28 research outputs found

    Joint PHY/MAC layer security design using ARQ with MRC and null-space independent PAPR-aware artificial noise in SISO systems

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    Automatic-repeat-request (ARQ) as a MAC layer mechanism and artificial noise (AN) as a physical layer mechanism along with the help of maximal ratio combining (MRC), are jointly designed to achieve secrecy. Basically, a special AN, which does not require null-space in the channel, is designed based on the quality of service requirements and the channel condition between the legitimate parties and injected to the data packet. If the same packet is requested by the legitimate receiver (Bob), an AN canceling signal is properly designed and added to the next packet. Then, an AN-free packet is obtained by using MRC process at Bob, while deteriorating the eavesdropper's performance. Furthermore, two simple closed-form expressions of the achievable secure throughput are derived. The first one is given in a closed-form for the case of ARQ scheme without AN, while the second one is given in an upper-bound form for the case of ARQ with AN. Moreover, this paper addresses two critical security-associated problems: 1) the joint design of secrecy, reliability, throughput, delay and the tradeoff among them, and 2) the increase in the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) due to the added AN. Finally, the proposed design is extended to OFDM to demonstrate its capability in not only enhancing the secrecy due to the frequency selectivity of the channel, but also in reducing the PAPR and out-of-band emission of OFDM-based waveforms, while maintaining secrecy.No sponso

    Protocols for voice/data integration in a CDMA packet radio network.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1999.Wireless cellular communications is witnessing a rapid growth in, and demand for, improved technology and range of information types and services. Future third generation cellular networks are expected to provide mobile users with ubiquitous wireless access to a global backbone architecture that carries a wide variety of electronic services. This thesis examines the topic of multiple access protocols and models suitable for modem third-generation wireless networks. The major part of this thesis is based on a proposed Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol for a Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) data packet radio network, as CDMA technology is proving to be a promising and attractive approach for spectrally efficient, economical and high quality digital communications wireless networks. The proposed MAC policy considers a novel dual CDMA threshold model based on the Multiple Access Interference (MAl) capacity of the system. This protocol is then extended to accommodate a mixed voice/data traffic network in which variable length data messages share a common CDMA channel with voice users, and where the voice activity factor of human speech is exploited to improve the data network performance. For the protocol evaluation, the expected voice call blocking probability, expected data throughput and expected data message delay are considered, for both a perfect channel and a correlated Rayleigh fading channel. In particular, it is shown that a significant performance enhancement can be made over existing admission policies through the implementation of a novel, dynamic, load-dependent blocking threshold in conjunction with a fixed CDMA multiple access threshold that is based on the maximum acceptable level of MAl

    Performance analysis of 4G wireless networks using system level simulator

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaIn the last decade, mobile wireless communications have witnessed an explosive growth in the user’s penetration rate and their widespread deployment around the globe. In particular, a research topic of particular relevance in telecommunications nowadays is related to the design and implementation of mobile communication systems of 4th generation (4G). 4G networks will be characterized by the support of multiple radio access technologies in a core network fully compliant with the Internet Protocol (all IP paradigms). Such networks will sustain the stringent quality of service (QoS) requirements and the expected high data rates from the type of multimedia applications (i.e. YouTube and Skype) to be available in the near future. Therefore, 4G wireless communications system will be of paramount importance on the development of the information society in the near future. As 4G wireless services will continue to increase, this will put more and more pressure on the spectrum availability. There is a worldwide recognition that methods of spectrum managements have reached their limit and are no longer optimal, therefore new paradigms must be sought. Studies show that most of the assigned spectrum is under-utilized, thus the problem in most cases is inefficient spectrum management rather spectrum shortage. There are currently trends towards a more liberalized approach of spectrum management, which are tightly linked to what is commonly termed as Cognitive Radio (CR). Furthermore, conventional deployment of 4G wireless systems (one BS in cell and mobile deploy around it) are known to have problems in providing fairness (users closer to the BS are more benefited relatively to the cell edge users) and in covering some zones affected by shadowing, therefore the use of relays has been proposed as a solution. To evaluate and analyse the performances of 4G wireless systems software tools are normally used. Software tools have become more and more mature in recent years and their need to provide a high level evaluation of proposed algorithms and protocols is now more important. The system level simulation (SLS) tools provide a fundamental and flexible way to test all the envisioned algorithms and protocols under realistic conditions, without the need to deal with the problems of live networks or reduced scope prototypes. Furthermore, the tools allow network designers a rapid collection of a wide range of performance metrics that are useful for the analysis and optimization of different algorithms. This dissertation proposes the design and implementation of conventional system level simulator (SLS), which afterwards enhances for the 4G wireless technologies namely cognitive Radios (IEEE802.22) and Relays (IEEE802.16j). SLS is then used for the analysis of proposed algorithms and protocols.FC

