34 research outputs found


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    In October 2012, the American National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced the selection of Keccak as the winner of the SHA-3 Cryptographic Hash Algorithm Competition [10,11]. This concluded an open competition that was remarkable both for its magnitude and the involvement of the cryptographic community. Public review is of paramount importance to increase the confidence in the new standard and to favor its quick adoption. The SHA-3 competition explicitly took this into account by giving open access to the candidate algorithms and everyone in the cryptographic community could try to break them, compare their performance, or simply give comments

    Data Integrity and Security using Keccak and Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)

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    Data security is a very important compilation using cloud computing; one of the research that is running and using cloud technology as a means of storage is G-Connect. One of the developments made by the G-Connect project is about data security; most of the problems verification of the data sent. In previous studies, Keccak and RSA algorithms have implemented for data verification needs. But after a literature study of other algorithms that can make digital signatures, we found what is meant by an algorithm that is better than RSA in rectangular speeds, namely Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA).DSA is one of the key algorithms used for digital signatures, but because DSA still uses Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1) as an algorithm for hashes, DSA rarely used for data security purposes, so Keccak is used instead of the hash algorithm on DSA. Now, Keccak become the standard for the new SHA-3 hash function algorithm. Because of the above problems, the focus of this research is about data verification using Keccak and DSA. The results of the research are proven that Keccak can run on DSA work system, obtained a comparison of execution time process between DSA and RSA where both use Keccak

    A fingerprint biometric cryptosystem in FPGA

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    Comunicación presentada al ICIT 2015 celebrado en Sevilla del 17 al 19 de marzo de 2015This paper presents the implementation of a complete fingerprint biometric cryptosystem in a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). This is possible thanks to the use of a novel fingerprint feature, named QFingerMap, which is binary, length-fixed, and ordered. Security of Authentication on FPGA is further improved because information stored is protected due to the design of a cryptosystem based on Fuzzy Commitment. Several samples of fingers as well as passwords can be fused at feature level with codewords of an error correcting code to generate non-sensitive data. System performance is illustrated with experimental results corresponding to 560 fingerprints acquired in live by an optical sensor and processed by the system in a Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA. Depending on the realization, more or less accuracy is obtained, being possible a perfect authentication (zero Equal Error Rate), with the advantages of real-time operation, low power consumption, and a very small devicePeer reviewe

    DNA Encoded Elliptic Curve Cryptography System for IoT Security

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    In the field of Computer Science and Information Technology Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the emerging technologies. In IoT environment several devices are interconnected and transmit data among them. There may be some security vulnerability arise within the IoT environment. Till date, IoT has not been widely accepted due to its security flaws. Hence to keep the IoT environment most robust, we propose a stable security framework of IoT with Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) using DNA Encoding. The ECC is most lightweight cryptography technique among other well known public key cryptography techniques. To increase encryption complexity, DNA encoding mechanism of DNA computing with ECC is preceded


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    Within this paper, to be able to provide reliable architectures with this formula, a competent concurrent error recognition plan for that selected SHA-3 formula, i.e., Keccak, is suggested. To the very best of our understanding, effective countermeasures for potential reliability issues within the hardware implementations of the formula haven't been given to date. The secure hash formula (SHA)-3 continues to be selected this year and will also be accustomed to provide security to the application which requires hashing, pseudo-random number generation, and integrity checking. This formula continues to be selected according to various benchmarks for example security, performance, and complexity. In proposing the mistake recognition approach, goal to possess acceptable complexity and gratification overheads while keeping high error coverage. In connection with this, we present a minimal-complexity recomposing with rotated operands-based plan that is a step-forward toward lowering the hardware overhead from the suggested error recognition approach. Through the use of the suggested high-performance concurrent error recognition plan, more reliable and powerful hardware implementations for that recently-standardized SHA-3 are recognized. Furthermore, we perform injection-based fault simulations and reveal that the mistake coverage of near to 100% comes. In addition, we've designed the suggested plan and thru ASIC analysis, it's proven that acceptable complexity and gratification overheads are arrived at

    Secure JPEG 2000 - JPSEC

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    The Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) has recently rolled out a new still image coding standard called JPEG 2000. This standard integrates an efficient image compression scheme with functionalities required by multimedia applications, such as progressiveness up to lossless coding, region of interest coding, and error resiliency. Security is a concern in many applications, and therefore also a desired functionality. This paper provides readers with insights and examples of how to combine security solutions with JPEG 2000 compression. Tools for JPEG 2000 compressed image integrity, access control, and copyright protection are presented. They can be either applied to a JPEG 2000 codestream or directly integrated into the coding/decoding operations, resulting in a fully compliant JPEG 2000 image

    Beyond Modes: Building a Secure Record Protocol from a Cryptographic Sponge Permutation

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    Abstract. BLINKER is a light-weight cryptographic suite and record protocol built from a single permutation. Its design is based on the Sponge construction used by the SHA-3 algorithm KECCAK. We examine the SpongeWrap authen-ticated encryption mode and expand its padding mechanism to offer explicit do-main separation and enhanced security for our specific requirements: shared se-cret half-duplex keying, encryption, and a MAC-and-continue mode. We motivate these enhancements by showing that unlike legacy protocols, the resulting record protocol is secure against a two-channel synchronization attack while also having a significantly smaller implementation footprint. The design facilitates security proofs directly from a single cryptographic primitive (a single security assump-tion) rather than via idealization of multitude of algorithms, paddings and modes of operation. The protocol is also uniquely suitable for an autonomous or semi-autonomous hardware implementation of protocols where the secrets never leave the module, making it attractive for smart card and HSM designs

    Електронна система каталогізації цифрових документів

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    Дипломний проєкт включає у себе пояснювальну записку (50 ст., 20 рис., 3 додатки). Об'єкт розробки – створення стільникового застосунку для каталогізації цифрових документів. Електронна система для каталогізації має простий та зрозумілий графічний інтерфейс та дозволяє: додавати елементи у базу даних, вести пошук за вказаними ознаками, переглядати документи за створеними категоріями, відновлювати шляхи до файлів при переміщенні у файловій системі. Застосунок використовує мову програмування C++ та базується на бібліотеці Qt. У ході розробки: - Проаналізовані існуючі електронні засоби для каталогізації документів; - Побудована модель бази даних, що використовується для внутрішнього представлення даних; - Досліджені сучасні засоби створення графічного інтерфейсу; - Створений застосунок для каталогізації цифрових документів та проведено тестування. Використання розробленого програмного засобу дозволить значно зменшити час на роботу із цифровими документами користувачам, що використовують їх у навчанні, наприклад, студентам.Diploma project includes an explanatory note (50 p., 20 fig., 3 appendices). The object of development is creating desktop application for cataloging of digital documents. Electronic system of cataloging has simple and understandable graphical user interface and allows: add new items to database, search items using different keys, sort data within created categories, restore paths of moved files in file local system. Application was created with C++ programming language and based on Qt framework. During progress: - The analysis of existing digital solutions for cataloging of documents; - Created the model of database for internal usage; - Investigated modern tools for created graphical user interface; - Created application for cataloging digital documents and tested it manually. Application which was developed allows to save time for users who are working with digital documents (students for example)