526 research outputs found

    Amygdala–hippocampal shape differences in schizophrenia: the application of 3D shape models to volumetric MR data

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    Evidence suggests that some structural brain abnormalities in schizophrenia are neurodevelopmental in origin. There is also growing evidence to suggest that shape deformations in brain structure may reflect abnormalities in neurodevelopment. While many magnetic resonance (MR) imaging studies have investigated brain area and volume measures in schizophrenia, fewer have focused on shape deformations. In this MR study we used a 3D shape representation technique, based on spherical harmonic functions, to analyze left and right amygdala-hippocampus shapes in each of 15 patients with schizophrenia and 15 healthy controls matched for age, gender, handedness and parental socioeconomic status. Left/right asymmetry was also measured for both shape and volume differences. Additionally, shape and volume measurements were combined in a composite analysis. There were no differences between groups in overall volume or shape. Left/right amygdala–hippocampal asymmetry, however, was significantly larger in patients than controls for both relative volume and shape. The local brain regions responsible for the left/right asymmetry differences in patients with schizophrenia were in the tail of the hippocampus (including both the inferior aspect adjacent to parahippocampal gyrus and the superior aspect adjacent to the lateral geniculate nucleus and more anteriorly to the cerebral peduncles) and in portions of the amygdala body (including the anterior–superior aspect adjacent to the basal nucleus). Also, in patients, increased volumetric asymmetry tended to be correlated with increased left/right shape asymmetry. Furthermore, a combined analysis of volume and shape asymmetry resulted in improved differentiation between groups. Classification function analyses correctly classified 70% of cases using volume, 73.3% using shape, and 87% using combined volume and shape measures. These findings suggest that shape provides important new information toward characterizing the pathophysiology of schizophrenia, and that combining volume and shape measures provides improved group discrimination in studies investigating brain abnormalities in schizophrenia. An evaluation of shape deformations also suggests local abnormalities in the amygdala–hippocampal complex in schizophrenia

    Towards multiple 3D bone surface identification and reconstruction using few 2D X-ray images for intraoperative applications

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    This article discusses a possible method to use a small number, e.g. 5, of conventional 2D X-ray images to reconstruct multiple 3D bone surfaces intraoperatively. Each bone’s edge contours in X-ray images are automatically identified. Sparse 3D landmark points of each bone are automatically reconstructed by pairing the 2D X-ray images. The reconstructed landmark point distribution on a surface is approximately optimal covering main characteristics of the surface. A statistical shape model, dense point distribution model (DPDM), is then used to fit the reconstructed optimal landmarks vertices to reconstruct a full surface of each bone separately. The reconstructed surfaces can then be visualised and manipulated by surgeons or used by surgical robotic systems

    Modelos Deformáveis em Imagem Médica

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    Modelos deformáveis são actualmente bastante utilizados em imagem médica pois, através da utilização de princípios físicos, simulam de forma bastante satisfatória o comportamento dos objectos reais.Basicamente os modelos deformáveis são inicializados junto dos objectos a considerar, por processos automáticos ou semi-automáticos, e a aproximação para a posição final desejada é conseguida através de um processo de minimização de energia. Esta minimização de energia é verificada quando o modelo atinge o equilíbrio, entre as suas forças internas e as forças externas originadas pelos dados e por eventuais forças impostas pelo utilizador.Neste relatório são apresentados os fundamentos dos modelos deformáveis e indicados alguns exemplos de aplicação em imagem médica, nomeadamente na segmentação, no emparelhamento, no alinhamento e na reconstrução de dados 2D e 3D.Palavras-chave: Contornos activos, imagem médica, modelos deformáveis.Deformable models are currently very used in medical image since, through the use of physical principles, they simulate quite satisfactory the real objects behavior.Basically the deformable models are placed in the image near to the objects to be considered, by automatic or semi-automatic processes, and the approach to the desired final position is obtained through an energy minimization process. This energy minimization is verified when the model reaches the equilibrium, between its internal forces and the external forces originated by the data and eventual forces imposed by the user.In this report are presented the deformable models fundaments and indicated some application examples in medical imaging field, namely in segmentation, matching, alignment and in the reconstruction of 2D and 3D data.Keywords: Active contours, deformable models, medical image

