20,333 research outputs found

    Pendekatan konstruktif dalam inovasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu di Kolej Vokasional

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    Pendekatan konstruktif adalah pendekatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang berpusatkan pelajar manakala inovasi pengajaran pula dikaitkan dengan kaedah pengajaran yang terbaru demi mengukuhkan pemahaman pelajar. Pembelajaran berasaskan pendekatan konstruktif merupakan elemen yang penting dan perlu difahami oleh guru-guru bagi memantapkan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran sesuai dengan peredaran masa dan menjayakan proses tranformasi pendidikan negara. Objektif kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti pemahaman guru-guru bahasa Melayu berkaitan inovasi, mengenal pasti perbezaan yang wujud antara guru lelaki dan guru perempuan dalam mengamalkan inovasi, pengkaji juga melihat adakah wujud perbezaan antara guru baru dan guru yang sudah berpengalaman dalam aspek mengaplikasikan inovasi serta mengenal pasti kekangan-kekangan yang dialami oleh para guru untuk mengaplikasikan inovasi di sekolah. Seramai 63 orang guru bahasa Melayu dari lapan buah kolej vokasional telah dipilih sebagai responden dalam kajian ini. Data dianalisis menggunakan perisian Winsteps dengan pendekatan Model Pengukuran Rasch. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahawa guru�guru bahasa Melayu memahami kepentingan inovasi dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan guru-guru perempuan lebih banyak menerapkan unsur inovasi dalam pengajaran berbanding guru lelaki. Walaupun begitu, aspek pengalaman tidak menunjukkan perbezaan dari segi pengamalan inovasi sama ada guru baru ataupun guru yang sudah berpengalaman. Pengkaji juga mengenal pasti beberapa kekangan yang dialami oleh guru-guru untuk mengamalkan inovasi ini. Sebagai langkah untuk menangani masalah berkenaan, beberapa cadangan telah dikemukakan oleh pengkaji bagi memastikan guru-guru dapat merealisasikan proses pengajaran berkesan dengan penerapan inovasi mengikut model pendekatan konstruktif. Pengkaji berharap, kajian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai satu panduan kepada pelaksana kurikulum bagi memastikan budaya inovasi sentiasa menjadi amalan dalam kalangan guru demi mengangkat profesionalisme guru di Malaysia

    Barclaycard: Still the King of Pla$tic?

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    This teaching case study looks at milestones in the UK credit card market. It then focuses on how a long-standing market leader maintains a position of advantage and develops its business in a fast-moving industry undergoing significant change. There are many different strategic options open to Barclaycard, but which will be most suitable? Will all the options be acceptable, not only in terms of the likely risk and returns but also to the major stakeholders? Will the options be feasible? The case invites readers to evaluate and compare a range of strategic options and to choose the best way forward for Barclaycard.Banks, credit cards, corporate strategy

    Nonbanks in the payments system: innovation, competition, and risk - a conference summary

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    From the early days of automated card sorting to the more recent times of the Internet and check imaging, payments and payments processing have continually embraced new technology. At the same time, the industry has been shaped by its share of entry and exit, through startups, mergers, and the reorganization of businesses seeking the proper scope of horizontal and vertical integration. ; These changes have enabled nonbank organizations to play a larger role in the payments system. Nonbanks have followed a number of pathways to more prominence: purchasing bank payment processing subsidiaries, carving out niches in the payments market through innovation, and taking advantage of economies of scale made possible by shifting to electronic forms of payment. ; Nonbanks have introduced some of the most far-reaching innovations to the payments system in recent years, leading to greater efficiencies in payments processing. At the same time, nonbanks have changed the dynamics of competition in payments, leading to a significant change in the system’s risk profile. ; Sullivan and Wang summarize the proceedings of a conference on nonbanks in the payments system held by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on May 2-4, 2007. The conference addressed many of the key questions raised by the growing presence of nonbanks in payments, including: Have recent payment innovations been more likely to come from nonbanks? Have nonbanks improved or harmed competition in payments? Have nonbanks increased risk or helped to develop tools to manage it? How should public policy respond as increasingly more activity in payments lies outside of the banking system?Payment systems ; Nonbank financial institutions

    Means of Payment in E-Commerce (Credit Cards and E-Money)

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    Once the web has spread and due to the great mass of users, firms with trade activity intesified their commercial tranzactions on-line. Thus the e-commerce implies e-payments which lead to creating e-money and implicitly some specific means of payment, all of these used with the aim of deployment and development of commercial tranzactions on-line.e-commerce, First Virtual, e-cash, Net-Cash

    Security Implications of Fog Computing on the Internet of Things

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    Recently, the use of IoT devices and sensors has been rapidly increased which also caused data generation (information and logs), bandwidth usage, and related phenomena to be increased. To our best knowledge, a standard definition for the integration of fog computing with IoT is emerging now. This integration will bring many opportunities for the researchers, especially while building cyber-security related solutions. In this study, we surveyed about the integration of fog computing with IoT and its implications. Our goal was to find out and emphasize problems, specifically security related problems that arise with the employment of fog computing by IoT. According to our findings, although this integration seems to be non-trivial and complicated, it has more benefits than the implications.Comment: 5 pages, conference paper, to appear in Proceedings of the ICCE 2019, IEEE 37th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Jan 11- 13, 2019, Las Vegas, NV, US


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    The Internet and similar networks provide new infrastructures for communications and commerce. These open networks interconnect computers across many different organizations with dramatically lower communications and distributed applications development costs. This motivates businesses to transfer commercial activity from closed private networks to open networks like the Internet. However, open network architectures are vulnerable to a number of different security threats. While many different hardware and software solutions exist to secure transactions over the Internet, greater consensus is required by companies and consumers on the processes, organizations and application of existing technical solutions for secure electronic commerce. Greater consensus on security among trading parties will lower the costs of electronic commerce and accelerate its deployment on the Internet.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Generating an Online Bottom Line

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    E-commerce is an approach to achieving business goals through information technology and is quickly changing the way hospitality business is planned, monitored, and conducted. No longer do buyers and sellers need to engage in interpersonal communications for transactions to occur. The future of transaction processing, which includes cyber cash and digital checking, are directly attributable to e-commerce which provides and efficient, reliable, secure, and effective platform for conducting hospitality business on the web