Virtualna bolnica


Smart hospital is a relatively familiar concept, and it has become a reality. In this paper, we go a step further and problematize the virtual hospital. The aim of the paper is to show that the virtual hospital is achievable and has its own purpose. The hypothesis is that the virtual hospital helps to improve healthcare. The methods used in the investigation are the study of literature, analysis of the same, as well as analysis of concepts like avatar, Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Digital Twins. The expected results of this research will show that creating a virtual hospital is possible and that it helps in providing better healthcare.Pametna bolnica je relativno poznat koncept koji danas već postaje stvarnost. U ovom radu idemo korak dalje i problematiziramo virtualnu bolnicu. Cilj rada je pokazati da je virtualna bolnica ostvariva i da ima svoju svrhu. Hipoteza je da virtualna bolnica može pomoći u poboljšanju zdravstvene skrbi. Metode primijenjene u razmatranjima navedene hipoteze su proučavanje literature, analiza iste, te analiza koncepata poput avatara, Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data i Digital Twins. Očekivani rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je stvaranje virtualne bolnice moguće i da pomaže u pružanju bolje zdravstvene zaštite

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