375 research outputs found

    Seasonal timing for estimating carbon mitigation in revegetation of abandoned agricultural land with high spatial resolution remote sensing

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    Dryland salinity is a major land management issue globally, and results in the abandonment of farmland. Revegetation with halophytic shrub species such as Atriplex nummularia for carbon mitigation may be a viable option but to generate carbon credits ongoing monitoring and verification is required. This study investigated the utility of high-resolution airborne images (Digital Multi Spectral Imagery (DMSI)) obtained in two seasons to estimate carbon stocks at the plant- and stand-scale. Pixel-scale vegetation indices, sub-pixel fractional green vegetation cover for individual plants, and estimates of the fractional coverage of the grazing plants within entire plots, were extracted from the high-resolution images. Carbon stocks were correlated with both canopy coverage (R2: 0.76-0.89) and spectral-based vegetation indices (R2: 0.77-0.89) with or without the use of the near-infrared spectral band. Indices derived from the dry season image showed a stronger correlation with field measurements of carbon than those derived from the green season image. These results show that in semi-arid environments it is better to estimate saltbush biomass with remote sensing data in the dry season to exclude the effect of pasture, even without the refinement provided by a vegetation classification. The approach of using canopy cover to refine estimates of carbon yield has broader application in shrublands and woodlands

    Seasonal timing for estimating carbon mitigation in revegetation of abandoned agricultural land with high spatial resolution remote sensing

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    Dryland salinity is a major land management issue globally, and results in the abandonment of farmland. Revegetation with halophytic shrub species such as Atriplex nummularia for carbon mitigation may be a viable option but to generate carbon credits ongoing monitoring and verification is required. This study investigated the utility of high-resolution airborne images (Digital Multi-Spectral Imagery (DMSI)) obtained in two seasons to estimate carbon stocks at the plant- and stand-scale. Pixel-scale vegetation indices, sub-pixel fractional green vegetation cover for individual plants, and estimates of the fractional coverage of the grazing plants within entire plots, were extracted from the high-resolution images. Carbon stocks were correlated with both canopy coverage (R2: 0.76–0.89) and spectral-based vegetation indices (R2: 0.77–0.89) with or without the use of the near-infrared spectral band. Indices derived from the dry season image showed a stronger correlation with field measurements of carbon than those derived from the green season image. These results show that in semi-arid environments it is better to estimate saltbush biomass with remote sensing data in the dry season to exclude the effect of pasture, even without the refinement provided by a vegetation classification. The approach of using canopy cover to refine estimates of carbon yield has broader application in shrublands and woodlands

    Above Ground Biomass Estimation Methods and Challenges: A Review

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    Forest ecosystems play an important role in global change on the earth. However, continued forest degradation and deforestation will results in the loss of forest biomass or carbon stock. Hence, current concerns for global change and ecosystem functioning require accurate biomass estimation and examination of its dynamics. In this end we reviewed the present scenarios of above ground biomass estimation, focusing predominantly on field measurement (destructive and non-destructive) and remote sensing (optical remote sensing, radar and light detection and ranging (LiDAR)) biomass estimation methods and identifying some important point or research findings  in detail. In addition, we discuss the critical uncertainties or the source of errors in all methods.  In the field methods the source of error encountered  mainly  from sampling error, measurement error and statistical or model error. In the remote sensing methods; optical sensor data is not suitable for estimation of vertical vegetation structures such as canopy height, Radar have the following uncertainty: costly data, no time-composite data as the case for optical data, limited area coverage and LiDAR also faces the following challenges spatially limited, data intensive, and expensive, can't applied extensively to larger areas, limited usage in harsh weather. Finally, we suggest that using both field measurement and remote sensing methods will increase the accuracy of biomass estimation. Keywords: biomass, estimation,  remote sensing, uncertainty,  LiDAR, Radar and optical DOI: 10.7176/JETP/9-8-02 Publication date: November 30th 201

    Ecological impacts of deforestation and forest degradation in the peat swamp forests of northwestern Borneo

