11 research outputs found

    Lower Bounds for Shoreline Searching With 2 or More Robots

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    Searching for a line on the plane with nn unit speed robots is a classic online problem that dates back to the 50's, and for which competitive ratio upper bounds are known for every n≄1n\geq 1. In this work we improve the best lower bound known for n=2n=2 robots from 1.5993 to 3. Moreover we prove that the competitive ratio is at least 3\sqrt{3} for n=3n=3 robots, and at least 1/cos⁥(π/n)1/\cos(\pi/n) for n≄4n\geq 4 robots. Our lower bounds match the best upper bounds known for n≄4n\geq 4, hence resolving these cases. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first lower bounds proven for the cases n≄3n\geq 3 of this several decades old problem.Comment: This is an updated version of the paper with the same title which will appear in the proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2019) Neuchatel, Switzerland, July 17-19, 201

    Almost-Optimal Deterministic Treasure Hunt in Arbitrary Graphs

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    A mobile agent navigating along edges of a simple connected graph, either finite or countably infinite, has to find an inert target (treasure) hidden in one of the nodes. This task is known as treasure hunt. The agent has no a priori knowledge of the graph, of the location of the treasure or of the initial distance to it. The cost of a treasure hunt algorithm is the worst-case number of edge traversals performed by the agent until finding the treasure. Awerbuch, Betke, Rivest and Singh [Baruch Awerbuch et al., 1999] considered graph exploration and treasure hunt for finite graphs in a restricted model where the agent has a fuel tank that can be replenished only at the starting node s. The size of the tank is B = 2(1+?)r, for some positive real constant ?, where r, called the radius of the graph, is the maximum distance from s to any other node. The tank of size B allows the agent to make at most {? B?} edge traversals between two consecutive visits at node s. Let e(d) be the number of edges whose at least one extremity is at distance less than d from s. Awerbuch, Betke, Rivest and Singh [Baruch Awerbuch et al., 1999] conjectured that it is impossible to find a treasure hidden in a node at distance at most d at cost nearly linear in e(d). We first design a deterministic treasure hunt algorithm working in the model without any restrictions on the moves of the agent at cost ?(e(d) log d), and then show how to modify this algorithm to work in the model from [Baruch Awerbuch et al., 1999] with the same complexity. Thus we refute the above twenty-year-old conjecture. We observe that no treasure hunt algorithm can beat cost ?(e(d)) for all graphs and thus our algorithms are also almost optimal

    The Visibility Freeze-Tag Problem

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    In the Freeze-Tag Problem, we are given a set of robots at points inside some metric space. Initially, all the robots are frozen except one. That robot can awaken (or “unfreeze”) another robot by moving to its position, and once a robot is awakened, it can move and help to awaken other robots. The goal is to awaken all the robots in the shortest time. The Freeze-Tag Problem has been studied in different metric spaces: graphs and Euclidean spaces. In this thesis, we look at the Freeze-Tag Problem in polygons, and we introduce the Visibility Freeze-Tag Problem, where one robot can awaken another robot by “seeing” it. Furthermore, we introduce a variant of the Visibility Freeze-Tag Problem, called the Line/Point Freeze Tag Problem, where each robot lies on an awakening line, and one robot can awaken another robot by touching its awakening line. We survey the current results for the Freeze-Tag Problem in graphs, Euclidean spaces and polygons. Since the Visibility Freeze-Tag Problem bears some resemblance to the Watchman Route Problem, we also survey the background literature on the Watchman Route Problem. We show that the Freeze-Tag Problem in polygons and the Visibility Freeze-Tag Problem are NP-hard, and we present an O(n)-approximation algorithm for the Visibility Freeze-Tag Problem. For the Line/Point Freeze-Tag Problem, we give a polynomial time algorithm for the special case where all the awakening lines are parallel to each other. We prove that the general case is NP-hard, and we present an O(1)- approximation algorithm

    Almost-Optimal Deterministic Treasure Hunt in Arbitrary Graphs

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    A mobile agent navigating along edges of a simple connected graph, either finite or countably infinite, has to find an inert target (treasure) hidden in one of the nodes. This task is known as treasure hunt. The agent has no a priori knowledge of the graph, of the location of the treasure or of the initial distance to it. The cost of a treasure hunt algorithm is the worst-case number of edge traversals performed by the agent until finding the treasure. Awerbuch, Betke, Rivest and Singh [3] considered graph exploration and treasure hunt for finite graphs in a restricted model where the agent has a fuel tank that can be replenished only at the starting node ss. The size of the tank is B=2(1+α)rB=2(1+\alpha)r, for some positive real constant α\alpha, where rr, called the radius of the graph, is the maximum distance from ss to any other node. The tank of size BB allows the agent to make at most ⌊B⌋\lfloor B\rfloor edge traversals between two consecutive visits at node ss. Let e(d)e(d) be the number of edges whose at least one extremity is at distance less than dd from ss. Awerbuch, Betke, Rivest and Singh [3] conjectured that it is impossible to find a treasure hidden in a node at distance at most dd at cost nearly linear in e(d)e(d). We first design a deterministic treasure hunt algorithm working in the model without any restrictions on the moves of the agent at cost O(e(d)log⁥d)\mathcal{O}(e(d) \log d), and then show how to modify this algorithm to work in the model from [3] with the same complexity. Thus we refute the above twenty-year-old conjecture. We observe that no treasure hunt algorithm can beat cost Θ(e(d))\Theta(e(d)) for all graphs and thus our algorithms are also almost optimal

    Deterministic Treasure Hunt in the Plane with Angular Hints

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    International audienceA mobile agent equipped with a compass and a measure of length has to find an inert treasure in the Euclidean plane. Both the agent and the treasure are modeled as points. In the beginning, the agent is at a distance at most D>0 from the treasure, but knows neither the distance nor any bound on it. Finding the treasure means getting at distance at most 1 from it. The agent makes a series of moves. Each of them consists in moving straight in a chosen direction at a chosen distance. In the beginning and after each move the agent gets a hint consisting of a positive angle smaller than 2π whose vertex is at the current position of the agent and within which the treasure is contained. We investigate the problem of how these hints permit the agent to lower the cost of finding the treasure, using a deterministic algorithm, where the cost is the worst-case total length of the agent’s trajectory. It is well known that without any hint the optimal (worst case) cost is Θ(D2). We show that if all angles given as hints are at most π, then the cost can be lowered to O(D), which is the optimal complexity. If all angles are at most ÎČ, where ÎČ0. For both these positive results we present deterministic algorithms achieving the above costs. Finally, if angles given as hints can be arbitrary, smaller than 2π, then we show that cost complexity Θ(D2) cannot be beaten

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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