1,923 research outputs found

    Towards a Scalable Dynamic Spatial Database System

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    With the rise of GPS-enabled smartphones and other similar mobile devices, massive amounts of location data are available. However, no scalable solutions for soft real-time spatial queries on large sets of moving objects have yet emerged. In this paper we explore and measure the limits of actual algorithms and implementations regarding different application scenarios. And finally we propose a novel distributed architecture to solve the scalability issues.Comment: (2012

    Yellow Tree: A Distributed Main-memory Spatial Index Structure for Moving Objects

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    Mobile devices equipped with wireless technologies to communicate and positioning systems to locate objects of interest are common place today, providing the impetus to develop location-aware applications. At the heart of location-aware applications are moving objects or objects that continuously change location over time, such as cars in transportation networks or pedestrians or postal packages. Location-aware applications tend to support the tracking of very large numbers of such moving objects as well as many users that are interested in finding out about the locations of other moving objects. Such location-aware applications rely on support from database management systems to model, store, and query moving object data. The management of moving object data exposes the limitations of traditional (spatial) database management systems as well as their index structures designed to keep track of objects\u27 locations. Spatial index structures that have been designed for geographic objects in the past primarily assume data are foremost of static nature (e.g., land parcels, road networks, or airport locations), thus requiring a limited amount of index structure updates and reorganization over a period of time. While handling moving objects however, there is an incumbent need for continuous reorganization of spatial index structures to remain up to date with constantly and rapidly changing object locations. This research addresses some of the key issues surrounding the efficient database management of moving objects whose location update rate to the database system varies from 1 to 30 minutes. Furthermore, we address the design of a highly scaleable and efficient spatial index structure to support location tracking and querying of large amounts of moving objects. We explore the possible architectural and the data structure level changes that are required to handle large numbers of moving objects. We focus specifically on the index structures that are needed to process spatial range queries and object-based queries on constantly changing moving object data. We argue for the case of main memory spatial index structures that dynamically adapt to continuously changing moving object data and concurrently answer spatial range queries efficiently. A proof-of concept implementation called the yellow tree, which is a distributed main-memory index structure, and a simulated environment to generate moving objects is demonstrated. Using experiments conducted on simulated moving object data, we conclude that a distributed main-memory based spatial index structure is required to handle dynamic location updates and efficiently answer spatial range queries on moving objects. Future work on enhancing the query processing performance of yellow tree is also discussed

    6 Access Methods and Query Processing Techniques

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    The performance of a database management system (DBMS) is fundamentally dependent on the access methods and query processing techniques available to the system. Traditionally, relational DBMSs have relied on well-known access methods, such as the ubiquitous B +-tree, hashing with chaining, and, in som

    Topologically Consistent Models for Efficient Big Geo-Spatio-Temporal Data Distribution

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    Geo-spatio-temporal topology models are likely to become a key concept to check the consistency of 3D (spatial space) and 4D (spatial + temporal space) models for emerging GIS applications such as subsurface reservoir modelling or the simulation of energy and water supply of mega or smart cities. Furthermore, the data management for complex models consisting of big geo-spatial data is a challenge for GIS and geo-database research. General challenges, concepts, and techniques of big geo-spatial data management are presented. In this paper we introduce a sound mathematical approach for a topologically consistent geo-spatio-temporal model based on the concept of the incidence graph. We redesign DB4GeO, our service-based geo-spatio-temporal database architecture, on the way to the parallel management of massive geo-spatial data. Approaches for a new geo-spatio-temporal and object model of DB4GeO meeting the requirements of big geo-spatial data are discussed in detail. Finally, a conclusion and outlook on our future research are given on the way to support the processing of geo-analytics and -simulations in a parallel and distributed system environment

    Efficient And Scalable Evaluation Of Continuous, Spatio-temporal Queries In Mobile Computing Environments