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    Tropical peatlands have some of the highest carbon densities of any ecosystem and are under enormous development pressure. This dissertation aimed to provide better estimates of the scales and trends of ecological impacts from tropical peatland deforestation and degradation across more than 7,000 hectares of both intact and disturbed peatlands in northwestern Borneo. We combined direct field sampling and airborne Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) data to empirically quantify forest structures and aboveground live biomass across a largely intact tropical peat dome. The observed biomass density of 217.7 ± 28.3 Mg C hectare-1 was very high, exceeding many other tropical rainforests. The canopy trees were ~65m in height, comprising 81% of the aboveground biomass. Stem density was observed to increase across the 4m elevational gradient from the dome margin to interior with decreasing stem height, crown area and crown roughness. We also developed and implemented a multi-temporal, Landsat resolution change detection algorithm for identify disturbance events and assessing forest trends in aseasonal tropical peatlands. The final map product achieved more than 92% user’s and producer’s accuracy, revealing that after more than 25 years of management and disturbances, only 40% of the area was intact forest. Using a chronosequence approach, with a space for time substitution, we then examined the temporal dynamics of peatlands and their recovery from disturbance. We observed widespread arrested succession in previously logged peatlands consistent with hydrological limits on regeneration and degraded peat quality following canopy removal. We showed that clear-cutting, selective logging and drainage could lead to different modes of regeneration and found that statistics of the Enhanced Vegetation Index and LiDAR height metrics could serve as indicators of harvesting intensity, impacts, and regeneration stage. Long-term, continuous monitoring of the hydrology and ecology of peatland can provide key insights regarding best management practices, restoration, and conservation priorities for this unique and rapidly disappearing ecosystem

    Annual Report: 2007

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    I submit herewith the annual report from the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks, for the period ending December 31, 2007. This is done in accordance with an act of Congress, approved March 2, 1887, entitled, “An act to establish agricultural experiment stations, in connection with the agricultural college established in the several states under the provisions of an act approved July 2, 1862, and under the acts supplementary thereto,” and also of the act of the Alaska Territorial Legislature, approved March 12, 1935, accepting the provisions of the act of Congress. The research reports are organized according to our strategic plan, which focuses on high-latitude soils, high-latitude agriculture, natural resources use and allocation, ecosystems management, and geographic information. These areas cross department and unit lines, linking them and unifying the research. We have also included in our financial statement information on the special grants we receive. These special grants allow us to provide research and outreach that is targeted toward economic development in Alaska. Research conducted by our graduate and undergraduate students plays an important role in these grants and the impact they make on Alaska. Carol E. Lewis, Dean and DirectorFinancial statement -- Grants -- Students -- Research reports: Partners and Collaborators, Programs, Geographic Information, High-Latitude Agriculture, High-Latitude Soils, Management of Ecosystems, Natural Resources Use and Allocation -- Index -- Publications -- Facult

    Ecological infrastructure importance for drought mitigation in rural South African catchments: the Cacadu Catchment case example

