129 research outputs found

    Geometric Morphology of Granular Materials

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    We present a new method to transform the spectral pixel information of a micrograph into an affine geometric description, which allows us to analyze the morphology of granular materials. We use spectral and pulse-coupled neural network based segmentation techniques to generate blobs, and a newly developed algorithm to extract dilated contours. A constrained Delaunay tesselation of the contour points results in a triangular mesh. This mesh is the basic ingredient of the Chodal Axis Transform, which provides a morphological decomposition of shapes. Such decomposition allows for grain separation and the efficient computation of the statistical features of granular materials.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures. For more information visit http://www.nis.lanl.gov/~bschlei/labvis/index.htm

    Design and implementation of IPIS : an X-Window based image processing interactive system

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    Most of image processing systems are based on command line functions or can only display one image at a time. This is a serious inconvenience for those who need an interactive system session or want to compare two images processed by different techniques at the same time. The system was designed with these problems in mind. It is able to display the processed image right after an operation and to display several images simultaneously, making it simple to compare techniques. The system was also created with the purpose to be used in an academic environment. Its structured design makes it easy to understand and to aggregate new functions and features. Used properly it may be a valuable learning tool for the areas of image processing and X/Motif programming. Future work will expand the system in order to process color and multispectral images. An object oriented approach is being considered to achieve such goal

    An investigation of a pattern recognition system to analyse and classify dried fruit

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    Includes bibliographical references.Both the declining cost and increasing capabilities of specialised computer hardware for image processing have enabled computer vision systems to become a viable alternative to human visual inspection in industrial applications. In this thesis a vision system that will analyse and classify dried fruit is investigated. In human visual inspection of dried fruit, the colour of the fruit is often the main determinant of its grade; in specific cases the presence of blemishes and geometrical fault are also incorporated in order to determine the fruit grade. A colour model that would successfully represent the colour variations within dried fruit grades, was investigated. The selected colour feature space formed the basis of a classification system which automatically allocated a sample unit of dried fruit to one specific grade. Various classification methods were investigated, and that which suited the system data and parameters was selected and evaluated using test sets of three types of dried fruit. In order to successfully grade dried fruit, a number of additional problems had to be catered for: the red/brown coloured central core area of dried peaches had to be removed from the colour analysis, and Black blemishes upon dried pears had to be isolated and sized in order to supplement the colour classifier in the final classification of the pear. The core area of a dried peach was isolated using the Morphological Top-Hat transform, and Black blemishes upon pears were isolated using colour histogram thresholding techniques. The test results indicated that although colour classification was the major determinant in the grading of dried fruit, other characteristics of the fruit had to be incorporated to achieve successful final classification results; these characteristics may be different for different types of dried fruit, but in the case of dried apricots, dried peaches and dried pears, they include the: peach core area removal, fruit geometry validation, and dried pear blemish isolation and sizing


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    The investigation of the characterisation of flotation froths and design of a machine vision system for monitoring the operation of a flotation cell ore concentration

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    Electrical and Electronic EngineeringThis dissertation investigates the application of digital image processing techniques in the development of a machine vision system that is capable of characterising the froth structures prevalent on the surface of industrial flotation cells. At present, there is no instrument available that has the ability to measure the size and shape of the bubbles that constitute the surface froth. For this reason, research into a vision based system for surface froth characterisation has been undertaken. Being able to measure bubble size and shape would have far reaching consequences, not only in enhancing the understanding of the flotation process but also in the control and optimization of flotation cells

    Iterated Classification of Document Images

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    Automated discrete electron tomography – Towards routine high-fidelity reconstruction of nanomaterials

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    Electron tomography is an essential imaging technique for the investigation of morphology and 3D structure of nanomaterials. This method, however, suffers from well-known missing wedge artifacts due to a restricted tilt range, which limits the objectiveness, repeatability and efficiency of quantitative structural analysis. Discrete tomography represents one of the promising reconstruction techniques for materials science, potentially capable of delivering higher fidelity reconstructions by exploiting the prior knowledge of the limited number of material compositions in a specimen. However, the application of discrete tomography to practical datasets remains a difficult task due to the underlying challenging mathematical problem. In practice, it is often hard to obtain consistent reconstructions from experimental datasets. In addition, numerous parameters need to be tuned manually, which can lead to bias and non-repeatability. In this paper, we present the application of a new iterative reconstruction technique, named TVR-DART, for discrete electron tomography. The technique is capable of consistently delivering reconstructions with significantly reduced missing wedge artifacts for a variety of challenging data and imaging conditions, and can automatically estimate its key parameters. We describe the principles of the technique and apply it to datasets from three different types of samples acquired under diverse imaging modes. By further reducing the available tilt range and number of projections, we show that the proposed technique can still produce consistent reconstructions with minimized missing wedge artifacts. This new development promises to provide the electron microscopy community with an easy-to-use and robust tool for high-fidelity 3D characterization of nanomaterials

    Cell Nuclei Segmentation In Noisy Images Using Morphological Watersheds

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    A major problem in image processing and analysis is the segmentation of its components. Many computer vision tasks process image regions after segmentation, and the minimization of errors is then crucial for a good automatic inspection system. This paper presents an applied work on automatic segmentation of cell nuclei in digital noisy images. One of the major problems when using morphological watersheds is oversegmentation. By using an efficient homotopy image modification module, we prevent oversegmentation. This module utilizes diverse operations, such as sequential filters, distance transforms, opening by reconstruction, top hat, etc., some in parallel, some in cascade form, leading to a new set of internal and external cell nuclei markers. Very good results have been obtained and the proposed technique should facilitate better analysis of visual perception of cell nuclei for human and computer vision. All steps are presented, as well as the associated images. 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