    Multi-scale active shape description in medical imaging

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    Shape description in medical imaging has become an increasingly important research field in recent years. Fast and high-resolution image acquisition methods like Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging produce very detailed cross-sectional images of the human body - shape description is then a post-processing operation which abstracts quantitative descriptions of anatomically relevant object shapes. This task is usually performed by clinicians and other experts by first segmenting the shapes of interest, and then making volumetric and other quantitative measurements. High demand on expert time and inter- and intra-observer variability impose a clinical need of automating this process. Furthermore, recent studies in clinical neurology on the correspondence between disease status and degree of shape deformations necessitate the use of more sophisticated, higher-level shape description techniques. In this work a new hierarchical tool for shape description has been developed, combining two recently developed and powerful techniques in image processing: differential invariants in scale-space, and active contour models. This tool enables quantitative and qualitative shape studies at multiple levels of image detail, exploring the extra image scale degree of freedom. Using scale-space continuity, the global object shape can be detected at a coarse level of image detail, and finer shape characteristics can be found at higher levels of detail or scales. New methods for active shape evolution and focusing have been developed for the extraction of shapes at a large set of scales using an active contour model whose energy function is regularized with respect to scale and geometric differential image invariants. The resulting set of shapes is formulated as a multiscale shape stack which is analysed and described for each scale level with a large set of shape descriptors to obtain and analyse shape changes across scales. This shape stack leads naturally to several questions in regard to variable sampling and appropriate levels of detail to investigate an image. The relationship between active contour sampling precision and scale-space is addressed. After a thorough review of modem shape description, multi-scale image processing and active contour model techniques, the novel framework for multi-scale active shape description is presented and tested on synthetic images and medical images. An interesting result is the recovery of the fractal dimension of a known fractal boundary using this framework. Medical applications addressed are grey-matter deformations occurring for patients with epilepsy, spinal cord atrophy for patients with Multiple Sclerosis, and cortical impairment for neonates. Extensions to non-linear scale-spaces, comparisons to binary curve and curvature evolution schemes as well as other hierarchical shape descriptors are discussed

    Towards Robust and Accurate Image Registration by Incorporating Anatomical and Appearance Priors

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    Model driven segmentation and the detection of bone fractures

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    Bibliography: leaves 83-90.The introduction of lower dosage image acquisition devices and the increase in computational power means that there is an increased focus on producing diagnostic aids for the medical trauma environment. The focus of this research is to explore whether geometric criteria can be used to detect bone fractures from Computed Tomography data. Conventional image processing of CT data is aimed at the production of simple iso-surfaces for surgical planning or diagnosis - such methods are not suitable for the automated detection of fractures. Our hypothesis is that through a model-based technique a triangulated surface representing the bone can be speedily and accurately produced. And, that there is sufficient structural information present that by examining the geometric structure of this representation we can accurately detect bone fractures. In this dissertation we describe the algorithms and framework that we built to facilitate the detection of bone fractures and evaluate the validity of our approach

    Sub-pixel Registration In Computational Imaging And Applications To Enhancement Of Maxillofacial Ct Data

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    In computational imaging, data acquired by sampling the same scene or object at different times or from different orientations result in images in different coordinate systems. Registration is a crucial step in order to be able to compare, integrate and fuse the data obtained from different measurements. Tomography is the method of imaging a single plane or slice of an object. A Computed Tomography (CT) scan, also known as a CAT scan (Computed Axial Tomography scan), is a Helical Tomography, which traditionally produces a 2D image of the structures in a thin section of the body. It uses X-ray, which is ionizing radiation. Although the actual dose is typically low, repeated scans should be limited. In dentistry, implant dentistry in specific, there is a need for 3D visualization of internal anatomy. The internal visualization is mainly based on CT scanning technologies. The most important technological advancement which dramatically enhanced the clinician\u27s ability to diagnose, treat, and plan dental implants has been the CT scan. Advanced 3D modeling and visualization techniques permit highly refined and accurate assessment of the CT scan data. However, in addition to imperfections of the instrument and the imaging process, it is not uncommon to encounter other unwanted artifacts in the form of bright regions, flares and erroneous pixels due to dental bridges, metal braces, etc. Currently, removing and cleaning up the data from acquisition backscattering imperfections and unwanted artifacts is performed manually, which is as good as the experience level of the technician. On the other hand the process is error prone, since the editing process needs to be performed image by image. We address some of these issues by proposing novel registration methods and using stonecast models of patient\u27s dental imprint as reference ground truth data. Stone-cast models were originally used by dentists to make complete or partial dentures. The CT scan of such stone-cast models can be used to automatically guide the cleaning of patients\u27 CT scans from defects or unwanted artifacts, and also as an automatic segmentation system for the outliers of the CT scan data without use of stone-cast models. Segmented data is subsequently used to clean the data from artifacts using a new proposed 3D inpainting approach