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    A variety of research exists for the processing of continuous queries in large, mobile environments. Each method tries, in its own way, to address the computational bottleneck of constantly processing so many queries. For this research, we present a two-pronged approach at addressing this problem. Firstly, we introduce an efficient and scalable system for monitoring traditional, continuous queries by leveraging the parallel processing capability of the Graphics Processing Unit. We examine a naive CPU-based solution for continuous range-monitoring queries, and we then extend this system using the GPU. Additionally, with mobile communication devices becoming commodity, location-based services will become ubiquitous. To cope with the very high intensity of location-based queries, we propose a view oriented approach of the location database, thereby reducing computation costs by exploiting computation sharing amongst queries requiring the same view. Our studies show that by exploiting the parallel processing power of the GPU, we are able to significantly scale the number of mobile objects, while maintaining an acceptable level of performance. Our second approach was to view this research problem as one belonging to the domain of data streams. Several works have convincingly argued that the two research fields of spatiotemporal data streams and the management of moving objects can naturally come together. [IlMI10, ChFr03, MoXA04] For example, the output of a GPS receiver, monitoring the position of a mobile object, is viewed as a data stream of location updates. This data stream of location updates, along with those from the plausibly many other mobile objects, is received at a centralized server, which processes the streams upon arrival, effectively updating the answers to the currently active queries in real time. iv For this second approach, we present GEDS, a scalable, Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)-based framework for the evaluation of continuous spatio-temporal queries over spatiotemporal data streams. Specifically, GEDS employs the computation sharing and parallel processing paradigms to deliver scalability in the evaluation of continuous, spatio-temporal range queries and continuous, spatio-temporal kNN queries. The GEDS framework utilizes the parallel processing capability of the GPU, a stream processor by trade, to handle the computation required in this application. Experimental evaluation shows promising performance and shows the scalability and efficacy of GEDS in spatio-temporal data streaming environments. Additional performance studies demonstrate that, even in light of the costs associated with memory transfers, the parallel processing power provided by GEDS clearly counters and outweighs any associated costs. Finally, in an effort to move beyond the analysis of specific algorithms over the GEDS framework, we take a broader approach in our analysis of GPU computing. What algorithms are appropriate for the GPU? What types of applications can benefit from the parallel and stream processing power of the GPU? And can we identify a class of algorithms that are best suited for GPU computing? To answer these questions, we develop an abstract performance model, detailing the relationship between the CPU and the GPU. From this model, we are able to extrapolate a list of attributes common to successful GPU-based applications, thereby providing insight into which algorithms and applications are best suited for the GPU and also providing an estimated theoretical speedup for said GPU-based application

    Spatio-temporal research data infrastructure in the context of autonomous driving

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    In this paper, we present an implementation of a research data management system that features structured data storage for spatio-temporal experimental data (environmental perception and navigation in the framework of autonomous driving), including metadata management and interfaces for visualization and parallel processing. The demands of the research environment, the design of the system, the organization of the data storage, and computational hardware as well as structures and processes related to data collection, preparation, annotation, and storage are described in detail. We provide examples for the handling of datasets, explaining the required data preparation steps for data storage as well as benefits when using the data in the context of scientific tasks. © 2020 by the authors

    Human action recognition with MPEG-7 descriptors and architectures

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    Modern video surveillance requires addressing high-level concepts such as humans' actions and activities. In addition, surveillance applications need to be portable over a variety of platforms, from servers to mobile devices. In this paper, we explore the potential of the MPEG-7 standard to provide interfaces, descriptors, and architectures for human action recognition from surveillance cameras. Two novel MPEG-7 descriptors, symbolic and feature-based, are presented alongside two different architectures, server-intensive and client-intensive. The descriptors and architectures are evaluated in the paper by way of a scenario analysis


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    Scientific data analysis applications require large scale computing power to effectively service client queries and also require large storage repositories for datasets that are generated continually from sensors and simulations. These scientific datasets are growing in size every day, and are becoming truly enormous. The goal of this dissertation is to provide efficient multidimensional indexing techniques that aid in navigating distributed scientific datasets. In this dissertation, we show significant improvements in accessing distributed large scientific datasets. The first approach we took to improve access to subsets of large multidimensional scientific datasets, was data chunking. The contents of scientific data files typically are a collection of multidimensional arrays, along with the corresponding metadata. Data chunking groups data elements into small chunks of a fixed, but data-specific, size to take advantage of spatio-temporal locality since it is not efficient to index individual data elements of large scientific datasets. The second approach was the design of an efficient multidimensional index for scientific datasets. This work investigates how existing multidimensional indexing structures perform on chunked scientific datasets, and compares their performance with that of our own indexing structure, SH-trees. Since R-trees were proposed, various multidimensional indexing structures have been proposed. However, there are a relatively small number of studies focused on improving the performance of indexing geographically distributed datasets, especially across heterogeneous machines. As a third approach, in an attempt to accelerate indexing performance for distributed datasets, we proposed several distributed multidimensional indexing schemes: replicated centralized indexing, hierarchical two level indexing, and decentralized two level indexing. Our experimental results show that great performance improvements are gained from distribution of multidimensional index. However, the design choices for distributed indexing, such as replication, partitioning, and decentralization, must be carefully considered since they may decrease the overall performance in certain situations. Therefore, this work provides performance guidelines to aid in selecting the best distributed multidimensional indexing scheme for various systems and applications. Finally, we describe how a distributed multidimensional indexing scheme can be used by a distributed multiple query optimization middleware as a case-study application to generate better query plans by leveraging information about the contents of remote caches
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