37 research outputs found

    NETQOS policy management architecture for flexible QOS provisioning in Future Internet

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    This paper is focussed on the NETQOS architecture for automated QoS policy provisioning, which can be used in Future Internet scenarios by the different actors (i.e. network operators, service providers, and users) for flexible QoS configuration over combinations of mobile, fixed, sensor and broadcast networks. The NETQOS policy management architecture opens the possibility to specify QoS policies on a "business" level using ontology descriptions and policy management interfaces, which are specific to the actors. The business level policy specifications are translated by the NETQOS system into intermediate and operational QoS policies for automated QoS configuration at the managed heterogeneous network and transport entities. NETQOS allows QoS policy specification and dependency analysis considering Service Level Agreements (SLAs) between the actors, as well as automated policy provisioning and adaptation. The interaction of the NETQOS components is based on a common po licy repository. The particular focus of the paper is aimed to discuss ontology and actor oriented QoS policy specification and configuration for heterogeneous networks, as well as NETQOS QoS policy management interfaces at business level and automated translation of business QoS policies to intermediate and operational policy level

    Virtualna bolnica

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    Smart hospital is a relatively familiar concept, and it has become a reality. In this paper, we go a step further and problematize the virtual hospital. The aim of the paper is to show that the virtual hospital is achievable and has its own purpose. The hypothesis is that the virtual hospital helps to improve healthcare. The methods used in the investigation are the study of literature, analysis of the same, as well as analysis of concepts like avatar, Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Digital Twins. The expected results of this research will show that creating a virtual hospital is possible and that it helps in providing better healthcare.Pametna bolnica je relativno poznat koncept koji danas već postaje stvarnost. U ovom radu idemo korak dalje i problematiziramo virtualnu bolnicu. Cilj rada je pokazati da je virtualna bolnica ostvariva i da ima svoju svrhu. Hipoteza je da virtualna bolnica može pomoći u poboljšanju zdravstvene skrbi. Metode primijenjene u razmatranjima navedene hipoteze su proučavanje literature, analiza iste, te analiza koncepata poput avatara, Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data i Digital Twins. Očekivani rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je stvaranje virtualne bolnice moguće i da pomaže u pružanju bolje zdravstvene zaštite

    Fundamentalism and the Challenges of Religious Moderation in the New Normal Era

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    This study examines the phenomenon of religious fundamentalism and its challenges of religious moderation in the midst the implementation of the new normal rules due to the Covid-19 pandemic. There are three focus research problems discussed in this study, namely; fundamentalism, moderation, and the new normal era. By using qualitative research and analysis based on the sociological theory of religion, this study finds a number of findings; first, one of the crucial issues in the midst of the implementation of the new normal Covid-19 policy is to promote the practice of fundamentalism in the name of religion. In many places, the problem of religious fundamentalism in the new normal era occurs in the form of crowd activities and religious crowds which do not follow the health protocol rules; second, the great danger of fundamentalism in the implementation of the new normal, it is not only because of their socio-religious activities which often violate health protocols, but also because their religious paradigm is identical to violence and anarchism, so that it often triggers socio-religious upheaval in society; third, the emergence of the phenomenon of religious fundamentalism in the new normal era today creates its own challenges for the future of moderation of religion throughout the world. The challenge lies in their religious paradigm, which often features fanatical, textual and exclusive attitudes, behaviors and ways of thinking. This attitude clearly contradicts moderation, which has always focused on universality values such as justice (al-adâlah), middle (al-tawassut), balance (al-tawâzun), and tolerance (al-tasâmuh). Studi ini mengkaji fenomena fundamentalisme agama dan problemnya terhadap moderasi beragama di tengah diterapkannya aturan new normal akibat pandemi Covid-19. Terdapat tiga fokus permasalahan penelitian yang dibahas dalam kajian ini, yaitu; fundamentalisme, moderatisme, dan era new normal. Dengan mempergunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dan analisa berdasarkan teori sosiologi agama, studi ini mendapati sejumlah temuan; pertama, salah satu persoalan krusial di tengah pemberlakuan kebijakan new normal Covid-19 adalah mengemukanya praktik fundamentalisme atas nama agama. Di banyak tempat, problem fundamentalisme agama di era new normal terjadi dalam bentuk aktivitas keramaian dan kerumunan keagamaan yang dalam pelaksananya tidak mengikuti aturan protokol kesehatan; kedua, bahaya besar praktik fundamentalisme di tengah penerapan new normal, itu bukan saja karena aktivitas sosial keagamaan mereka yang seringkali melangar protokol kesehatan, namun juga karena paradigma keagamaan mereka yang identik dengan kekerasan dan anarkisme, sehingga tak jarang memicu gejolak sosial keagamaan di tengah masyarakat; ketiga, munculnya fenomena fundamentalisme agama di era new normal saat ini melahirkan tantangan tersendiri bagi masa depan moderasi agama di seluruh dunia. Tantangan tersebut ada pada paradigma keagamaan mereka yang seringkali menonjolkan sikap, perilaku, dan cara berpikir yang fanatik, tekstual, dan eksklusif. Sikap ini jelas jauh bersebrangan dengan moderatisme yang selama ini senantiasa menitikberatkan pada nilai keadilan universalitas seperti (al- adâlah), tengah-tengah (al-tawassut),  keseimbangan (al-tawâzun), dan toleran (al-tasâmuh)

