9 research outputs found

    Secure Database Outsourcing to the Cloud : Side-Channels, Counter-Measures and Trusted Execution

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    Security in a Distributed Key Management Approach

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    PaaSword: A Data Privacy and Context-aware Security Framework for Developing Secure Cloud Applications - Technical and Scientific Contributions

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    Most industries worldwide have entered a period of reaping the benefits and opportunities cloud offers. At the same time, many efforts are made to address engineering challenges for the secure development of cloud systems and software.With the majority of software engineering projects today relying on the cloud, the task to structure end-to-end secure-by-design cloud systems becomes challenging but at the same time mandatory. The PaaSword project has been commissioned to address security and data privacy in a holistic way by proposing a context-aware security-by-design framework to support software developers in constructing secure applications for the cloud. This chapter presents an overview of the PaaSword project results, including the scientific achievements as well as the description of the technical solution. The benefits offered by the framework are validated through two pilot implementations and conclusions are drawn based on the future research challenges which are discussed in a research agenda

    Provable and Practical Security for Database Outsourcing

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    In this work, we provide formal notions for different privacy goals of data outsourcing and establish their relations. Furthermore, as a main contribution, we provide a meaningful security notion for database outsourcing and a practical scheme fulfilling this notion as well as implementations that demonstrate the viability. We prove the security of our scheme in a formal model and provide extensions an optimisations for performance as well as for security

    Confidential Data-Outsourcing and Self-Optimizing P2P-Networks: Coping with the Challenges of Multi-Party Systems

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    This work addresses the inherent lack of control and trust in Multi-Party Systems at the examples of the Database-as-a-Service (DaaS) scenario and public Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs). In the DaaS field, it is shown how confidential information in a database can be protected while still allowing the external storage provider to process incoming queries. For public DHTs, it is shown how these highly dynamic systems can be managed by facilitating monitoring, simulation, and self-adaptation

    Tunable Security for Deployable Data Outsourcing

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    Security mechanisms like encryption negatively affect other software quality characteristics like efficiency. To cope with such trade-offs, it is preferable to build approaches that allow to tune the trade-offs after the implementation and design phase. This book introduces a methodology that can be used to build such tunable approaches. The book shows how the proposed methodology can be applied in the domains of database outsourcing, identity management, and credential management

    Practical yet Provably Secure: Complex Database Query Execution over Encrypted Data

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    Encrypted databases provide security for outsourced data. In this work novel encryption schemes supporting different database query types are presented enabling complex database queries over encrypted data. For specific constructions enabling exact keyword queries, range queries, database joins and substring queries over encrypted data we prove security in a formal framework, present a theoretical runtime analysis and provide an assessment of practical performance characteristics

    Secure Database Outsourcing to the Cloud Using the MimoSecco Middleware

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