6 research outputs found

    Security strategy models (SSM)

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    The aim of this research paper is to analyse the individual and collective information security risks which could arise from using a security strategy model (SSM); the objective of creating the SSM was so as to protect a wireless local area network (WLAN). As such the focus of this paper shall be on the individual operational components used to create the SSM and the information security risks which stem from their being part of the SSM. In order to review the components of the SSM the paper shall use the BS ISO/IEC 17799:2005 which is the British Standard, International Standard and also the European Standard for using Information Communication Technology (ICT) correctly in order to effectively mitigate against the exposure of an organizations data to unauthorized access. The general idea of using the BS ISO/IEC 17799:2005 is so that the SSM is created based on best practice within the ICT industry of protecting confidential data or at least that the possible risks that stem from using the SSM are mitigated against; this is also known as risk based auditing. Against this backdrop the paper shall review each component of the SSM and use the risks to create a ‘Threat’ model which would then be used to create a ‘Trust model in order to strengthen the confidentiality of any data that passes through the SSM

    Balancing Between ‘De Facto’ and ‘De Jure’ in Standard-setting Strategy by a Latecomer Country: The Case of ICT Industry in China

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    The main objective of this study is to gain insights into the complexities of the standard-setting process involving a latecomer country. Standards are identified into two categories: market (de facto) standards arising from market interactions and formal standards (de jure) arising from mandatory specifications by public authorities. The study focused on two research questions: (i) What are the different factors that influence the outcome (success or failure) of a proposed standard by a latecomer country? (ii) How does a latecomer country navigate between de facto standard and de jure standard? It analysed two cases (WAPI - a failure and TD-SCDMA - a success) to examine the extent of government support for a standard setting that needs to balance between the de facto standard and de jure standard. The study found that standard competition is a complicated interplay between technology, markets, politics and institutions. The experience of two cases suggest that a proposed standard should judiciously combine partly a ‘de jure standard’ which aims to protect national interests and achieve a national goal, and partly the ‘de facto standard’ to meet the technology trend, market demand, as well as the end users’ welfare. Keywords: Standardization, Latecomer country, Latecomer catch-up, De Facto standards, De June standards, ICT Industr

    Remote Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Through the Internet and IEEE 802.11

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    This dissertation focuses on real-time control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) through TCP/IP/IEEE 802.11. Using the MAVLink protocol - an open-source protocol for micro air vehicles - a solution that allows the exchange, in real-time, of control messages between a UAV and a remote Control Station was implemented. In order to allow the UAV control by a remote user, the vehicle streams a real-time video feed captured by a video-camera on board. The main challenge of this dissertation is related about the designing and implementation of a fast handover solution that allows an uninterruptible communication

    An investigation into the deployment of IEEE 802.11 networks

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    Currently, the IEEE 802.11 standard is the leading technology in the Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) market. It provides flexibility and mobility to users, which in turn, increase productivity. Opposed to traditional fixed Local Area Network (LAN) technologies, WLANs are easier to deploy and have lower installation costs. Unfortunately, there are problems inherent within the technology and standard that inhibits its performance. Technological problems can be attributed to the physical medium of a WLAN, the electromagnetic (EM) wave. Standards based problems include security issues and the MAC layer design. However the impact of these problems can be mitigated with proper planning and design of the WLAN. To do this, an understanding of WLAN issues and the use of WLAN software tools are necessary. This thesis discusses WLAN issues such as security and electromagnetic wave propagation and introduces software that can aid the planning, deployment and maintenance of a WLAN. Furthermore the planning, implementation and auditing phases of a WLAN lifecylce are discussed. The aim being to provide an understanding of the complexities involved to deploy and maintain a secure and reliable WLAN

    Diseño y validación de un método de roaming rápido en capa 2 para una red Wi-Fi con autenticación 802.1X

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    E l trabajo desarrollado en la presente tesis consiste en el diseño y validación de un método que garantice un roaming rápido, menor a 150 ms, para una red Wi-Fi con el nivel más alto de seguridad recomendado en el estándar 802.11 (WPA2-Enterprise) el cual utiliza un esquema de autenticación por usuario (802.1X). En el primer capítulo, se recorre brevemente la historia de las redes Wi-Fi y se describe cómo el roaming termina siendo determinante para brindar calidad de servicio a diversas aplicaciones de tiempo real. Asimismo, se presentan los objetivos y el alcance del presente trabajo. En el segundo capítulo, se explica brevemente conceptos básicos de redes Wi-Fi. Además, se presenta la enmienda 802.11i la cual indica el nivel de seguridad de una red Wi-Fi y se explica el proceso de asociación a una Red de Seguridad Robusta. En el tercer capítulo, se describe el proceso de roaming, tipos y fases. Además, se explica el impacto del nivel de seguridad en un proceso de roaming. Luego, se presentan los mecanismos y métodos de roaming rápido introducidos por el estándar IEEE 802.11 además del método OKC. En la última sección de este capítulo, se brindan observaciones a los métodos de roaming rápido actuales. En el cuarto capítulo, se indican los requerimientos de diseño que se han considerado para el sistema de roaming rápido. En la segunda parte de este capítulo, se explica el diseño cada etapa del sistema, además de detallarse la implementación de la arquitectura y el método de key Caching seleccionado. En el capítulo final, se presentan las diferentes pruebas que se llevaron a cabo para verificar el funcionamiento del sistema. Por último, se presentan las conclusiones obtenidas de la implementación y las pruebas realizadas sobre el sistema, basadas en los objetivos de la tesis y trabajos que podrían complementar el diseño desarrollado.Tesi

    WICC 2017 : XIX Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación

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    Actas del XIX Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC 2017), realizado en el Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA), el 27 y 28 de abril de 2017.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI