896 research outputs found

    Trusting e-voting amidst experiences of electoral malpractice: The case of Indian elections

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    This paper constructs explanatory theory on trust in e-voting, a term that refers to the use of stand-alone IT artefacts in voting stations. We study e-voting as a techno-organisational arrangement embedded in the process of elections and the broader socio-economic context of a country. Following a critical realist approach, we apply retroduction and retrodiction principles to build theory by complementing existing studies of e-voting with insights from an in-depth case study of elections in India. First, we seek evidence of trust in e-voting in the responses of the public to the announcement of election results. Then we derive the following four mechanisms of trust creation or loss: the association of e-voting with the production of positive democratic effects; the making of e-voting part of the mission and identity of electoral authorities; the cultivation of a positive public attitude to IT with policies for IT-driven socio-economic development; and, in countries with turbulent political cultures, a clear distinction between the experience of voting as orderly and experiences of malpractice in other election tasks. We suggest that these mechanisms explain the different experience with e-voting of different countries. Attention to them helps in assessing the potential of electoral technologies in countries that are currently adopting them, especially fragile democracies embarking upon e-voting

    India - a lead market for frugal innovations? Extending the lead market theory to emerging economies

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    India has emerged as a vibrant and versatile source for cost effective, disruptive innovations of various varieties. Price-sensitive consumers in a large and growing market keep inducing firms to apply frugal engineering for creating affordable products and services without compromising excessively on quality. Because, as The Economist asserts: Frugal does not mean second-rate. Such innovations are characterized by high affordability, robustness, and good enough quality in a volume-driven market. Resource constraints motivate firms and entrepreneurs to think out-of-the-box. The trick lies in creating solutions that are able to circumvent given environmental constraints in a cost effective way. India's large and enormously young population faced with limited budgets, but well-endowed with high aspirations, provides an ideal experiment ground for many firms. Solutions created for the Indian market are often suitable for other developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America that frequently face similar socio-economic conditions. In some instances they succeed even in developed country markets by enabling significant cost reductions. This emergence as a hub for frugal innovations possibly suggests a lead market role for India. On the other hand, lead markets, as understood today, are characterized by high per capita income, great customer sophistication and high quality infrastructure. Such assumptions imply that lead markets, almost by default, can only exist in economically developed countries because only they can finance the development effort. Using two anchor-cases of product innovations aimed at price-sensitive segments in India we generate preliminary evidence to challenge some of the core assumptions of the lead market theory and propose that lead markets can emerge in developing countries too because market attractiveness (e.g. volume of demand, export possibilities) and technological capabilities are able to offset many other deficiencies. The supposed absence of customer sophistication is channelized into a challenge for supplier-side sophistication to design cost effective, good enough solutions (low-cost, thin-margin) that can meet the aspirations of consumers in a highly competitive market. In order to master this challenge companies need access to a competent and sufficiently large technical base with first-hand knowledge of the ground situation of targeted customer groups (social capital). --Lead Markets,Frugal Innovations,India,Globalization of Innovation,Internationalization of R&D

    Elektronik Oy Verme Sistemlerinde Guvenlik: Deneyimler ve Turkiye Icin Oneriler

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    Electronic voting systems are no longer a theoretical matter and they have been successfully used in elections and referendums in some countries. With such systems some problems of paper ballots can be eliminated easily. However, these systems have their own security problems. In this article, first an evaluation of the India, Brazil and Venezuela examples within the context of the criteria for voting systems for just elections is made. Next, some suggestions about the electronic voting systems and the voting process that can be used for a secure and problem free manner application of such systems are proposed.Electronic voting systems, security, ballot, multiple vote, wholesale fraud, retail fraud, NP-completeness, Mercuri Method.


