6 research outputs found

    Comparison of automatic prostate zones segmentation models in MRI images using U-net-like architectures

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    Prostate cancer is the second-most frequently diagnosed cancer and the sixth leading cause of cancer death in males worldwide. The main problem that specialists face during the diagnosis of prostate cancer is the localization of Regions of Interest (ROI) containing a tumor tissue. Currently, the segmentation of this ROI in most cases is carried out manually by expert doctors, but the procedure is plagued with low detection rates (of about 27-44%) or overdiagnosis in some patients. Therefore, several research works have tackled the challenge of automatically segmenting and extracting features of the ROI from magnetic resonance images, as this process can greatly facilitate many diagnostic and therapeutic applications. However, the lack of clear prostate boundaries, the heterogeneity inherent to the prostate tissue, and the variety of prostate shapes makes this process very difficult to automate.In this work, six deep learning models were trained and analyzed with a dataset of MRI images obtained from the Centre Hospitalaire de Dijon and Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. We carried out a comparison of multiple deep learning models (i.e. U-Net, Attention U-Net, Dense-UNet, Attention Dense-UNet, R2U-Net, and Attention R2U-Net) using categorical cross-entropy loss function. The analysis was performed using three metrics commonly used for image segmentation: Dice score, Jaccard index, and mean squared error. The model that give us the best result segmenting all the zones was R2U-Net, which achieved 0.869, 0.782, and 0.00013 for Dice, Jaccard and mean squared error, respectively

    A non-invasive image based system for early diagnosis of prostate cancer.

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    Prostate cancer is the second most fatal cancer experienced by American males. The average American male has a 16.15% chance of developing prostate cancer, which is 8.38% higher than lung cancer, the second most likely cancer. The current in-vitro techniques that are based on analyzing a patients blood and urine have several limitations concerning their accuracy. In addition, the prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood-based test, has a high chance of false positive diagnosis, ranging from 28%-58%. Yet, biopsy remains the gold standard for the assessment of prostate cancer, but only as the last resort because of its invasive nature, high cost, and potential morbidity rates. The major limitation of the relatively small needle biopsy samples is the higher possibility of producing false positive diagnosis. Moreover, the visual inspection system (e.g., Gleason grading system) is not quantitative technique and different observers may classify a sample differently, leading to discrepancies in the diagnosis. As reported in the literature that the early detection of prostate cancer is a crucial step for decreasing prostate cancer related deaths. Thus, there is an urgent need for developing objective, non-invasive image based technology for early detection of prostate cancer. The objective of this dissertation is to develop a computer vision methodology, later translated into a clinically usable software tool, which can improve sensitivity and specificity of early prostate cancer diagnosis based on the well-known hypothesis that malignant tumors are will connected with the blood vessels than the benign tumors. Therefore, using either Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance imaging (DW-MRI) or Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DCE-MRI), we will be able to interrelate the amount of blood in the detected prostate tumors by estimating either the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) in the prostate with the malignancy of the prostate tumor or perfusion parameters. We intend to validate this hypothesis by demonstrating that automatic segmentation of the prostate from either DW-MRI or DCE-MRI after handling its local motion, provides discriminatory features for early prostate cancer diagnosis. The proposed CAD system consists of three majors components, the first two of which constitute new research contributions to a challenging computer vision problem. The three main components are: (1) A novel Shape-based segmentation approach to segment the prostate from either low contrast DW-MRI or DCE-MRI data; (2) A novel iso-contours-based non-rigid registration approach to ensure that we have voxel-on-voxel matches of all data which may be more difficult due to gross patient motion, transmitted respiratory effects, and intrinsic and transmitted pulsatile effects; and (3) Probabilistic models for the estimated diffusion and perfusion features for both malignant and benign tumors. Our results showed a 98% classification accuracy using Leave-One-Subject-Out (LOSO) approach based on the estimated ADC for 30 patients (12 patients diagnosed as malignant; 18 diagnosed as benign). These results show the promise of the proposed image-based diagnostic technique as a supplement to current technologies for diagnosing prostate cancer

