6,711 research outputs found

    Searching for solutions to the conflict over Europe's oldest forest

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    The Białowieża Forest World Heritage site is one of the last remaining primeval forests in lowland Europe and is a refuge for European Bison (Bison bonasus), the largest land mammal on the continent (Table 1)

    Main Street Workshop: Searching for Solutions

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    33 p.The purpose of the report is to provide background information related to the issues in the Main Street community, raise some questions and to stimulate discussion. It is not intended to be an extensive investigation and analysis of the issues, nor will it provide solutions for the dilemnas with which the community is faced

    Defining the Problem and Searching for Solutions: Insurers, Employers, and State Government

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    Panel discussion: Some solutions to the uninsured problem happening right here in Cleveland. The Health Policy Coalition is a group which presents health insurance reform ideas to Congress. Charles Weller talked about the Coalition. Powell Woods described the Cleveland Health Quality Choice Program as follows: Cleveland Health Quality Choice is based upon the principle that if we figure out a way to reward high quality and cost efficiency as the twin lynch pins of reimbursement in our health purchasing system, we can drive both quality and efficiency gains in the system which can help produce savings which will in turn help underwrite the problem of coverage for the uninsured. E. John Polk discussed employee health insurance programs offered by the Council of Smaller Enterprises (COSE). Kenneth Seminatore represented Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ohio. He proposed that the price escalation problem be solved by well-managed competition, such as that created by the 1987 of Senate Bill 124, the Health Insurance Reform Act. Mr. Seminatore also mentioned the problem of mandated benefits, stating, A study by Dr. John Goodman of Dallas indicates that perhaps 20 percent of the uninsured nationally are uninsured because they\u27re priced out of the market by mandated benefits they neither want, their insurance companies don\u27t want to offer, and they can\u27t afford. He also proposed Medicaid buy-in for the working poor

    Defining the Problem and Searching for Solutions: Insurers, Employers, and State Government

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    Panel discussion: Some solutions to the uninsured problem happening right here in Cleveland. The Health Policy Coalition is a group which presents health insurance reform ideas to Congress. Charles Weller talked about the Coalition. Powell Woods described the Cleveland Health Quality Choice Program as follows: Cleveland Health Quality Choice is based upon the principle that if we figure out a way to reward high quality and cost efficiency as the twin lynch pins of reimbursement in our health purchasing system, we can drive both quality and efficiency gains in the system which can help produce savings which will in turn help underwrite the problem of coverage for the uninsured. E. John Polk discussed employee health insurance programs offered by the Council of Smaller Enterprises (COSE). Kenneth Seminatore represented Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ohio. He proposed that the price escalation problem be solved by well-managed competition, such as that created by the 1987 of Senate Bill 124, the Health Insurance Reform Act. Mr. Seminatore also mentioned the problem of mandated benefits, stating, A study by Dr. John Goodman of Dallas indicates that perhaps 20 percent of the uninsured nationally are uninsured because they\u27re priced out of the market by mandated benefits they neither want, their insurance companies don\u27t want to offer, and they can\u27t afford. He also proposed Medicaid buy-in for the working poor

    Defining the Problem and Searching for Solutions: Health Care Providers and Consumers

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    A panel consisting of health care providers and consumers discussed defining the problem and searching for solutions. Richard Buxbaum of the Greater Cleveland Hospital Association addressed uncompensated care, otherwise known as charity care, as a problem for hospitals. Mandating employer based health insurance was offered as a solution. Frank Kimbler of the Federation for Community Planning gave an overview of the consumer side of the uninsured problem. He mentioned a joint pilot project to insure the working poor. Henry Manning of Metrohealth explained how price competition between hospitals creates a problem for urban teaching hospitals which bear the costs of caring for the poor and training doctors. He also shared figures for unreimbursed care costs accrued by Metrohealth in various categories. Dr. van Heeckeren presented the physician\u27s view on the insurance issue. The panel then answered questions

    The Challenge of Combating Impunity in Extrajudicial Executions and Enforced Disappearances through Judicial Interpretation and Application of International Human Rights Law

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    Officially admitted by the Office of then Philippine Supreme Court Chief Justice Reynato Puno (summit convener) for use during the National Consultative Summit on Extrajudicial Killings and Enforced Disappearances - Searching for Solutions, Manila, Philippines, 16-17 July 2007