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    The dynamics of digitalization lead us to information disclosure and better work efficiency. The democratic party feels very close, 2024 will be the pinnacle of the democratic party along with developments in technology and information, in line with that digital participation will bring the 2024 Election into a more transparent realm. However, in reality, Indonesia is still stuck with network infrastructure problems and areas that are not evenly distributed. With a population and area that is so wide, leveling network infrastructure takes more time. The application of the electoral system in a conventional way is considered less effective in accommodating estimated vote recapitulation, so another system is needed to support the deficiencies in conventional elections. Writing this scientific paper aims to find out how the efforts in implementing hybrid working and achieving solutions with the enactment of the concept of hybrid working with the application of two systems based on e-voting and conventional. The type of research used is normative legal research with the Statute approach, Conceptual approach, and Comparative approach. The legal materials used are primary legal materials and secondary legal materials obtained from literature studies, the collected legal materials are then analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of elections with one system, namely the conventional system, still has many problems in several aspects, especially the aspect of transparency, so the application of e-voting is present to complement the shortcomings of the conventional electoral system. Seeing that the regional structure and network infrastructure are not evenly distributed, based on the analysis results, applying the hybrid working concept in elections can balance the two systems with the hope that the 2024 election will become a more efficient, effective, and transparent democracy.  Dinamika digitalisasi mengantarkan kita pada keterbukaan informasi serta efisiensi kerja yang lebih baik. Pesta demokrasi terasa sangat dekat, tahun 2024 akan menjadi puncak pesta demokrasi yang beriringan dengan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi, sejalan dengan itu dengan peran serta digital akan membawa Pemilu 2024 menjadi ranah yang lebih transparan. Namun, pada kenyataannya Indonesia masih terkungkung pada permasalah infrastruktur jaringan dan wilayah yang belum merata. Dengan jumlah penduduk serta daerah yang begitu luas penyamarataan infrastruktur jaringan membutuhkan waktu lebih. Penerapan sistem pemilu dengan cara konvensional dinilai kurang efektif dalam mengakomodir estimasi rekapitulasi suara, maka dibutuhkan sistem lain untuk menyokong kekurangan pada pemilu konvensional. Penulisan karya tulis ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana upaya dalam penerapan hybrid working serta pencapaian solusi dengan diberlakukannya konsep hybrid working dengan penerapan dua sistem berbasis e-voting dan konvensional. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan Perundang- Undangan (Statue approach), Pendekatan konseptual (Conseptual approach) dan Pendekatan perbandingan (Comparative approach). Bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder yang diperoleh dari studi kepustakaan, bahan hukum yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan pemilu dengan satu sistem, yaitu sistem konvensional masih menuai banyak permasalahan di beberapa aspek terutama aspek transparansi, maka penerapan e- voting hadir untuk melengkapi kekurangan dari sistem pemilu konvensional. Melihat struktur wilayah serta infrastruktur jaringan yang belum merata maka berdasarkan hasil analisa penerapan konsep hybrid working pada pemilu dapat menyeimbangkan kedua sistem dengan harapan pemilu 2024 akan menjadi wadah demokrasi yang lebih efisien, efektif dan transparan

    Global Integrity Report: India

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    Highlights: India has a moderate governance framework, with several strong institutions. The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) is noted for being independent and well staffed. India scores well in tax processes, public procurement and privatization processes. Budget processes, executive accountability and legislative accountability can be improved, yet are above the international median score. Judicial accountability is a notable exception; it is accessed as very weak. Other bad news includes nepotism embedded in the civil service; journalists harassed for reporting on corruption; and an increase in off-the-books campaign finance arrangements. Citizens may dispute the moderate assessment: pessimism about corruption is pervasive.This peer-reviewed country report includes:Integrity Indicators Scorecard: Scores, scoring criteria, commentary, references, and peer review perspectives for more than 300 Integrity Indicators.Reporter's Notebook: An on-the-ground look at corruption and integrity from a leading local journalist.Corruption Timeline: Ten years of political context to today's corruption and integrity issues.Country Facts: Statistical context for each country


