6 research outputs found

    Automated Detection of Acute Leukemia using K-mean Clustering Algorithm

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    Leukemia is a hematologic cancer which develops in blood tissue and triggers rapid production of immature and abnormal shaped white blood cells. Based on statistics it is found that the leukemia is one of the leading causes of death in men and women alike. Microscopic examination of blood sample or bone marrow smear is the most effective technique for diagnosis of leukemia. Pathologists analyze microscopic samples to make diagnostic assessments on the basis of characteristic cell features. Recently, computerized methods for cancer detection have been explored towards minimizing human intervention and providing accurate clinical information. This paper presents an algorithm for automated image based acute leukemia detection systems. The method implemented uses basic enhancement, morphology, filtering and segmenting technique to extract region of interest using k-means clustering algorithm. The proposed algorithm achieved an accuracy of 92.8% and is tested with Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Naive Bayes Classifier on the data-set of 60 samples.Comment: Presented in ICCCCS 201

    ALL-IDB : the acute lymphoblastic leukemia image database for image processing

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    The visual analysis of peripheral blood samples is an important test in the procedures for the diagnosis of leukemia. Automated systems based on artificial vision methods can speed up this operation and increase the accuracy and homogeneity of the response also in telemedicine applications. Unfortunately, there are not available public image datasets to test and compare such algorithms. In this paper, we propose a new public dataset of blood samples, specifically designed for the evaluation and the comparison of algorithms for segmentation and classification. For each image in the dataset, the classification of the cells is given, as well as a specific set of figures of merits to fairly compare the performances of different algorithms. This initiative aims to offer a new test tool to the image processing and pattern matching communities, direct to stimulating new studies in this important field of research

    Identifikasi Sel Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) pada Citra Peripheral Blood Smear Berdasarkan Morfologi Sel Darah Putih

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    Penelitian ini mengajukan sebuah sistem untuk melakukan identifikasi sel Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) pada citra sediaan apus darah berdasarkan ciri morfologi. Agoritma yang digunakan meliputi beberapa langkah: pra-pengolahan, segmentasi citra, perhitungan fitur dan klasifikasi. Algoritma K-means Clustering berdasarkan segmentasi warna digunakan untuk memisahkan citra apus darah menjadi empat daerah: latar belakang, nukleus WBC, sitoplasma WBC dan RBC. Nukleus yang tumpang tindih kemudian dipisahkan dengan mengaplikasikan metode Watershed Transform. Berdasarkan lima fitur morfologi yaitu area, perimeter, diameter, roundness dan compactness, citra apus darah diklasifikasikan menggunakan metode Support Vector Machine. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan akurasi pengenalan sel ALL dan sel darah putih normal sebesar 95.45%

    Computer-aided acute leukemia blast cells segmentation in peripheral blood images

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    Computer-aided diagnosis system of leukemic cells is vital tool, which can assist domain experts in the diagnosis and evaluation procedure. Accurate blast cells segmentation is the initial stage in building a successful computer-aided diagnosis system. Blast cells segmentation is still an open research topic due to several problems such as variation of blats cells in terms of color, shape and texture, touching and overlapping of cells, inconsistent image quality, etc. Although numerous blast cells segmentation methods have been developed, only few studies attempted to address these problems simultaneously. This paper presents a new image segmentation method to extract acute leukemia blast cells in peripheral blood. The first aim is to segment the leukemic cells by mean of color transformation and mathematical morphology. The method also introduces an approach to split overlapping cells using the marker-controlled watershed algorithm based on a new marker selection scheme. Furthermore, the paper presents a powerful approach to separate the nucleus region and the cytoplasm region based on the seeded region growing algorithm powered by histogram equalization and arithmetic addition to handle the issue of non-homogenous nuclear chromatin pattern. The robustness of the proposed method is tested on two datasets comprise of 1024 peripheral blood images acquired from two different medical centers. The quantitative evaluation reveals that the proposed method obtain a better segmentation performance compared with its counterparts and achieves remarkable segmentation results of approximately 96 % in blast cell extraction and 94 % in nucleus/cytoplasm separation

    Methodology for automatic classification of atypical lymphoid cells from peripheral blood cell images

