7 research outputs found

    Non-interference for deterministic interactive programs

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    We consider the problem of defining an appropriate notion of non-interference (NI) for deterministic interactive programs. Previous work on the security of interactive programs by O'Neill, Clarkson and Chong (CSFW 2006) builds on earlier ideas due to Wittbold and Johnson (Symposium on Security and Privacy 1990), and argues for a notion of NI defined in terms of strategies modelling the behaviour of users. We show that, for deterministic interactive programs, it is not necessary to consider strategies and that a simple stream model of the users' behaviour is sufficient. The key technical result is that, for deterministic programs, stream-based NI implies the apparently more general strategy-based NI (in fact we consider a wider class of strategies than those of O'Neill et al). We give our results in terms of a simple notion of Input-Output Labelled Transition System, thus allowing application of the results to a large class of deterministic interactive programming languages

    Eliciting Security Requirements and Tracing them to Design: An Integration of Common Criteria, Heuristics, and UMLsec

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    Building secure systems is difficult for many reasons. This paper deals with two of the main challenges: (i) the lack of security expertise in development teams, and (ii) the inadequacy of existing methodologies to support developers who are not security experts. The security standard ISO 14508 (Common Criteria) together with secure design techniques such as UMLsec can provide the security expertise, knowledge, and guidelines that are needed. However, security expertise and guidelines are not stated explicitly in the Common Criteria. They are rather phrased in security domain terminology and difficult to understand for developers. This means that some general security and secure design expertise are required to fully take advantage of the Common Criteria and UMLsec. In addition, there is the problem of tracing security requirements and objectives into solution design,which is needed for proof of requirements fulfilment. This paper describes a security requirements engineering methodology called SecReq. SecReq combines three techniques: the Common Criteria, the heuristic requirements editorHeRA, andUMLsec. SecReqmakes systematic use of the security engineering knowledge contained in the Common Criteria and UMLsec, as well as security-related heuristics in the HeRA tool. The integrated SecReq method supports early detection of security-related issues (HeRA), their systematic refinement guided by the Common Criteria, and the ability to trace security requirements into UML design models. A feedback loop helps reusing experiencewithin SecReq and turns the approach into an iterative process for the secure system life-cycle, also in the presence of system evolution

    Compositional and Scheduler-Independent Information Flow Security

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    Software pervades our society deeper with every year. This trend makes software security more and more important. For instance, software systems running critical infrastructures like power plants must withstand criminal or even terrorist attacks, but also smartphone apps used by consumers in their daily routine are usually expected to operate securely. In particular, before entrusting a program with confidential information (such as, e.g., image or audio data recorded by a smartphone), one wants to be sure that the program is trustworthy and does not leak the secrets to untrusted sinks (such as, e.g., an untrusted server on the Internet). Information flow properties characterize such confidentiality requirements by restricting the flow of confidential information, and an information flow analysis permits to check that a program respects those restrictions. The problem of information flow in multi-threaded programs is particularly challenging, because information flows can originate in subtle ways from the interplay between threads. Moreover, the existence of such information flows depends on the scheduler, which might not even be known when analyzing a program. To obtain high assurance that no leak is overlooked in an information flow analysis, formally well-founded analyses provide a rigorous solution. Such analyses are proven sound with respect to formal information flow properties that specify precisely what restrictions on information flow mean. In this thesis, we develop two novel information flow properties for multi-threaded programs, FSI-security and SIFUM-security. These properties are scheduler-independent, i.e., they characterize secure information flow for different schedulers simultaneously. Moreover, they are compositional, i.e., they permit to break down the analysis of a multi-threaded program to single threads. For both properties we develop a security analysis based on a security type system that is proven sound with respect to the property. Compared to existing scheduler-independent information flow properties, FSI-security is less restrictive. In particular, FSI-security is the first scheduler-independent information flow property that permits programs with nondeterministic behavior and programs whose control flow depends on secrets. The security analysis based on SIFUM-security is the first provably sound flow-sensitive information flow analysis for multi-threaded programs in the form of a security type system. Flow-sensitivity results in increased analysis precision by taking the order of program statements into account. The key in our development of SIFUM-security and the corresponding flow-sensitive analysis for multi-threaded programs was to adopt assumption-guarantee style reasoning to information flow security. We integrate FSI-security and SIFUM-security into the novel property FSIFUM-security, and we integrate the security analyses for FSI- and SIFUM-security into a security analysis for FSIFUM-security. Thereby, FSIFUM-security and the corresponding analysis inherit the advantages of both FSI- and SIFUM-security. In addition to developing novel type-based information flow analyses we also explore information flow analysis for multi-threaded programs with program dependence graphs (PDGs) which is used successfully to analyze sequential programs. To this end, we develop a formal connection between PDG-based and type-based information flow analysis for sequential programs. We exploit the connection to transfer concepts from our type-based analysis for multi-threaded programs to PDGs, resulting in a provably sound PDG-based information flow analysis for multi-threaded programs. Beyond this, we also use the connection to transfer concepts from PDGs to type systems and to precisely compare the precision of a type-based and a PDG-based information flow analysis. Our results provide foundations for more precise and more widely applicable information flow analysis for multi-threaded programs, and we hope that they contribute to a more wide-spread certification of information flow security for concurrent programs

    Secure Information Flow for Concurrent Processes

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    Information flow security is that aspect of computer security concerned with how confidential information is allowed to flow through a computer system. This is especially subtle when considering processes that are executed concurrently. We consider the notion of Probabilistic Noninterference (PNI) proposed in the literature to ensure secure information flow in concurrent processes. In the setting of a model of probabilistic dataflow, we provide a number of important results towards simplified verification that suggest relevance in the interaction of probabilistic processes outside this particular framework: PNI is shown to be compositional by casting it into a rely-guarantee framework, where the proof yields a more general Inductive Compositionality Principle. We deliver a considerably simplified criterion equivalent to PNI by "factoring out'' the probabilistic behaviour of the environment. We show that the simpler nonprobabilistic notion of Nondeducibility-on-Strategies proposed in the literature is an instantiation of PNI, allowing us to extend our results to it