    Recent Advances in Wireless Communications and Networks

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    This book focuses on the current hottest issues from the lowest layers to the upper layers of wireless communication networks and provides "real-time" research progress on these issues. The authors have made every effort to systematically organize the information on these topics to make it easily accessible to readers of any level. This book also maintains the balance between current research results and their theoretical support. In this book, a variety of novel techniques in wireless communications and networks are investigated. The authors attempt to present these topics in detail. Insightful and reader-friendly descriptions are presented to nourish readers of any level, from practicing and knowledgeable communication engineers to beginning or professional researchers. All interested readers can easily find noteworthy materials in much greater detail than in previous publications and in the references cited in these chapters

    Techniques for broadband power line communications: impulsive noise mitigation and adaptive modulation

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    The development of power line communication systems for broadband multimedia applications requires a comprehensive knowledge of the channel characteristics and the main peculiarities that may influence the communication over this channel. PLC has the potential to become the preferred connectivity solution to homes and offices. Additionally, indoor power line networks can serve as local area networks offering high-speed data, audio, video and multimedia applications. The PLC technology eliminates the need for new wires by using an already-existing infrastructure that is much more pervasive than any other wired system. Power line networks, however, present a hostile channel for communication signals. Noise, multipath, selective fading and attenuation are well-known peculiarities of power line grids and. Particularly, random impulsive noise characterized with short durations and very high amplitudes is identified as one of the major impairments that degrade the performance of PLC systems. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is the technique of choice for broadband PLC systems. OFDM minimizes the effects of multipath and provides high robustness against selective fading. It is also powerful in impulsive noise environments and performs better than single-carrier modulation methods. If an OFDM symbol is affected by impulsive noise, the effect is spread over multiple subcarriers due to the discrete Fourier transform at the receiver. In order to achieve reliable outcomes, suitable channel and noise models must be used in the investigations. In this thesis, the power line channel transfer function is modelled using a multipath model that was proposed by Zimmermann and Dostert [1], [2]. This model describes the signal propagation scenario and attenuation effects in power line networks. To represent the actual noise scenario in power networks, the noise is classified into two main classes: background noise and impulsive noise. To reduce the effect of impulsive noise, conventional time domain nonlinearities are examined in this thesis under PLC environments. An adaptive-threshold selection method based on minimum bit-error rate (BER) is proposed. At the cost of additional complexity, the effect of impulsive noise is further mitigated using a novel joint time-domain/frequency-domain suppression technique. Since channel coding is essential for most telecommunication systems, we examine convolutional codes combined with interleaving in a PLC channel impaired with AWGN and impulsive noise. The results show substantial performance gains especially in heavily-disturbed environments, where signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gains of more than 15 dB can be achieved with a code rate of 1/3. Bit-interleaved convolutionally-coded OFDM completely eliminates the effect of impulsive noise in weakly-disturbed noise environments, while a negligible effect may remain in medium-disturbed environments. A new power-loading algorithm that minimizes the transmission power for target BER and data rate constraints is introduced in later chapters of the thesis. Results indicate that the algorithm achieves performance gains of more than 4 dB SNR over conventional OFDM systems. Furthermore, a novel minimum-complexity bit-loading algorithm that maximizes the data rate given BER and power level constraints is proposed in chapter 6. Results show that this bit-loading algorithm achieves almost identical performance as the incremental algorithm but with much lower complexity

    Motorway Vehicular Networks with Renewable Energy Powered Access Points

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    The goal of this work is to consider the potential of using renewable energy only to power roadside units (RSUs), which not only reduces CO2 footprint but also reduces the infrastructure needed in motorway vehicular communication. The thesis begins with collation and analysis of wind and motorway traffic data for the purpose of determining the energy demand of vehicular networks as well as the energy supply obtainable from wind. This is followed by the study of a standalone RSU powered by wind energy. Small size standalone wind energy systems which have benefits of low cost, easy and large scale deployments are implemented for the low power RSUs. The concept of wind energy based rate adaptation is introduced and implemented in the RSU through which RSU can vary transmission power according to the availability of wind energy. This reduces the outage and improves the overall service quality. Traditionally rate adaptation was employed to cater for wireless channel unavailability. A queuing model for the RSU is developed and verified through simulation to evaluate the performance in terms of delay, packet loss and utilisation. Channel fading is considered and the performance of the RSU is re-evaluated in terms of the same quality of service parameters, viz. delay, packet loss and utilisation to investigate the impact of fading in the network. Next, the reliability of the RSU is redefined in the context of unavailability of sufficient wind power. The transient nature of wind energy causes the RSUs to either transmit at full data rate or not transmit at all depending on the availability of sufficient energy. Thus, a failure occurs when the wind power is less than the load. Therefore, a framework has been developed for redefining a number of reliability parameters in the context of wind powered RSUs. A detailed wind data analysis was carried out based upon the hourly wind speed obtained from the UK air information resource (AIR) database for a period of five years, to determine the energy model of the deployed micro-turbine. An energy storage device (a small battery) is connected to the micro-wind turbine for improved service quality