15,341 research outputs found

    Second-order accurate ensemble transform particle filters

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    Particle filters (also called sequential Monte Carlo methods) are widely used for state and parameter estimation problems in the context of nonlinear evolution equations. The recently proposed ensemble transform particle filter (ETPF) (S.~Reich, {\it A non-parametric ensemble transform method for Bayesian inference}, SIAM J.~Sci.~Comput., 35, (2013), pp. A2013--A2014) replaces the resampling step of a standard particle filter by a linear transformation which allows for a hybridization of particle filters with ensemble Kalman filters and renders the resulting hybrid filters applicable to spatially extended systems. However, the linear transformation step is computationally expensive and leads to an underestimation of the ensemble spread for small and moderate ensemble sizes. Here we address both of these shortcomings by developing second-order accurate extensions of the ETPF. These extensions allow one in particular to replace the exact solution of a linear transport problem by its Sinkhorn approximation. It is also demonstrated that the nonlinear ensemble transform filter (NETF) arises as a special case of our general framework. We illustrate the performance of the second-order accurate filters for the chaotic Lorenz-63 and Lorenz-96 models and a dynamic scene-viewing model. The numerical results for the Lorenz-63 and Lorenz-96 models demonstrate that significant accuracy improvements can be achieved in comparison to a standard ensemble Kalman filter and the ETPF for small to moderate ensemble sizes. The numerical results for the scene-viewing model reveal, on the other hand, that second-order corrections can lead to statistically inconsistent samples from the posterior parameter distribution

    Accounting for model error in Tempered Ensemble Transform Particle Filter and its application to non-additive model error

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    In this paper, we trivially extend Tempered (Localized) Ensemble Transform Particle Filter---T(L)ETPF---to account for model error. We examine T(L)ETPF performance for non-additive model error in a low-dimensional and a high-dimensional test problem. The former one is a nonlinear toy model, where uncertain parameters are non-Gaussian distributed but model error is Gaussian distributed. The latter one is a steady-state single-phase Darcy flow model, where uncertain parameters are Gaussian distributed but model error is non-Gaussian distributed. The source of model error in the Darcy flow problem is uncertain boundary conditions. We comapare T(L)ETPF to a Regularized (Localized) Ensemble Kalman Filter---R(L)EnKF. We show that T(L)ETPF outperforms R(L)EnKF for both the low-dimensional and the high-dimensional problem. This holds even when ensemble size of TLETPF is 100 while ensemble size of R(L)EnKF is greater than 6000. As a side note, we show that TLETPF takes less iterations than TETPF, which decreases computational costs; while RLEnKF takes more iterations than REnKF, which incerases computational costs. This is due to an influence of localization on a tempering and a regularizing parameter

    Application of ensemble transform data assimilation methods for parameter estimation in reservoir modelling

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    Over the years data assimilation methods have been developed to obtain estimations of uncertain model parameters by taking into account a few observations of a model state. The most reliable methods of MCMC are computationally expensive. Sequential ensemble methods such as ensemble Kalman filers and particle filters provide a favourable alternative. However, Ensemble Kalman Filter has an assumption of Gaussianity. Ensemble Transform Particle Filter does not have this assumption and has proven to be highly beneficial for an initial condition estimation and a small number of parameter estimation in chaotic dynamical systems with non-Gaussian distributions. In this paper we employ Ensemble Transform Particle Filter (ETPF) and Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (ETKF) for parameter estimation in nonlinear problems with 1, 5, and 2500 uncertain parameters and compare them to importance sampling (IS). We prove that the updated parameters obtained by ETPF lie within the range of an initial ensemble, which is not the case for ETKF. We examine the performance of ETPF and ETKF in a twin experiment setup and observe that for a small number of uncertain parameters (1 and 5) ETPF performs comparably to ETKF in terms of the mean estimation. For a large number of uncertain parameters (2500) ETKF is robust with respect to the initial ensemble while ETPF is sensitive due to sampling error. Moreover, for the high-dimensional test problem ETPF gives an increase in the root mean square error after data assimilation is performed. This is resolved by applying distance-based localization, which however deteriorates a posterior estimation of the leading mode by largely increasing the variance. A possible remedy is instead of applying localization to use only leading modes that are well estimated by ETPF, which demands a knowledge at which mode to truncate

    Data assimilation in the low noise regime with application to the Kuroshio

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    On-line data assimilation techniques such as ensemble Kalman filters and particle filters lose accuracy dramatically when presented with an unlikely observation. Such an observation may be caused by an unusually large measurement error or reflect a rare fluctuation in the dynamics of the system. Over a long enough span of time it becomes likely that one or several of these events will occur. Often they are signatures of the most interesting features of the underlying system and their prediction becomes the primary focus of the data assimilation procedure. The Kuroshio or Black Current that runs along the eastern coast of Japan is an example of such a system. It undergoes infrequent but dramatic changes of state between a small meander during which the current remains close to the coast of Japan, and a large meander during which it bulges away from the coast. Because of the important role that the Kuroshio plays in distributing heat and salinity in the surrounding region, prediction of these transitions is of acute interest. Here we focus on a regime in which both the stochastic forcing on the system and the observational noise are small. In this setting large deviation theory can be used to understand why standard filtering methods fail and guide the design of the more effective data assimilation techniques. Motivated by our analysis we propose several data assimilation strategies capable of efficiently handling rare events such as the transitions of the Kuroshio. These techniques are tested on a model of the Kuroshio and shown to perform much better than standard filtering methods.Comment: 43 pages, 12 figure

    Deterministic Mean-field Ensemble Kalman Filtering

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    The proof of convergence of the standard ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) from Legland etal. (2011) is extended to non-Gaussian state space models. A density-based deterministic approximation of the mean-field limit EnKF (DMFEnKF) is proposed, consisting of a PDE solver and a quadrature rule. Given a certain minimal order of convergence κ\kappa between the two, this extends to the deterministic filter approximation, which is therefore asymptotically superior to standard EnKF when the dimension d<2κd<2\kappa. The fidelity of approximation of the true distribution is also established using an extension of total variation metric to random measures. This is limited by a Gaussian bias term arising from non-linearity/non-Gaussianity of the model, which exists for both DMFEnKF and standard EnKF. Numerical results support and extend the theory