1,021 research outputs found

    The detection of gear noise computed by integrating the Fourier and Wavelet methods

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    This paper presents a new gearbox noise detection algorithm based on analyzing specific points of vibration signals using the Wavelet Transform. The proposed algorithm is compared with a previouslydeveloped algorithm associated with the Fourier decomposition using Hanning windowing. Simulation carried on real data demonstrate that the WT algorithm achieves a comparable accuracy while having a lower computational cost. This makes the WT algorithm an appropriate candidate for fast processing of noise gear box

    Dynamic programming approach to structural optimization problem – numerical algorithm

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    In this paper a new shape optimization algorithm is presented. As a model application we consider state problems related to fluid mechanics, namely the Navier-Stokes equations for viscous incompressible fluids. The general approach to the problem is described. Next, transformations to classical optimal control problems are presented. Then, the dynamic programming approach is used and sufficient conditions for the shape optimization problem are given. A new numerical method to find the approximate value function is developed

    Coupling of FEM and BEM in shape optimization

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    In the present paper we consider the numerical solution of shape optimization problems which arise from shape functionals of integral type over a compact region of the unknown domain, especially L2L^2-tracking type functionals. The underlying state equation is assumed to satisfy a Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions. We proof that the shape Hessian is not strictly H1/2H^1/2-coercive at the optimal domain which implies ill-posedness of the optimization problem under consideration. Since the adjoint state depends directly on the state, we propose a coupling of finite element methods (FEM) and boundary element methods (BEM) to realize an efficient first order shape optimization algorithm. FEM is applied in the compact region while the rest is treated by BEM. The coupling of FEM and BEM essentially retains all the structural and computational advantages of treating the free boundary by boundary integral equations

    Efficient treatments of stationary free boundary problems

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    In the present paper we consider the efficient treatment of free boundary problems by shape optimization. We reformulate the free boundary problem as shape optimization problem. A second order shape calculus enables us to realize a Newton scheme to solve this problem. In particular, all evaluations of the underlying state function are required only on the boundary of the domain. We compute these data by boundary integral equations which are numerically solved by a fast wavelet Galerkin scheme. Numerical results prove that we succeeded in finding a fast and robust algorithm for solving the considered class of problems. Furthermore, the stability of the solutions is investigated by treating the second order sufficient optimality conditions of the underlying shape problem

    A regularized Newton method in electrical impedance tomography using shape Hessian information

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    The present paper is concerned with the identification of an obstacle or void of different conductivity included in a two-dimensional domain by measurements of voltage and currents at the boundary. We employ a reformulation of the given identification problem as a shape optimization problem as proposed by Sokolowski and Roche. It turns out that the shape Hessian degenerates at the given hole which gives a further hint on the ill-posedness of the problem. For numerical methods, we propose a preprocessing for detecting the barycenter and a crude approximation of the void or hole. Then, we resolve the shape of the hole by a regularized Newton method

    Shape optimization for 3D electrical impedance tomography

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    In the present paper we consider the identification of an obstacle or void of different conductivity included in a three-dimensional domain by measurements of voltage and currents at the boundary. We reformulate the given identification problem as a shape optimization problem. Since the Hessian is compact at the given hole we apply a regularized Newton scheme as developed by the authors (WIAS-Preprint No. 943). All information of the state equation required for the optimization algorithm can be derived by boundary integral equations which we solve numerically by a fast wavelet Galerkin scheme. Numerical results confirm that the proposed regularized Newton scheme yields a powerful algorithm to solve the considered class of problems

    On convergence in elliptic shape optimization

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    This paper is aimed at analyzing the existence and convergence of approximate solutions in shape optimization. Two questions arise when one applies a Ritz-Galerkin discretization to solve the necessary condition: does there exists an approximate solution and how good does it approximate the solution of the original infinite dimensional problem? We motivate a general setting by some illustrative examples, taking into account the so-called two norm discrepancy. Provided that the infinite dimensional shape problem admits a stable second order optimizer, we are able to prove the existence of approximate solutions and compute the rate of convergence. Finally, we verify the predicted rate of convergence by numerical results