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    Morphological analysis is the starting point for the diagnostic approach of more than 80% of the hematological diseases. However, the morphological differentiation among different types of abnormal lymphoid cells in peripheral blood is a difficult task, which requires high experience and skill. Objective values do not exist to define cytological variables, which sometimes results in doubts on the correct cell classification in the daily hospital routine. Automated systems exist which are able to get an automatic preclassification of the normal blood cells, but fail in the automatic recognition of the abnormal lymphoid cells. The general objective of this thesis is to develop a complete methodology to automatically recognize images of normal and reactive lymphocytes, and several types of neoplastic lymphoid cells circulating in peripheral blood in some mature B-cell neoplasms using digital image processing methods. This objective follows two directions: (1) with engineering and mathematical background, transversal methodologies and software tools are developed; and (2) with a view towards the clinical laboratory diagnosis, a system prototype is built and validated, whose input is a set of pathological cell images from individual patients, and whose output is the automatic classification in one of the groups of the different pathologies included in the system. This thesis is the evolution of various works, starting with a discrimination between normal lymphocytes and two types of neoplastic lymphoid cells, and ending with the design of a system for the automatic recognition of normal lymphocytes and five types of neoplastic lymphoid cells. All this work involves the development of a robust segmentation methodology using color clustering, which is able to separate three regions of interest: cell, nucleus and peripheral zone around the cell. A complete lymphoid cell description is developed by extracting features related to size, shape, texture and color. To reduce the complexity of the process, a feature selection is performed using information theory. Then, several classifiers are implemented to automatically recognize different types of lymphoid cells. The best classification results are achieved using support vector machines with radial basis function kernel. The methodology developed, which combines medical, engineering and mathematical backgrounds, is the first step to design a practical hematological diagnosis support tool in the near future.Los análisis morfológicos son el punto de partida para la orientación diagnóstica en más del 80% de las enfermedades hematológicas. Sin embargo, la clasificación morfológica entre diferentes tipos de células linfoides anormales en la sangre es una tarea difícil que requiere gran experiencia y habilidad. No existen valores objetivos para definir variables citológicas, lo que en ocasiones genera dudas en la correcta clasificación de las células en la práctica diaria en un laboratorio clínico. Existen sistemas automáticos que realizan una preclasificación automática de las células sanguíneas, pero no son capaces de diferenciar automáticamente las células linfoides anormales. El objetivo general de esta tesis es el desarrollo de una metodología completa para el reconocimiento automático de imágenes de linfocitos normales y reactivos, y de varios tipos de células linfoides neoplásicas circulantes en sangre periférica en algunos tipos de neoplasias linfoides B maduras, usando métodos de procesamiento digital de imágenes. Este objetivo sigue dos direcciones: (1) con una orientación propia de la ingeniería y la matemática de soporte, se desarrollan las metodologías transversales y las herramientas de software para su implementación; y (2) con un enfoque orientado al diagnóstico desde el laboratorio clínico, se construye y se valida un prototipo de un sistema cuya entrada es un conjunto de imágenes de células patológicas de pacientes analizados de forma individual, obtenidas mediante microscopía y cámara digital, y cuya salida es la clasificación automática en uno de los grupos de las distintas patologías incluidas en el sistema. Esta tesis es el resultado de la evolución de varios trabajos, comenzando con una discriminación entre linfocitos normales y dos tipos de células linfoides neoplásicas, y terminando con el diseño de un sistema para el reconocimiento automático de linfocitos normales y reactivos, y cinco tipos de células linfoides neoplásicas. Todo este trabajo involucra el desarrollo de una metodología de segmentación robusta usando agrupamiento por color, la cual es capaz de separar tres regiones de interés: la célula, el núcleo y la zona externa alrededor de la célula. Se desarrolla una descripción completa de la célula linfoide mediante la extracción de descriptores relacionados con el tamaño, la forma, la textura y el color. Para reducir la complejidad del proceso, se realiza una selección de descriptores usando teoría de la información. Posteriormente, se implementan varios clasificadores para reconocer automáticamente diferentes tipos de células linfoides. Los mejores resultados de clasificación se logran utilizando máquinas de soporte vectorial con núcleo de base radial. La metodología desarrollada, que combina conocimientos médicos, matemáticos y de ingeniería, es el primer paso para el diseño de una herramienta práctica de soporte al diagnóstico hematológico en un futuro cercano