1,268 research outputs found

    A quick search method for audio signals based on a piecewise linear representation of feature trajectories

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    This paper presents a new method for a quick similarity-based search through long unlabeled audio streams to detect and locate audio clips provided by users. The method involves feature-dimension reduction based on a piecewise linear representation of a sequential feature trajectory extracted from a long audio stream. Two techniques enable us to obtain a piecewise linear representation: the dynamic segmentation of feature trajectories and the segment-based Karhunen-L\'{o}eve (KL) transform. The proposed search method guarantees the same search results as the search method without the proposed feature-dimension reduction method in principle. Experiment results indicate significant improvements in search speed. For example the proposed method reduced the total search time to approximately 1/12 that of previous methods and detected queries in approximately 0.3 seconds from a 200-hour audio database.Comment: 20 pages, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processin

    Time Series Similarity Search in Distributed Key-Value Data Stores Using R-Trees

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    Time series data are sequences of data points collected at certain time intervals. The advance in mobile and sensor technologies has led to rapid growth in the available amount of time series data. The ability to search large time series data sets can be extremely useful in many applications. In healthcare, a system monitoring vital signals can perform a search against the past data and identify possible health threatening conditions. In engineering, a system can analyze performances of complicated equipment and identify possible failure situations or needs of maintenance based on historical data. Existing search methods for time series data are limited in many ways. Systems utilizing memory-bound or disk-bound indexes are restricted by the resources of a single machine or hard drive. Systems that do not use indexes must search through the entire database whenever a search is requested. The proposed system uses multidimensional index in the distributed storage environment to break the bound of one physical machine and allow for high data scalability. Utilizing an index allows the system to locate the patterns similar to the query without having to examine the entire dataset, which can significantly reduce the amount of computing resources required. The system uses an Apache HBase distributed key-value database to store the index and time series data across a cluster of machines. Evaluations were conducted to examine the system’s performance using synthesized data up to 30 million data points. The evaluation results showed that, despite some drawbacks inherited from an R-tree data structure, the system can efficiently search and retrieve patterns in large time series datasets

    A neural network for mining large volumes of time series data

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    Efficiently mining large volumes of time series data is amongst the most challenging problems that are fundamental in many fields such as industrial process monitoring, medical data analysis and business forecasting. This paper discusses a high-performance neural network for mining large time series data set and some practical issues on time series data mining. Examples of how this technology is used to search the engine data within a major UK eScience Grid project (DAME) for supporting the maintenance of Rolls-Royce aero-engine are presented

    Detailed protein sequence alignment based on Spectral Similarity Score (SSS)

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    BACKGROUND: The chemical property and biological function of a protein is a direct consequence of its primary structure. Several algorithms have been developed which determine alignment and similarity of primary protein sequences. However, character based similarity cannot provide insight into the structural aspects of a protein. We present a method based on spectral similarity to compare subsequences of amino acids that behave similarly but are not aligned well by considering amino acids as mere characters. This approach finds a similarity score between sequences based on any given attribute, like hydrophobicity of amino acids, on the basis of spectral information after partial conversion to the frequency domain. RESULTS: Distance matrices of various branches of the human kinome, that is the full complement of human kinases, were developed that matched the phylogenetic tree of the human kinome establishing the efficacy of the global alignment of the algorithm. PKCd and PKCe kinases share close biological properties and structural similarities but do not give high scores with character based alignments. Detailed comparison established close similarities between subsequences that do not have any significant character identity. We compared their known 3D structures to establish that the algorithm is able to pick subsequences that are not considered similar by character based matching algorithms but share structural similarities. Similarly many subsequences with low character identity were picked between xyna-theau and xyna-clotm F/10 xylanases. Comparison of 3D structures of the subsequences confirmed the claim of similarity in structure. CONCLUSION: An algorithm is developed which is inspired by successful application of spectral similarity applied to music sequences. The method captures subsequences that do not align by traditional character based alignment tools but give rise to similar secondary and tertiary structures. The Spectral Similarity Score (SSS) is an extension to the conventional similarity methods and results indicate that it holds a strong potential for analysis of various biological sequences and structural variations in proteins

    Efficient Motion Retrieval in Large Motion Databases

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    There has been a recent paradigm shift in the computer animation industry with an increasing use of pre-recorded motion for animating virtual characters. A fundamental requirement to using motion capture data is an efficient method for indexing and retrieving motions. In this paper, we propose a flexible, efficient method for searching arbitrarily complex motions in large motion databases. Motions are encoded using keys which represent a wide array of structural, geometric and, dynamic features of human motion. Keys provide a representative search space for indexing motions and users can specify sequences of key values as well as multiple combination of key sequences to search for complex motions. We use a trie-based data structure to provide an efficient mapping from key sequences to motions. The search times (even on a single CPU) are very fast, opening the possibility of using large motion data sets in real-time applications