    Sperm quality, semen production, and fertility in young Norwegian Red bulls

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    Ved bruk av genomisk seleksjon i storfeavlen blir eliteokser selektert basert på deres estimerte genomiske avlsverdier i stedet for ved avkomsgransking. Oksene er derfor yngre når de blir tatt i bruk i sædproduksjon enn tidligere. Hovedmålet med denne avhandlingen var å identifisere nye indikatorer for når sædproduksjonen er i gang hos unge Norsk Rødt Fe okser, og som kan måles i løpet av testperioden og gi informasjon om oksenes potensielle fremtidige sædproduksjon, aksept for semin-stasjonen samt fruktbarhet i felt. I Artikkel 1 ble flowcytometri og Computer-Aided Sperm Analysis brukt til å analysere ulike spermiekvalitetsparametere i ejakulater fra 65 okser i alderen 9-13 måneder. Sædprøver ble utsatt for stresstester og kryokonservering. Oksene ble klassifisert i tre grupper med ulik respons på spermie-stresstester. Ved å benytte spermie-stresstester, kryokonservering og morfologianalyse tidlig i testperioden, kan en få verdifull innsikt i når oksene er tilstrekkelig utviklet for sædproduksjon. Med denne tilnærmingen vil en kunne ta i bruk yngre okser i sæduttak og -produksjon, og dermed bidra til redusert generasjonsintervall og økt genetisk framgang. I Artikkel 2 ble det fokusert på å undersøke potensialet til insulin-like factor 3 som en biomarkør for å predikere når sædproduksjonen starter hos unge Norsk Rødt Fe okser. Det ble tatt blodprøver og samtidig utført målinger av skrotumomkrets på 142 okser på fire tidspunkt mellom 2 og 12 måneders alder. Studien hadde som mål å belyse sammenhenger mellom nivået av insulin-like factor 3, skrotumomkrets og ulike sædparametere. Det ble funnet en positiv korrelasjon mellom insulin-like factor 3 og skrotumomkretsen, men det ble ikke funnet signifikante sammenhenger mellom skrotumomkretsen og sædparametere. På grunn av betydelige individuelle variasjoner i den undersøkte norske okse-populasjonen, er insulin-like factor 3 foreløpig ikke en egnet biomarkør til å kunne predikere når sædproduksjonen starter hos denne rasen. I Artikkel 3 presenteres en automatisert metode for å måle skrotumomkretsen hos Norsk Rødt Fe okser ved hjelp av 3D-bilder og konvolusjonelle nevrale nettverk. 3D-bilder ble tatt samtidig som manuelle målinger av skrotumomkretsen ble utført på oksene, noe som ble gjentatt ved ulike aldere. Studien sammenlignet de manuelle og automatiserte målingene oppnådd ved semantisk segmentering. Det ble vist at de automatiserte målingene av skrotumomkretsen ga tilsvarende resultater som de manuelle målingene. Gjennomsnittlig prediksjonsfeil varierte med oksenes alder og kvaliteten på 3D-bildene. Denne nye målemetoden har potensiale til å kunne implementeres i breeding soundness evaluation ved testings- og seminstasjoner, og kan gi en rask og effektiv vurdering av skrotumomkretsen.Abstract. With the application of genomic selection in dairy cattle breeding, the choice of elite sires is based on their estimated genomic breeding values instead of progeny testing. Consequently, bulls are introduced into semen production at a younger age than previously. The main aim of this thesis was to identify novel early indicators of sperm production onset and maturity status of young Norwegian Red bulls during their performance test period, to provide insight into their potential future semen production, acceptance for the AI station, and field fertility. In Paper 1, flow cytometry and computer-aided sperm analysis were used to analyse various sperm quality parameters in ejaculates collected from 65 bulls aged 9-13 months. Semen samples were subjected to stress tests and cryopreservation. The bulls were classified into three clusters with different responses to sperm stress tests. By incorporating sperm stress tests, cryopreservation, and early morphology analysis, valuable insights into the maturity of bulls for sperm production could be gained. This approach would allow for the integration of younger bulls into semen collection, facilitating reduced generation interval and increased genetic gain. The focus in Paper 2 is on investigating the potential of insulin-like factor 3 as a biomarker for predicting the onset of sperm production in young Norwegian Red bulls. Blood samples and scrotal circumference measurements were collected from 142 bulls at four time-points between 2 and 12 months of age. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between insulin-like factor 3, scrotal circumference, and semen characteristics. While a positive correlation was found between insulin-like factor 3 and scrotal circumference, no significant correlations were observed between scrotal circumference and semen characteristics. Due to the substantial interindividual variability in the Norwegian Red bull population, insulin-like factor 3 is currently not a reliable biomarker for predicting the onset of sperm production in this breed. In Paper 3 an automated method for measuring scrotal circumference of Norwegian Red bulls using 3D images and convolutional neural networks is presented. 3D images were captured, and manual scrotal circumference measurements made of bulls at different ages. The study compared the manual and automated measurements obtained through semantic segmentation. The results showed that the automated scrotal circumference measurements were similar to manual measurements. Mean prediction error varied depending on bull age and image quality. This novel measurement method has the potential to be implemented in bull breeding soundness evaluations at performance test stations and semen collection centers, providing a fast and efficient approach for assessing scrotal circumference.publishedVersio

