled. To facilitate this, we contrast closed-loop supply chain dynamics research to the well-developed research in each pillar; explore how different disciplines have accommodated the supply, process, demand, and control uncertainties; and provide insights for future research on the dynamics of remanufacturing systems

    Knowledge diffusion at a major central European automotive supplier

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    Diffusion of knowledge is a topic approached by modern economy to reach and sustain competitive advantage. As the environment is more uncertain, it is essential organisations learn to deal with new environmental changes as a consequence of Industry 4.0. The purpose of this project is to assess the adequacy of valuable knowledge diffusion in organisations during the implementation of Industry 4.0 principles and technologies. This diffusion is implemented in automotive businesses reaching an improvement of communication and production processes and consequently the productivity. This project establishes a case study, was adopted by an automotive industry Group focusing in promotion of knowledge diffusion and Industry 4.0 implementation among various stakeholders of the same company. The processes were analysed using observation, unstructured interviews and focus groups. The proposed challenge was to study how to apply Industry 4.0 to improve relevant knowledge sharing processes within the company. Regarding the needs and challenges identified, the best approach was to develop a communication channel which aligns the knowledge between all stakeholders. To link the two departments, recognize the value of an invention and achieve an innovation, some improvements were suggested and a new mean of communication was developed. The created product have not already been implemented due to time required, stakeholders busy schedule and R&D work dependability. With the proposed solution, the company will overcome the identified communication challenge and reduce the loss of important knowledge to maintain their progress.A difusão do conhecimento é um dos tópicos mais abordados pela economia moderna para alcançar e sustentar a vantagem competitiva. Como o ambiente empresarial é mais instável é fundamental que as organizações aprendam a lidar com as novas mudanças ambientais introduzidas pela Indústria 4.0. O objetivo deste projeto é avaliar no sponsor a adequação da difusão do seu conhecimento mais valioso na implementação dos princípios e tecnologias da Indústria 4.0. Esta difusão é implementada para melhorar os processos de comunicação e produção de forma a melhorar a sua produtividade no setor automóvel. Este projeto constitui um caso de estudo que foi abordado por um grupo da indústria automóvel para promover a difusão do conhecimento, melhorar processos de partilha de conhecimentos relevantes e a implementação da Indústria 4.0 entre os diversos stakeholders da empresa. Os processos foram analisados e os dados recolhidos por observação, entrevistas nãoestruturadas e focus groups. Em relação aos desafios identificados, a abordagem escolhida foi desenvolver um canal de comunicação para alinhar o conhecimento entre todas as partes interessadas. Para ligar os dois departamentos, reconhecer o valor de uma invenção e para alcançar uma inovação foram sugeridas algumas melhorias e desenvolvido um novo meio de comunicação. A implementação do produto ainda não foi realizada devido à sua duração, à agenda ocupada dos stakeholders e à dependência do trabalho resultante da P&D. Com a solução proposta, a empresa conseguirá ultrapassar o desafio de comunicação identificado e reduzirá as perdas de conhecimentos importantes para manter a sua evolução

    Response management: Strategic and operational considerations

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    The 21st century is well underway and already the future is becoming clear. The opportunities confronting business organisations include; new high added-value product-services, new business models, new approaches to manufacturing and operations, and emerging technologies and applications. The threats are quite clear: increasing competition from emerging economies, shortening product life cycles and therefore life spans for innovation, complex environmental and sustainability issues, a changing international socio-economic environment, an increasing regulatory climate and, changing business and values. For many organisations the issues are clear and understood and steps are being undertaken to minimise the threats and to maximise the opportunities; these are relatively straight forward for companies in the fmcg industries where they are close to the final consumer. However many do not have that “luxury” and need to think through how the dynamics of the demand chain can be captured and understood and, further, whether the supply chain that has served many over recent years needs to be re-examined. This paper addresses these issues. It describes the relationships between the demand chain, the supply chain, and the value chain and Identifies companies that have been successful by embracing the notion that there is a need to be customer-centric – wherever you may be in the value chain