    Benefits of adopting micro-credentials for skills development

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    Micro-credential providers are increasing both in diversity and volume. However, employers are still concerned about their role in skill development. This study aimed to understand how micro-credentials can assist employees in skills development. A systematic literature review was conducted for studies published between (2016 to 2023). Thirty-two sources were included in the final review. After that, five recommendations for employers when adopting micro-credentials were constructed first by (1) defining the value of formal and informal education. (2) exploring micro-credentials as a tool for skills development. (3) encouraging organisations to collaborate with other institutions. (4) encouraging continuous personalised learning, known as lifelong learning. Finally, (5) acknowledging the skills acquired by employees through micro-credentials. Therefore, lifelong learning can assist the workforce in preparing for rapid technological developments

    PKIX Certificate Status in Hybrid MANETs

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    Certificate status validation is a hard problem in general but it is particularly complex in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) because we require solutions to manage both the lack of fixed infrastructure inside the MANET and the possible absence of onnectivity to trusted authorities when the certification validation has to be performed. In this sense, certificate acquisition is usually assumed as an initialization phase. However, certificate validation is a critical operation since the node needs to check the validity of certificates in real-time, that is, when a particular certificate is going to be used. In such MANET environments, it may happen that the node is placed in a part of the network that is disconnected from the source of status data at the moment the status checking is required. Proposals in the literature suggest the use of caching mechanisms so that the node itself or a neighbour node has some status checking material (typically on-line status responses or lists of revoked certificates). Howeve to the best of our knowledge the only criterion to evaluate the cached (obsolete) material is the time. In this paper, we analyse how to deploy a certificate status checking PKI service for hybrid MANET and we propose a new criterion based on risk to evaluate cached status data that is much more appropriate and absolute than time because it takes into account the revocation process.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    A Digital Identity Management Model for the Jordanian Online Press and Publication Law to Sustain the National E-Commerce Strategy in Jordan

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    The purpose of this study is to propose a compromise to the Jordanian press and publication law that witnessed a controversy between the government and some of the civil society groups due to the latest amendments that were added to this law, the new model is suggested and the recommendations will follow


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    In the contemporary highly competitive e-business market, organization’s success depends on satisfaction and loyalty of its customers. Whereas the differentiation of the determinants and their impact on customer satisfaction in different countries exists, the research aims at developing a model of website quality-based e-commerce customer satisfaction index. While achieving the aim of the article, the analysis and synthesis of scientific literature is provided. Furthermore, quantitative research and the analysis of the research results by means of principle component analysis, structural equation modelling using partial least squares path modelling methodology, and Importance-Performance matrix are applied. As a research result, the model of website quality-based e-commerce customer satisfaction index is elaborated. Latter model indicates the factors, which are worth investments in order to gain customer satisfaction and loyalty. As a result, not profitable investments might be avoided, which could contribute to the growing competitiveness of e-business.JEL Codes - M310, M39