    Analysis of contrast-enhanced medical images.

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    Early detection of human organ diseases is of great importance for the accurate diagnosis and institution of appropriate therapies. This can potentially prevent progression to end-stage disease by detecting precursors that evaluate organ functionality. In addition, it also assists the clinicians for therapy evaluation, tracking diseases progression, and surgery operations. Advances in functional and contrast-enhanced (CE) medical images enabled accurate noninvasive evaluation of organ functionality due to their ability to provide superior anatomical and functional information about the tissue-of-interest. The main objective of this dissertation is to develop a computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) system for analyzing complex data from CE magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The developed CAD system has been tested in three case studies: (i) early detection of acute renal transplant rejection, (ii) evaluation of myocardial perfusion in patients with ischemic heart disease after heart attack; and (iii), early detection of prostate cancer. However, developing a noninvasive CAD system for the analysis of CE medical images is subject to multiple challenges, including, but are not limited to, image noise and inhomogeneity, nonlinear signal intensity changes of the images over the time course of data acquisition, appearances and shape changes (deformations) of the organ-of-interest during data acquisition, determination of the best features (indexes) that describe the perfusion of a contrast agent (CA) into the tissue. To address these challenges, this dissertation focuses on building new mathematical models and learning techniques that facilitate accurate analysis of CAs perfusion in living organs and include: (i) accurate mathematical models for the segmentation of the object-of-interest, which integrate object shape and appearance features in terms of pixel/voxel-wise image intensities and their spatial interactions; (ii) motion correction techniques that combine both global and local models, which exploit geometric features, rather than image intensities to avoid problems associated with nonlinear intensity variations of the CE images; (iii) fusion of multiple features using the genetic algorithm. The proposed techniques have been integrated into CAD systems that have been tested in, but not limited to, three clinical studies. First, a noninvasive CAD system is proposed for the early and accurate diagnosis of acute renal transplant rejection using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI). Acute rejection–the immunological response of the human immune system to a foreign kidney–is the most sever cause of renal dysfunction among other diagnostic possibilities, including acute tubular necrosis and immune drug toxicity. In the U.S., approximately 17,736 renal transplants are performed annually, and given the limited number of donors, transplanted kidney salvage is an important medical concern. Thus far, biopsy remains the gold standard for the assessment of renal transplant dysfunction, but only as the last resort because of its invasive nature, high cost, and potential morbidity rates. The diagnostic results of the proposed CAD system, based on the analysis of 50 independent in-vivo cases were 96% with a 95% confidence interval. These results clearly demonstrate the promise of the proposed image-based diagnostic CAD system as a supplement to the current technologies, such as nuclear imaging and ultrasonography, to determine the type of kidney dysfunction. Second, a comprehensive CAD system is developed for the characterization of myocardial perfusion and clinical status in heart failure and novel myoregeneration therapy using cardiac first-pass MRI (FP-MRI). Heart failure is considered the most important cause of morbidity and mortality in cardiovascular disease, which affects approximately 6 million U.S. patients annually. Ischemic heart disease is considered the most common underlying cause of heart failure. Therefore, the detection of the heart failure in its earliest forms is essential to prevent its relentless progression to premature death. While current medical studies focus on detecting pathological tissue and assessing contractile function of the diseased heart, this dissertation address the key issue of the effects of the myoregeneration therapy on the associated blood nutrient supply. Quantitative and qualitative assessment in a cohort of 24 perfusion data sets demonstrated the ability of the proposed framework to reveal regional perfusion improvements with therapy, and transmural perfusion differences across the myocardial wall; thus, it can aid in follow-up on treatment for patients undergoing the myoregeneration therapy. Finally, an image-based CAD system for early detection of prostate cancer using DCE-MRI is introduced. Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy among men and remains the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the USA with more than 238,000 new cases and a mortality rate of about 30,000 in 2013. Therefore, early diagnosis of prostate cancer can improve the effectiveness of treatment and increase the patient’s chance of survival. Currently, needle biopsy is the gold standard for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. However, it is an invasive procedure with high costs and potential morbidity rates. Additionally, it has a higher possibility of producing false positive diagnosis due to relatively small needle biopsy samples. Application of the proposed CAD yield promising results in a cohort of 30 patients that would, in the near future, represent a supplement of the current technologies to determine prostate cancer type. The developed techniques have been compared to the state-of-the-art methods and demonstrated higher accuracy as shown in this dissertation. The proposed models (higher-order spatial interaction models, shape models, motion correction models, and perfusion analysis models) can be used in many of today’s CAD applications for early detection of a variety of diseases and medical conditions, and are expected to notably amplify the accuracy of CAD decisions based on the automated analysis of CE images

    Méthodes de segmentation d'images médicales basées sur la fusion d'information clinique : application à l'ouverture de la valve aortique et à la réalisation des contours de la prostate

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    Le domaine de l’imagerie médicale a pris depuis de nombreuses années un essor sans pareil permettant le développement de nouvelles méthodes de diagnostic et de traitement. Celles-ci se sont évidemment accompagnées de nombreux outils facilitant le travail des médecins. La présente thèse propose deux approches pour l’aide à la segmentation de structures anatomiques sur des images médicales. Une première technique se penche sur la détermination semi-automatique de l’aire de l’ouverture de la valve aortique. La combinaison des contours actifs et d’information a priori provenant de l’électrocardiogramme constitue une contribution majeure de cette méthode. Des essais ont été réalisés sur six patients. Ils ont produit une courbe de l’évolution temporelle de l’aire de la valve comparable à celle obtenue avec une segmentation manuelle. La seconde méthode permet de tracer les contours de la prostate sur des images de CT en exploitant l’information sur la prostate obtenue d’images d’échographie. L’objectif de cette méthode est de proposer des contours initiaux aux radio-oncologues afin de réduire la variabilité dans la détermination du volume de la prostate. La contribution majeure de cette technique est la projection des contours extraits de l’échographie sur les images de CT. Ces contours sont ensuite déformés pour les adapter à la forme réelle de la prostate sur l’image CT. Une étude clinique a été menée afin de vérifier l’impact de l’utilisation de cet outil d’aide au traçage des contours sur la variabilité intra et inter-observateurs. Les résultats de cette étude ont été très concluants puisqu’ils ont permis de montrer qu’il est possible de diminuer la variabilité inter-observateur de 6% sur le volume complet. L’étude n’a par contre pas permis de tirer une conclusion définitive concernant la diminution de la variabilité intra observateur. Le temps nécessaire pour le traçage des contours constituait aussi un aspect qui a été mesuré par cette étude. Les résultats obtenus montrent une diminution de 46% du temps nécessaire pour la réalisation des contours lorsque l’on propose des contours initiaux adaptés à l’image.Since many years the use of medical imaging techniques has increased significantly. Medical imaging has driven the development of treatments and diagnosis to increase the efficiency and the precision of the physicians. This thesis proposes two methods to help the segmentation of anatomical structures in medical images. The first technique creates semi-automatic segmentation for the opening of the aortic valve. This method combines active contours (snakes) and a priori information from the electrocardiogram for guiding the segmentation. This association is the major contribution of this approach. This method has been tested on six patients. The curve of the area of the opening of the valve produced by the algorithm is very similar to the same curve obtained with manual segmentation. The second technique extracts a segmentation of the prostate on CT images using ultrasound data. The aim of this tool is to suggest initial contours to the physician in order to reduce the variability in his delineation of the prostate volume. The major contribution of this technique is to project planning ultrasound contours on the CT images. After the projection, the contours are directly adapted to the CT image with a deformation process. A clinical survey has been led to assess that this tool can help to reduce the intra and inter-observer variability in his delineation of the prostate volume. The result of this study shows that it is possible to reduce the inter-observer variability by 6% on the complete volume. It is also possible to reduce the intra observer variability by 12%. The time for delineation of the prostate was also a factor that was measured in the clinical study. It was found that it is possible to reduce the time to draw contours as much as 46% when initial contours are suggested to the physician