    Stairway to Excellence. Country Report: Lithuania

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    In the frame of the Stairway to Excellence project, complex country analysis was performed for the EU MS that joined the EU since 2004, with the objective to assess and corroborate all the qualitative and quantitative data in drawing national/regional FP7 participation patterns, understand the push–pull factors for FP7/H2020 participation and the factors affecting the capacity to absorb cohesion policy funds. This report articulates analysis on selected aspects and country-tailored policy suggestions aiming to tackle the weaknesses identified in the analysis. The report complements the qualitative/ quantitative analysis performed by the IPTS/KfG/S2E team. In order to avoid duplication and cover all the elements required for a sound analysis, the report builds on analytical framework developed by IPTS.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    Kuluttajatuotteiden toimitusketjun kehittäminen: tapaustutkimus suomalaisessa energiayhtiössä

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    This master’s thesis studies how a non-manufacturing firm should design and manage a supply chain for consumer products in a global environment where the firm has limited experience and competence on managing material flows to consumer customers. Existing literature on supply chain design and management is highly focused on manufacturing companies and thus, this study tries to fill this knowledge gap by addressing non-manufacturing companies with purchasing-intensive operations. The study follows a problem-solving focused research approach, design science, by dividing the research into two main phases. First, a literature review is conducted focusing on the themes of supply chain design and management in order to highlight the major elements is prior research and to form a theoretical foundation for the practical solution. Second, a case study is conducted in a Finnish utility company to develop, test and evaluate the solution’s applicability in the context of the case company. Research indicates that supply chain design process starts by analyzing product types, customer needs and marketplace requirements, and linking the supply chain strategy and type to the firm’s context. It was found that a supply chain combining lean and agile, leagile, was most suitable for the case company. After determining the supply chain type, the actual supply chain structure is formed. A primary decision factor is the degree of logistics postponement which determines the number and location of warehouses and distribution channel choices in the supply chain. Finally, supply chain management must be ensured by defining the basic processes and the required level supply chain integration with external actors. The proposed solution provides concrete guidelines and decision factors related to supply chain design and management to be utilized in a purchasing-intensive supply chain environment solving the case company’s problem. Additional benefits for the case company include increased supply chain understanding, more efficient and simple material flows, and probable operational performance improvements. Research partly confirms existing theory by showing that certain elements in traditional supply chain design and management theory can also be applied in a purchasing-intensive environment lacking manufacturing operations. In addition, research identifies elements and decisions factors that are relevant especially for non-manufacturing companies such as the high focus on inventory management.Diplomityö tutkii miten hankintaan keskittyvän yrityksen tulisi suunnitella ja hallita toimitusketjuaan ympäristössä, jossa sillä ei ole aikaisempaa kokemusta tuotteiden toimittamisesta kuluttaja-asiakkaille. Aikaisempi tutkimus toimitusketjun suunnittelun ja hallinnan alueilla on painottunut valmistaviin yrityksiin, joten tutkimus pyrkii luomaan uutta tietoa tutkimalla yrityksiä, joilla ei ole omaa valmistusta ja näin keskittyen valmiiden tuotteiden hankintaan toimittajilta. Tutkimus noudattaa suunnittelutieteen (design science) lähestymistapaa pyrkien ratkaisemaan yrityksen konkreettisen ongelman ratkaisuehdotuksella. Tutkimusprosessi aloitettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksella keskittyen pääosin toimitusketjun suunnitteluun ja hallintaan liittyvään kirjallisuuteen tavoitteena tunnistaa tutkimusalueen pääteemat sekä luoda teoreettinen pohja ratkaisuehdotukselle. Tutkimuksen toinen vaihe suoritettiin tapaustutkimuksena suomalaisessa yrityksessä, missä ratkaisuehdotusta kehitettiin edelleen ja lopulta sen toimivuutta arvioitiin tapausyrityksen kontekstissa. Tutkimus osoittaa, että toimitusketjun suunnittelu tulee aloittaa tuotetyyppien, asiakastarpeiden sekä toimintaympäristön analysoinnilla. Lisäksi on tärkeää, että toimitusketjustrategia ja -tyyppi linkitetään aina yrityksen kontekstiin. Tehokasta (lean) ja ketterää (agile) yhdistävän toimitusketjutyypin havaittiin olevan paras ratkaisu tapausyritykselle. Toimitusketjutyypin valitsemisen jälkeen määritetään ketjun varsinainen rakenne, joka hankintaan keskittyvillä yrityksillä liittyy vahvasti siihen kuinka paljon logistiikkaa viivästytetään. Viivästyttämisen aste pääosin määrittää varastojen määrä ja paikan sekä jakelukanavat toimitusketjussa. Viimeisenä on määritettävä prosessit toimitusketjun hallintaan sekä missä määrin on tarpeen tehdä yhteistyötä yrityksen ulkopuolisten toimijoiden kanssa. Esitetty ratkaisu tarjoaa tapausyritykselle konkreettisia suuntaviivoja ja ohjeita toimitusketjun suunnitteluun ja hallintaan hankintaan painottuvassa toimintaympäristössä. Ratkaisu tarjoaa lisäksi yritykselle lukuisia käytännön hyötyjä kuten lisääntyneen toimitusketjutuntemuksen, tehokkaammat ja yksikertaisemmat materiaalivirrat sekä todennäköisesti kasvavan toimitusketjun suorituskyvyn. Tutkimus osaltaan vahvistaa olemassa olevaa teoriaa näyttäen, että valmistaviin yrityksiin keskittyvää teoriaa ja malleja voidaan hyödyntää myös hankintaan keskittyvässä toimitusketjussa. Lisäksi tutkimus tuottaa uutta hyödyllistä tietoa mitkä elementit ja kriteerit ovat erityisen tärkeitä nimenomaan hankintaan keskittyville yrityksille ilman omaa tuotevalmistusta