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    Water scarcity is recognised as one of the significant challenges facing many countries, including South Africa. The threat of water scarcity is exacerbated by the coupled impacts of climate and anthropogenic drivers. Ongoing droughts and continued land cover change and degradation influence the ability of catchments to partition rainwater runoff, thereby affecting streamflow returns. However, quantifying land degradation accurately remains a challenge. This thesis used the theoretical lens of investing in ecological infrastructure to improve the drought mitigation function in rural catchments. This theoretical framework allows for a social-ecological systems approach to understand and facilitate science-based strategies for promoting ecosystem recovery. Specifically, this study aimed to explore the role and benefit of ecological infrastructure for improving drought mitigation, and consequently, water security for rural communities. Thus, this study sought to assess the consequences of human actions to catchment health status using the 15th Sustainable Development Goal indicator for the proportion of degraded land over the total land area as a surrogate. Secondly, hydrological modelling was used to describe how different land covers influence catchment hydrology, which related to how ecological infrastructure enables drought risk-reduction for mitigation regulation. Finally, this study developed a spatial prioritisation plan for restoration to improve drought mitigation for four focal ecological infrastructure (EI) categories (i.e. wetlands, riparian margins, abandoned agricultural fields and grasslands). The focal EI categories were selected for their importance in delivering water-related ecosystem services when sustainably managed. Chapter 1 sets the scene (i.e. provides the study background) and Chapter 2 provides a review of the literature. In Chapter 3, the recently released global GIS toolbox (TRENDS.EARTH) was used for tracking land change and for assessing the SDG 15.3.1 degradation indicator of i.e. Cacadu catchment over 15 years at a 300 m resolution. The results showed a declining trend in biomass productivity within the Cacadu catchment led to moderate degradation, with 16.79% of the total landscape degraded, which was determined by the pugin using the one-out, all-out rule. The incidence of degradation was detected in middle reaches of the catchment (i.e. S10F-J), while some improvement was detected in upper reaches (S10A-C) and lower reaches (S10J). In Chapter 4, a GIS-based Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) based on community stakeholder priorities, open-access spatial datasets and expert opinions, was used to identify EI focal areas that are best suitable for restoration to increase the drought mitigation capacity of the Cacadu catchment. The collected datasets provided three broad criteria (ecosystem health, water provision and social benefit) for establishing the AHP model using 12 spatial attributes. Prioritisation results show that up to 89% of the Cacadu catchment is suitable for restoration to improve drought mitigation. Catchments S10B-D, and S10F, S10G and S10J were highly prioritised while S10A, S10E and S10H received low priority, due to improving environmental conditions and low hydrological potential. Areas that were prioritised with consideration for local livelihoods overlap the areas for drought mitigation and form a network of villages from the middle to lower catchment reaches. Prioritised restoration areas with a consideration of societal benefit made up 0.56% of wetlands, 4.27% of riparian margins, 92.06% of abandoned croplands, and 51.86% of grasslands. Chapter 5 reports on use of the Pitman groundwater model to help understand the influence of land modification on catchment hydrology, and highlight the role of restoration interventions. The Cacadu catchment is ungauged, therefore the neighbouring Indwe catchment was used for parameter transfer through a spatial regionalisation technique. Results suggest that degradation increases surface runoff and aggravates recharge reduction, thereby reducing streamflow during low flow periods. In areas where there is natural land cover recovery, the Pitman Model simulated similar dry season streamflow to the natural land cover. Combining the outcomes from the three assessments allowed the study to highlight the role and benefits of ecological infrastructure in terms of drought mitigation. Study findings were interpreted to make recommendations for the role and benefit of ecological infrastructure for drought mitigation at a landscape scale and tertiary catchment level, within the context of available management options. The results support the notion that multiple science data sources can promote investments in ecological infrastructure. However, better spatial and temporal resolution datasets at a national level are still needed to improve the accuracy of studies such as the one outlined in this thesis. The study recommends adopting better ecosystem protection approaches and collaborative governance at multiple levels to reduce the vulnerability of rural communities to drought impacts.Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Institute for Water Research, 202

    Forest Management and Water Resources in the Anthropocene

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    Decades of research has provided a depth of understanding on the relationships among forests and water, and how these relationships change in response to climate variability, disturbance, and forest management. This understanding has facilitated a strong predictive capacity and the development of best management practices to protect water resources with active management. Despite this understanding, the rapid pace of changes in climate, disturbance regimes, invasive species, human population growth, and land use expected in the 21st century is likely to create substantial challenges for watershed management that may require new approaches, models, and best management practices. These challenges are likely to be complex and large scale, involving a combination of direct effects and indirect biophysical watershed responses, as well as socioeconomic impacts and feedbacks. We explore the complex relationships between forests and water in a rapidly changing environment, examine the trade-offs and conflicts between water and other resources, and examine new management approaches for sustaining water resources in the future

    Desertification in Europe: mitigation strategies, land use planning: Proceedings of the advanced study course held in Alghero, Sardinia, Italy from 31 May to 10 June 1999

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    The present volume is based on lectures given at the course held in Alghero, Sardinia, Italy, from 31 May to 10 June 1999 on ‘Desertification in Europe: Mitigation Strategies, Land Use Planning’. It also contains presentations, given by the participating students, on their own research activities and interests. With the adoption of the International Convention to Combat Desertification, which represents a follow up of the Rio recommendations, this publication is timely. It highlights the specific situation of the Southern European regions and provides a comprehensive and state-of-the-art review of this complex issue