70 research outputs found

    Performance comparison between Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector and Dynamic Source Routing Protocols with security encryption using OPNET

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    Application for wireless networking has been evolving rapidly and is becoming an integral part in our everyday life. Also with the recent performance advancement in wireless communication technologies, mobile wireless ad-hoc networks has been used in many areas such as military, health and commercial applications. Mobile ad hoc networks utilize radio waves and microwaves to maintain communication channel between computers. 802.11 (Wi-Fi) is the pre-eminent technology for building general purpose wireless networks. Mobile ad-hoc networking (MANET) utilize the Internet Protocol (IP) suite and aims at supporting robust and efficient operation by incorporating routing functionality into the mobile nodes. MANET is among one of the wireless networks that uses 802.11 to transmit data from the source to the destination. Since MANET is used in applications like defense, security is of vital importance due to its wireless nature. Wireless networks are vulnerable to attacks like eavesdropping, Man-In-The-Middle-Attack (MITM), hijacking, and so are MANETs. A malicious node can get within the wireless range of the nodes in the MANET and can disrupt the communication process. Various routing protocols have been proposed using encryption techniques to protect routing in MANETs. In this thesis, I implemented security encryption techniques (SHA-1 and RSA)in two reactive routing protocols which are Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) routing protocol and compared their network performance using performance evaluation parameters: Average end-to-end-delay, routing load, packet delivery fraction. Encryption techniques like SHA-1 and RSA were used to maintain the confidentiality and the integrity of the messages send by the nodes in the network. There have been several researches so for but no one has ever compared the performance of secured MANET protocols. I am going one step further by comparing the secured routing protocols which would be helpful in determining which protocol performs better that can be used in scenario where security is of utmost importance

    Securing routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks

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    A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is more prone to security threats than other wired and wireless networks because of the distributed nature of the network. Conventional MANET routing protocols assume that all nodes cooperate without maliciously disrupting the operation of the protocol and do not provide defence against attackers. Blackhole and flooding attacks have a dramatic negative impact while grayhole and selfish attacks have a little negative impact on the performance of MANET routing protocols. Malicious nodes or misbehaviour actions detection in the network is an important task to maintain the proper routing protocol operation. Current solutions cannot guarantee the true classification of nodes because the cooperative nature of the MANETs which leads to false exclusions of innocent nodes and/or good classification of malicious nodes. The thesis introduces a new concept of Self- Protocol Trustiness (SPT) to discover malicious nodes with a very high trustiness ratio of a node classification. Designing and implementing new mechanisms that can resist flooding and blackhole attacks which have high negative impacts on the performance of these reactive protocols is the main objective of the thesis. The design of these mechanisms is based on SPT concept to ensure the high trustiness ratio of node classification. In addition, they neither incorporate the use of cryptographic algorithms nor depend on routing packet formats which make these solutions robust and reliable, and simplify their implementations in different MANET reactive protocols. Anti-Flooding (AF) mechanism is designed to resist flooding attacks which relies on locally applied timers and thresholds to classify nodes as malicious. Although AF mechanism succeeded in discovering malicious nodes within a small time, it has a number of thresholds that enable attacker to subvert the algorithm and cannot guarantee that the excluded nodes are genuine malicious nodes which was the motivation to develop this algorithm. On the other hand, Flooding Attack Resisting Mechanism (FARM) is designed to close the security gaps and overcome the drawbacks of AF mechanism. It succeeded in detecting and excluding more than 80% of flooding nodes within the simulation time with a very high trustiness ratio. Anti-Blackhole (AB) mechanism is designed to resist blackhole attacks and relies on a single threshold. The algorithm guarantees 100% exclusion of blackhole nodes and does not exclude any innocent node that may forward a reply packet. Although AB mechanism succeeded in discovering malicious nodes within a small time, the only suggested threshold enables an attacker to subvert the algorithm which was the motivation to develop it. On the other hand, Blackhole Resisting Mechanism (BRM) has the main advantages of AB mechanism while it is designed to close the security gaps and overcome the drawbacks of AB mechanism. It succeeded in detecting and excluding the vast majority of blackhole nodes within the simulation time

    SUPERMAN: Security using pre-existing routing for mobile ad hoc networks

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    The flexibility and mobility of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) have made them increasing popular in a wide range of use cases. To protect these networks, security protocols have been developed to protect routing and application data. However, these protocols only protect routes or communication, not both. Both secure routing and communication security protocols must be implemented to provide full protection. The use of communication security protocols originally developed for wireline and WiFi networks can also place a heavy burden on the limited network resources of a MANET. To address these issues, a novel secure framework (SUPERMAN) is proposed. The framework is designed to allow existing network and routing protocols to perform their functions, whilst providing node authentication, access control, and communication security mechanisms. This paper presents a novel security framework for MANETs, SUPERMAN. Simulation results comparing SUPERMAN with IPsec, SAODV and SOLSR are provided to demonstrate the proposed frameworks suitability for wireless communication securit

    Design and Evaluation of Security Mechanism for Routing in MANETs. Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman cryptography mechanism to secure Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR) in Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET).