    The Craft of Incentive Prize Design: Lessons from the Public Sector

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    In the last five years, incentive prizes have transformed from an exotic open innovation tool to a proven innovation strategy for the public, private and philanthropic sectors. This report offers practical lessons for public sector leaders and their counterparts in the philanthropic and private sectors to help understand what types of outcomes incentive prizes help to achieve, what design elements prize designers use to create these challenges and how to make smart design choices to achieve a particular outcome. It synthesizes insights from expert interviews and analysis of more than 400 prize

    RICO-MR: An Open-Source Architecture for Robot Intent Communication through Mixed Reality

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    This article presents an open-source architecture for conveying robots' intentions to human teammates using Mixed Reality and Head-Mounted Displays. The architecture has been developed focusing on its modularity and re-usability aspects. Both binaries and source code are available, enabling researchers and companies to adopt the proposed architecture as a standalone solution or to integrate it in more comprehensive implementations. Due to its scalability, the proposed architecture can be easily employed to develop shared Mixed Reality experiences involving multiple robots and human teammates in complex collaborative scenarios.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN

    Emerging business models

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    Magretta (2002) suggests, using the example of American Express in the nineteenth century, that: " a successful business model represents a better way than the existing alternatives. It may offer more value to a discrete group of customers. Or it may completely replace the old way of doing things and become the standard for the next generation of entrepreneurs to beat". Adding substance with: "… all new business models are variations on the generic value chain underlying all businesses. Broadly speaking, this chain has two parts. Part one includes all the activities associated with making something: designing it purchasing raw materials, manufacturing and so on. Part two includes all the activities associated with selling something: finding and reaching customers, transacting a sale, distributing the product or delivering the service. A new business model's plot may turn on designing a new product for an unmet need … Or it may turn on a process innovation, a better way of making or selling or distributing an already.