3,029 research outputs found

    Percolation and Connectivity in the Intrinsically Secure Communications Graph

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    The ability to exchange secret information is critical to many commercial, governmental, and military networks. The intrinsically secure communications graph (iS-graph) is a random graph which describes the connections that can be securely established over a large-scale network, by exploiting the physical properties of the wireless medium. This paper aims to characterize the global properties of the iS-graph in terms of: (i) percolation on the infinite plane, and (ii) full connectivity on a finite region. First, for the Poisson iS-graph defined on the infinite plane, the existence of a phase transition is proven, whereby an unbounded component of connected nodes suddenly arises as the density of legitimate nodes is increased. This shows that long-range secure communication is still possible in the presence of eavesdroppers. Second, full connectivity on a finite region of the Poisson iS-graph is considered. The exact asymptotic behavior of full connectivity in the limit of a large density of legitimate nodes is characterized. Then, simple, explicit expressions are derived in order to closely approximate the probability of full connectivity for a finite density of legitimate nodes. The results help clarify how the presence of eavesdroppers can compromise long-range secure communication.Comment: Submitted for journal publicatio

    Entropic Bounds on Two-Way Assisted Secret-Key Agreement Capacities of Quantum Channels

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    In order to efficiently put quantum technologies into action, we must know the characteristics of the underlying quantum systems and effects. An interesting example is the use of the secret-key-agreement capacity of a quantum channel as a guide and measure for the implementation of quantum key distribution (QKD) and distributed quantum computation. We define the communication task of establishing a secret key over a quantum channel subject to an energy constraint on the input state and while allowing for unlimited local operations and classical communication (LOCC) between a sender and receiver. We then use the energy-constrained squashed entanglement to bound the capacity of the channel for secret-key agreement, and we show that a thermal state input maximizes a relaxation of this bound for phase-insensitive, single-mode Gaussian channels. We also establish improved upper bounds on the energy-constrained secret-key-agreement capacity for a bosonic thermal channel that is not entanglement breaking. We then generalize our results to the multipartite setting and show that the energy-constrained multipartite squashed entanglement bounds the LOCC-assisted private capacity region for a quantum broadcast channel. Next, we define the broadcast amplitude damping channel. In the setting of QKD, we discuss a communication task using the broadcast amplitude damping channel and give bounds on its achievable rate region

    Strong and uniform convergence in the teleportation simulation of bosonic Gaussian channels

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    In the literature on the continuous-variable bosonic teleportation protocol due to [Braunstein and Kimble, Phys. Rev. Lett., 80(4):869, 1998], it is often loosely stated that this protocol converges to a perfect teleportation of an input state in the limit of ideal squeezing and ideal detection, but the exact form of this convergence is typically not clarified. In this paper, I explicitly clarify that the convergence is in the strong sense, and not the uniform sense, and furthermore, that the convergence occurs for any input state to the protocol, including the infinite-energy Basel states defined and discussed here. I also prove, in contrast to the above result, that the teleportation simulations of pure-loss, thermal, pure-amplifier, amplifier, and additive-noise channels converge both strongly and uniformly to the original channels, in the limit of ideal squeezing and detection for the simulations. For these channels, I give explicit uniform bounds on the accuracy of their teleportation simulations. I then extend these uniform convergence results to particular multi-mode bosonic Gaussian channels. These convergence statements have important implications for mathematical proofs that make use of the teleportation simulation of bosonic Gaussian channels, some of which have to do with bounding their non-asymptotic secret-key-agreement capacities. As a byproduct of the discussion given here, I confirm the correctness of the proof of such bounds from my joint work with Berta and Tomamichel from [Wilde, Tomamichel, Berta, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 63(3):1792, March 2017]. Furthermore, I show that it is not necessary to invoke the energy-constrained diamond distance in order to confirm the correctness of this proof.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Achievable Secrecy Rates of an Energy Harvesting Device

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    The secrecy rate represents the amount of information per unit time that can be securely sent on a communication link. In this work, we investigate the achievable secrecy rates in an energy harvesting communication system composed of a transmitter, a receiver and a malicious eavesdropper. In particular, because of the energy constraints and the channel conditions, it is important to understand when a device should transmit and to optimize how much power should be used in order to improve security. Both full knowledge and partial knowledge of the channel are considered under a Nakagami fading scenario. We show that high secrecy rates can be obtained only with power and coding rate adaptation. Moreover, we highlight the importance of optimally dividing the transmission power in the frequency domain, and note that the optimal scheme provides high gains in secrecy rate over the uniform power splitting case. Analytically, we explain how to find the optimal policy and prove some of its properties. In our numerical evaluation, we discuss how the maximum achievable secrecy rate changes according to the various system parameters. Furthermore, we discuss the effects of a finite battery on the system performance and note that, in order to achieve high secrecy rates, it is not necessary to use very large batteries.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (Mar. 2016
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