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    Indonesia as a democratic country has entered the era of the millennium in the implementation of general elections simultaneously, it is necessary to utilize computer technology using the Electronic-Voting (E-Voting) method. Several regions in Indonesia have used the E-Voting method as a means of democracy which is applied at the hamlet and village head election levels. Village Head election policy with E-Voting as a new means of democracy through a touch of the monitor screen and E-Verification through voters' E-KTP. For example: Pemalang Regency (Ujunggede Village), Jembrana Regency in Bali (Mendoyo Dangin Tukad Village). Elections through e-voting must be designed as best as possible to realize the principles of direct elections, namely direct, general, free, secret (overflow) and honest and fair (fair) in direct elections. Electronic voting systems (e-voting) must be taken seriously and ensure transparency, certainty, security, accountability, and accuracy. In addition to technology readiness, of course, it must be supported by the readiness of the community in implementing this e-voting system in the future. The government's unpreparedness and lack of socialization of e-voting can also be a factor triggering failure in implementing this system


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    Ukraine has been dogged by corruption scandals, economic mismanagement, and Russian interference since it's independence in 1991, when amidst the dissolution of Soviet Union, Ukraine voted for independence with 92 per cent Ukrainians voting for independence and elected Leonid Kravchuk as President. In fact, Ukraine had the second largest population and economy of the fifteen Soviet Republics. In January 14, 1994, the Russian, Ukrainian and U.S. Presidents signed a statement reaffirming Ukraine's commitment to transfer all strategic nuclear warheads to Russia and dismantle strategic launchers in it's territory. In February 8, 1994, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization welcomed Ukraine into it's partnership for peace, a collaborative arrangement opened to all non-NATO European countries and post-Soviet states and this was the turning point in the Ukrainian relationship with Russia as Russia felt hurt and loss of prestige to the Western world. Moreover, in order to secure and protect her interests and threatened by western alliance, Russia invaded Ukraine in February, 2014 and seized and annexed Crimea on March 21, 2014, though already in August, 2008, Russia had invaded Georgia and made Abkhazia and South Ossetia independent. The renaming of Ukraine as NATO Enhanced Opportunities' Partner in June, 2020 added fuel to the fire.The finishing of Natural Gas Pipeline Nord 2, under the Baltic Sea to Germany in September, 2021 by Russian firm Gazprom resulted in strong protests from Kyiv and the U.S. fearing a cut off of income because of this project. (1)  But Russia feeling insecure finally launched an invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022  thus endangering international peace which had an impact on third world countries like India. This article has tried to focus on the fact that India being a non-aligned country and one of the founder members of NAM and the Third World dating back to the cold war era and having good relations with both the U.S. and Russia especially the latter stands up to the situation. Because Russia has always stood behind India during crisis period along with the fact that India is a buyer of oil from Russia at a cheap price. Again,  India's recent closeness with the U.S. has put India's position in a dilemma in the perspective of International relations more so in the face of threat from China which is looming large as time is passing by. It has been seen in the past getting help from the West especially the U.S. is a bit problematic. So, this writing has tried to stress that India will have to very carefully tread it's path diplomatically and politically keeping her interests and also the long-standing friendship with Moscow since the time of erstwhile Soviet Union. The question will India be successful in following this

    THE POLITICS OF BIOMETRIC TECHNOLOGIES: Borders control and the making of data citizens in Africa

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    Biometric technologies are complex hardware and software infrastructures that link biometric data such as fingerprints, iris scans, face scans, or DNA data with personal data. A handful of foreign private actors have implemented biometric solutions in more than half of African countries. This paper investigates the politics of biometric artifacts, it looks at how biometric data furnish the basis for the emergence and institutionalization of certain political discourses and power configurations. To this aim, we link the study of biometric data artifacts to the role of private contractors and the full-scale involvement of public institutions in the establishment of border control markets. The empirical context of the research is the work practices of the actors involved in the export of biometric technologies for border security solutions in Namibia. Preliminary findings suggest that the technological and political rationalities of biometric solutions introduce a set of novel problems in the making and management of data profiles. Border control as a political issue seems to be increasingly intermeshed with a logic of economic profit and technological efficiency raising questions of data justice and political accountability
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