1,364 research outputs found

    Segmentation of the blood vessels and optic disk in retinal images

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    Retinal image analysis is increasingly prominent as a nonintrusive diagnosis method in modern ophthalmology. In this paper, we present a novel method to segment blood vessels and optic disk in the fundus retinal images. The method could be used to support nonintrusive diagnosis in modern ophthalmology since the morphology of the blood vessel and the optic disk is an important indicator for diseases like diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and hypertension. Our method takes as first step the extraction of the retina vascular tree using the graph cut technique. The blood vessel information is then used to estimate the location of the optic disk. The optic disk segmentation is performed using two alternative methods. The Markov random field (MRF) image reconstruction method segments the optic disk by removing vessels from the optic disk region, and the compensation factor method segments the optic disk using the prior local intensity knowledge of the vessels. The proposed method is tested on three public datasets, DIARETDB1, DRIVE, and STARE. The results and comparison with alternative methods show that our method achieved exceptional performance in segmenting the blood vessel and optic disk

    Automated Fovea Detection Based on Unsupervised Retinal Vessel Segmentation Method

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    The Computer Assisted Diagnosis systems could save workloads and give objective diagnostic to ophthalmologists. At first level of automated screening of systems feature extraction is the fundamental step. One of these retinal features is the fovea. The fovea is a small fossa on the fundus, which is represented by a deep-red or red-brown color in color retinal images. By observing retinal images, it appears that the main vessels diverge from the optic nerve head and follow a specific course that can be geometrically modeled as a parabola, with a common vertex inside the optic nerve head and the fovea located along the apex of this parabola curve. Therefore, based on this assumption, the main retinal blood vessels are segmented and fitted to a parabolic model. With respect to the core vascular structure, we can thus detect fovea in the fundus images. For the vessel segmentation, our algorithm addresses the image locally where homogeneity of features is more likely to occur. The algorithm is composed of 4 steps: multi-overlapping windows, local Radon transform, vessel validation, and parabolic fitting. In order to extract blood vessels, sub-vessels should be extracted in local windows. The high contrast between blood vessels and image background in the images cause the vessels to be associated with peaks in the Radon space. The largest vessels, using a high threshold of the Radon transform, determines the main course or overall configuration of the blood vessels which when fitted to a parabola, leads to the future localization of the fovea. In effect, with an accurate fit, the fovea normally lies along the slope joining the vertex and the focus. The darkest region along this line is the indicative of the fovea. To evaluate our method, we used 220 fundus images from a rural database (MUMS-DB) and one public one (DRIVE). The results show that, among 20 images of the first public database (DRIVE) we detected fovea in 85% of them. Also for the MUMS-DB database among 200 images we detect fovea correctly in 83% on them

    Optic nerve head segmentation

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    Reliable and efficient optic disk localization and segmentation are important tasks in automated retinal screening. General-purpose edge detection algorithms often fail to segment the optic disk due to fuzzy boundaries, inconsistent image contrast or missing edge features. This paper presents an algorithm for the localization and segmentation of the optic nerve head boundary in low-resolution images (about 20 /spl mu//pixel). Optic disk localization is achieved using specialized template matching, and segmentation by a deformable contour model. The latter uses a global elliptical model and a local deformable model with variable edge-strength dependent stiffness. The algorithm is evaluated against a randomly selected database of 100 images from a diabetic screening programme. Ten images were classified as unusable; the others were of variable quality. The localization algorithm succeeded on all bar one usable image; the contour estimation algorithm was qualitatively assessed by an ophthalmologist as having Excellent-Fair performance in 83% of cases, and performs well even on blurred image

    Development of retinal blood vessel segmentation methodology using wavelet transforms for assessment of diabetic retinopathy

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    Automated image processing has the potential to assist in the early detection of diabetes, by detecting changes in blood vessel diameter and patterns in the retina. This paper describes the development of segmentation methodology in the processing of retinal blood vessel images obtained using non-mydriatic colour photography. The methods used include wavelet analysis, supervised classifier probabilities and adaptive threshold procedures, as well as morphology-based techniques. We show highly accurate identification of blood vessels for the purpose of studying changes in the vessel network that can be utilized for detecting blood vessel diameter changes associated with the pathophysiology of diabetes. In conjunction with suitable feature extraction and automated classification methods, our segmentation method could form the basis of a quick and accurate test for diabetic retinopathy, which would have huge benefits in terms of improved access to screening people for risk or presence of diabetes

    Accurate and reliable segmentation of the optic disc in digital fundus images

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    We describe a complete pipeline for the detection and accurate automatic segmentation of the optic disc in digital fundus images. This procedure provides separation of vascular information and accurate inpainting of vessel-removed images, symmetry-based optic disc localization, and fitting of incrementally complex contour models at increasing resolutions using information related to inpainted images and vessel masks. Validation experiments, performed on a large dataset of images of healthy and pathological eyes, annotated by experts and partially graded with a quality label, demonstrate the good performances of the proposed approach. The method is able to detect the optic disc and trace its contours better than the other systems presented in the literature and tested on the same data. The average error in the obtained contour masks is reasonably close to the interoperator errors and suitable for practical applications. The optic disc segmentation pipeline is currently integrated in a complete software suite for the semiautomatic quantification of retinal vessel properties from fundus camera images (VAMPIRE)