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    Ensuring trustworthiness through mobile nodes is a serious issue. Indeed, securing the routing protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is of paramount importance. A key exchange cryptography technique is one such protocol. Trust relationship between mobile nodes is essential. Without it, security will be further threatened. The absence of infrastructure and a dynamic topology changing reduce the performance of security and trust in mobile networks. Current proposed security solutions cannot cope with eavesdroppers and misbehaving mobile nodes. Practically, designing a key exchange cryptography system is very challenging. Some key exchanges have been proposed which cause decrease in power, memory and bandwidth and increase in computational processing for each mobile node in the network consequently leading to a high overhead. Some of the trust models have been investigated to calculate the level of trust based on recommendations or reputations. These might be the cause of internal malicious attacks. Our contribution is to provide trustworthy communications among the mobile nodes in the network in order to discourage untrustworthy mobile nodes from participating in the network to gain services. As a result, we have presented an Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange and trust framework mechanism for securing the communication between mobile nodes. Since our proposed model uses a small key and less calculation, it leads to a reduction in memory and bandwidth without compromising on security level. Another advantage of the trust framework model is to detect and eliminate any kind of distrust route that contain any malicious node or suspects its behavior

    Protector Control PC-AODV-BH in The Ad Hoc Networks

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    In this paper we deal with the protector control that which we used to secure AODV routing protocol in Ad Hoc networks. The considered system can be vulnerable to several attacks because of mobility and absence of infrastructure. While the disturbance is assumed to be of the black hole type, we purpose a control named "PC-AODV-BH" in order to neutralize the effects of malicious nodes. Such a protocol is obtained by coupling hash functions, digital signatures and fidelity concept. An implementation under NS2 simulator will be given to compare our proposed approach with SAODV protocol, basing on three performance metrics and taking into account the number of black hole malicious nodesComment: submit 15 pages, 19 figures, 1 table, Journal Indexing team, AIRCC 201

    Reputation-Based Internet Protocol Security: A Multilayer Security Framework for Mobil Ad Hoc Networks

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    This research effort examines the theory, application, and results for a Reputation-based Internet Protocol Security (RIPSec) framework that provides security for an ad-hoc network operating in a hostile environment. In RIPSec, protection from external threats is provided in the form of encrypted communication links and encryption-wrapped nodes while internal threats are mitigated by behavior grading that assigns reputations to nodes based on their demonstrated participation in the routing process. Network availability is provided by behavior grading and round-robin multipath routing. If a node behaves faithfully, it earns a positive reputation over time. If a node misbehaves (for any number of reasons, not necessarily intentional), it earns a negative reputation. Each member of the MANET has its own unique and subjective set of Reputation Indexes (RI) that enumerates the perceived reputation of the other MANET nodes. Nodes that desire to send data will eliminate relay nodes they perceive to have a negative reputation during the formulation of a route. A 50-node MANET is simulated with streaming multimedia and varying levels of misbehavior to determine the impact of the framework on network performance. Results of this research were very favorable. Analysis of the simulation data shows the number of routing errors sent in a MANET is reduced by an average of 52% when using RIPSec. The network load is also reduced, decreasing the overall traffic introduced into the MANET and permitting individual nodes to perform more work without overtaxing their limited resources. Finally, throughput is decreased due to larger packet sizes and longer round trips for packets to traverse the MANET, but is still sufficient to pass traffic with high bandwidth requirements (i.e., video and imagery) that is of interest in military networks


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    MANETs system made out of remote portable device that communicates by transferring on wireless medium. This system & portrayed by absence of infrastructure, without focal facilitator and central assets. Communication is conceivable by device in a system are helpful; however, it is not generally valid in disseminated compelled asset condition. Hacker can play out the malicious exercises by not following directing convention of network layer protocols, one such attack is black hole attack. In which black hole device control the routing messages and pull in the correspondence data towards it and after that drop the data. Earlier works identifies and prevent black hole attack by observing the nodes in a network, which is not practical arrangement in hostile environment. The proposed technique mitigates Black Hole Attack from routing path in MANETs by Secret Key and Hashing. Analysis of our results demonstrates that our proposed technique precisely removes the black hole attack and extend the performance of network

    A Survey in Wireless Ad hoc Network Security and Secure Energy Optimization Approaches for Routing

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    Wireless ad hoc network nodes together establish a network infrastructure without using any access points or base stations for communicates using multi hop schemes. It has significant characteristics like dynamic topologies, constrained in bandwidth and limited resource a high challenge in implementing security with optimized energy resource utilization which is the key aspects while designing modern ad hoc networks architecture. Ad hoc Networks nodes are limited in broadcast range, and also their capabilities of computation and storage are well limited to their energy resources. This limitation of resources in wireless ad hoc creates high challenges in incorporating security mechanism for routing security and privacy maintenance. This paper investigates the various issues and challenges in secure routing and energy optimization during communication in wireless ad hoc network towards security and secure energy utilization improvisation
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