1,552 research outputs found

    Securing IEEE P1687 On-chip Instrumentation Access Using PUF

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    As the complexity of VLSI designs grows, the amount of embedded instrumentation in system-on-a-chip designs increases at an exponential rate. Such structures serve various purposes throughout the life-cycle of VLSI circuits, e.g. in post-silicon validation and debug, production test and diagnosis, as well as during in-field test and maintenance. Reliable access mechanisms for embedded instruments are therefore key to rapid chip development and secure system maintenance. Reconfigurable scan networks defined by IEEE Std. P1687 emerge as a scalable and cost-effective access medium for on-chip instrumentation. The accessibility offered by reconfigurable scan networks contradicts security and safety requirements for embedded instrumentation. Embedded instrumentation is an integral system component that remains functional throughout the lifetime of a chip. To prevent harmful activities, such as tampering with safety-critical systems, and reduce the risk of intellectual property infringement, the access to embedded instrumentation requires protection. This thesis provides a novel, Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) based secure access method for on-chip instruments which enhances the security of IJTAG network at low hardware cost and with less routing congestion

    Kommunikation und Bildverarbeitung in der Automation

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    In diesem Open-Access-Tagungsband sind die besten Beiträge des 9. Jahreskolloquiums "Kommunikation in der Automation" (KommA 2018) und des 6. Jahreskolloquiums "Bildverarbeitung in der Automation" (BVAu 2018) enthalten. Die Kolloquien fanden am 20. und 21. November 2018 in der SmartFactoryOWL, einer gemeinsamen Einrichtung des Fraunhofer IOSB-INA und der Technischen Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe statt. Die vorgestellten neuesten Forschungsergebnisse auf den Gebieten der industriellen Kommunikationstechnik und Bildverarbeitung erweitern den aktuellen Stand der Forschung und Technik. Die in den Beiträgen enthaltenen anschaulichen Beispiele aus dem Bereich der Automation setzen die Ergebnisse in den direkten Anwendungsbezug

    Using embedded hardware monitor cores in critical computer systems

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    The integration of FPGA devices in many different architectures and services makes monitoring and real time detection of errors an important concern in FPGA system design. A monitor is a tool, or a set of tools, that facilitate analytic measurements in observing a given system. The goal of these observations is usually the performance analysis and optimisation, or the surveillance of the system. However, System-on-Chip (SoC) based designs leave few points to attach external tools such as logic analysers. Thus, an embedded error detection core that allows observation of critical system nodes (such as processor cores and buses) should enforce the operation of the FPGA-based system, in order to prevent system failures. The core should not interfere with system performance and must ensure timely detection of errors. This thesis is an investigation onto how a robust hardware-monitoring module can be efficiently integrated in a target PCI board (with FPGA-based application processing features) which is part of a critical computing system. [Continues.

    Business Model Implications of a Cognitive Pilot Channel as enabler of Flexible Spectrum Management

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    This article argues that both flexible spectrum management and the concept of reconfigurability do not eliminate the need for certain centralized controlling entities, and even introduce a number of new entities performing regulatory, commercial and technical functions. One such entity, the Cognitive Pilot Channel (CPC), is presented, and different configurations of the CPC are outlined. Subsequently, the potential impact of different CPC configurations on business models for wireless services making use of such a channel is explored. The article concludes that a hybrid model combining a meta-level CPC with operator-deployed channels might provide the best mix of technical and strategic control for operators, and value for users

    Full Information Product Pricing: An Information Strategy for Harnessing Consumer Choice to Create a More Sustainable World

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    Research and practice in the information systems (IS) field have been evolving over time, nourishing and promoting the development of applications that transform the relationships of individuals, corporations, and governments. Building on this evolution, we push forward a vision of the potential influence of the IS field into one of the most important problems of our times, an increasingly unsustainable world, which is traditionally considered the product of imperfect markets or market externalities. We describe our work in Full Information Product Pricing (FIPP) and our vision of a FIPP global socio-technical system, I-Choose, as a way to connect consumer choice and values with environmental, social, and economic effects of production and distribution practices. FIPP and I-Choose represent a vision about how information systems research can contribute to interdisciplinary research in supply chains, governance, and market economies to provide consumers with information packages that help them better understand how, where, and by whom the products they buy are produced. We believe that such a system will have important implications for international trade and agreements, for public policy, and for making a more sustainable world

    MPCS: Mobile-based Patient Compliance System for Chronic Illness Care

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    More than 100 million Americans are currently living with at least one chronic health condition and expenditures on chronic diseases account for more than 75 percent of the $2.3 trillion cost of our healthcare system. To improve chronic illness care, patients must be empowered and engaged in health self-management. However, only half of all patients with chronic illness comply with treatment regimen. The self-regulation model, while seemingly valuable, needs practical tools to help patients adopt this self-centered approach for long-term care. \par In this position paper, we propose Mobile-phone based Patient Compliance System (MPCS) that can reduce the time-consuming and error-prone processes of existing self-regulation practice to facilitate self-reporting, non-compliance detection, and compliance reminders. The novelty of this work is to apply social-behavior theories to engineer the MPCS to positively influence patients\u27 compliance behaviors, including mobile-delivered contextual reminders based on association theory; mobile-triggered questionnaires based on self-perception theory; and mobile-enabled social interactions based on social-construction theory. We discuss the architecture and the research challenges to realize the proposed MPCS

    MPCS: Mobile-based Patient Compliance System for Chronic Illness Care

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    More than 100 million Americans are currently living with at least one chronic health condition and expenditures on chronic diseases account for more than 75 percent of the $2.3 trillion cost of our healthcare system. To improve chronic illness care, patients must be empowered and engaged in health self-management. However, only half of all patients with chronic illness comply with treatment regimen. The self-regulation model, while seemingly valuable, needs practical tools to help patients adopt this self-centered approach for long-term care. \par In this position paper, we propose Mobile-phone based Patient Compliance System (MPCS) that can reduce the time-consuming and error-prone processes of existing self-regulation practice to facilitate self-reporting, non-compliance detection, and compliance reminders. The novelty of this work is to apply social-behavior theories to engineer the MPCS to positively influence patients\u27 compliance behaviors, including mobile-delivered contextual reminders based on association theory; mobile-triggered questionnaires based on self-perception theory; and mobile-enabled social interactions based on social-construction theory. We discuss the architecture and the research challenges to realize the proposed MPCS