105,838 research outputs found

    Semantic Query Optimisation with Ontology Simulation

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    Semantic Web is, without a doubt, gaining momentum in both industry and academia. The word "Semantic" refers to "meaning" - a semantic web is a web of meaning. In this fast changing and result oriented practical world, gone are the days where an individual had to struggle for finding information on the Internet where knowledge management was the major issue. The semantic web has a vision of linking, integrating and analysing data from various data sources and forming a new information stream, hence a web of databases connected with each other and machines interacting with other machines to yield results which are user oriented and accurate. With the emergence of Semantic Web framework the na\"ive approach of searching information on the syntactic web is clich\'e. This paper proposes an optimised semantic searching of keywords exemplified by simulation an ontology of Indian universities with a proposed algorithm which ramifies the effective semantic retrieval of information which is easy to access and time saving


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    The rapid growth of information technology has led to an increase in the amount of data stored in databases every day. Relational databases (SQL) that have been in use for a long time are now being developed with the emergence of NoSQL databases such as MongoDB. MongoDB stores data in BSON format and has a Text Indexes feature that is useful for speeding up text search on string content. This feature is particularly useful in searching for data in the form of texts or strings in large quantities. MongoDB's Text Indexes have a flexible schema that does not require a strict schema structure to index text data, unlike SQL databases that require columns with the appropriate data type to perform indexing. MongoDB's Text Indexes support more languages than SQL because they use an open-source text search engine called Apache Lucene. In this study, the researcher will implement Text Indexing on document data (PDF) that has been converted into text, then inserted into MongoDB before indexing. Afterward, the researcher will compare the performance of search queries between indexed and non-indexed data in MongoDB in terms of speed. The comparison results will be presented in tables and graphs to facilitate understanding. Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that the use of the text indexing feature in MongoDB can speed up keyword or string search time. In the experiment conducted using 5000 data records, the results showed that the use of text indexing for searching 1 keyword resulted in a search speed improvement of 11705,88%, for searching 2 keywords it was 60833,33%, and for searching 3 keywords it was 44320%

    A study of students’ information searching strategies

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    Concerns have been expressed with respect to students’ ability to search for information using electronic search engines and databases. This research adopted a structured method comprising a combination of questionnaire surveys, an observational study and a ‘sense making’ interview to assess the information searching skills of a group of 14 students undertaking their final year dissertation studies on undergraduate programmes within the Department of Civil and Building Engineering at Loughborough University. The findings reveal that the participants encountered problems with each type of search engine used (Google, Metalib, the Library OPAC system, and individual databases) and lacked knowledge of how to use advanced search strategies. All the participants formulated queries using simple words or free text and there was no evidence of consideration of structured word searching using systematically selected keywords. The results indicate priority areas for additional tuition in information literacy

    Aplikasi Seluler untuk Pencegahan Insiden Keselamatan Pasien Anak

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    This study aims to determine the role of mobile applications in preventing safety incidents for pediatric patients in hospitals. The method used was a literature search through searching the online databases Science Direct, ProQuest, Scopus, and Google Scholar published in 2018-2022 with the keywords mobile application, patient safety, child, hospitalized, and patient education. The research results showed that children's safety awareness levels increased after being given a safety incident prevention program using a mobile application. In conclusion, mobile applications for preventing pediatric patient safety incidents in hospitals are practical, feasible, and acceptable to children, families, and nurses.   Keywords: Children, Mobile Applications, Patient Safety, Safety Incident Prevention, Pediatric Nurse

    Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in high-risk pulmonary infections: a clinical review

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    The aim of this article was to review the role of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in acute pulmonary infectious diseases, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), H1N1 and tuberculosis, and to assess the risk of disease transmission with the use of NIV from patients to healthcare workers. We performed a clinical review by searching Medline and EMBASE. These databases were searched for articles on "clinical trials" and "randomised controlled trials". The keywords selected were non-invasive ventilation pulmonary infections, influenza-A (H1N1), SARS and tuberculosis. These terms were cross-referenced with the following keywords: health care workers, airborne infections, complications, intensive care unit and pandemic. The members of the International NIV Network examined the major results regarding NIV applications and SARS, H1N1 and tuberculosis. Cross-referencing mechanical ventilation with SARS yielded 76 studies, of which 10 studies involved the use of NIV and five were ultimately selected for inclusion in this review. Cross-referencing with H1N1 yielded 275 studies, of which 27 involved NIV. Of these, 22 were selected for review. Cross-referencing with tuberculosis yielded 285 studies, of which 15 involved NIV and from these seven were selected. In total 34 studies were selected for this review. NIV, when applied early in selected patients with SARS, H1N1 and acute pulmonary tuberculosis infections, can reverse respiratory failure. There are only a few reports of infectious disease transmission among healthcare workers

    Comparison of Bibliographic Databases in Retrieving Information on Telemedicine

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    Abstract: Background & Aims: Some of the main questions which can be of importance for those researchers who intend to perform a systematic review in a field of science are: ‘What databases should I use for my review?’; ‘Do all these databases have the same value?’; and ‘Which sources retrieved the highest of relevant references?’. The main aim of this work was the identification of the best database for retrieving information on telemedicine by comparing the percentage of relevant references among the total literature available that can be retrieved from each database. Methods: Databases (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science) were searched on the topic of telemedicine and education, telemedicine and cost benefit, and also telemedicine and patient satisfaction. Results of analysis and accuracy coefficient, sensitivity, uniqueness, and the overlap of databases were calculated. Results: The number of studies retrieved from each database varied for each topic. PubMed with 50.7% in accuracy and 61.4% in sensitivity was the most effective database for retrieving information on the abovementioned topics. Databases with the highest proportion of unique records in retrieved relevant references varied between the 38% for PubMed to 3% for CINAHL. The largest overlap in the four databases was between PubMed and the Web of Science (18.6%). Few papers (0.7%) were indexed by all four databases. Conclusion: Our analysis suggests that information scientists, librarians, and researchers who want to access the best references on telemedicine should start by searching PubMed. Searching PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, respectively, will provide about 90% of the relevant available literature. Keywords: Bibliographic databases, Telemedicine, Sensitivity, Precision, Information retrieva


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    Development of new products with the given properties from the known raw materials is one of the common research tasks in process engineering. Usually the first step of research is a literature survey based on the search for the specific keywords. Nowadays there exist many vast databases of articles and patents, and the traditional, keywords-based, searching tools are not always sufficient to find the desired information. The main objective of this paper is to develop methodology for identification of new materials, based on knowledge discovery. As an example, the proposed methodology is applied for identification of new enzyme of microbial origin capable of polymerizing lactose in aqueous solution, with the number of required criteria

    Stres Kerja pada Perawat di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan

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    This study aims to identify the work stress of nurses in Correctional Institutions (LP). The method used is a systematic review by searching articles on the Proquest, Pubmed and ScienceDirect databases with the keywords "occupational stress" AND "correctional facilities". The study results show that nurses' work stress in correctional institutions is closely related to work environment factors, prison inmate population and correctional management. In conclusion, work stress and fatigue among nurses in correctional institutions occur due to work environment factors, including high workload, the characteristics of prisoners and convicts, and the system that regulates correctional institutions, which can decrease work productivity and quality of care. Keywords: Correctional Institutions, Nurses, Work Stres
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