501 research outputs found

    Search for an immobile Hider in a known subset of a network

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    A unit speed Searcher, constrained to start in a given closed set S, wishes to quickly find a point x known to be located in a given closed subset H of a metric network Q. This defines a game G=G(Q,H,S), where the payoff to the maximizing Hider is the time for the Searcher path to reach x. Lengths on Q are defined by a measure λ, which then defines distance as least length of connecting path. For trees Q, we find that the minimax search time (value V of G) is given by V=λ(H)-d_{H}(S)/2, where d_{H}(S) is what we call the `H-diameter of S', and equals the usual diameter d(S) of S in the case H=Q. For the classical case of Gal where the S is a singleton and H=Q, our formula reduces to his result V=λ(Q). If S=H=Q, our formula gives Dagan and Gal's result V=λ(Q)-d(Q)/2. In all other cases, our result is new. Optimal searches consist of minimum length paths covering H which start and end at points of S, traversed equiprobably in either direction

    Hide-and-seek and other search games

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    In the game of hide-and-seek played between two players, a Hider picks a hiding place and a Searcher tries to find him in the least possible time. Since Isaacs had the idea of formulating this mathematically as a zero-sum game almost fifty years ago in his book, Differential Games, the theory of search games has been studied and developed extensively. In the classic model of search games on networks, first formalised by Gal in 1979, a Hider strategy is a point on the network and a Searcher strategy is a constant speed path starting from a designated point of the network. The Searcher wishes to minimise the time to find the Hider (the payoff), and the Hider wishes to maximise it. Gal solved this game for certain classes of networks: that is, he found optimal strategies and the payoff assuming best play on both sides. Here we study new formulations of search games, starting with a model proposed by Alpern where the speed of the Searcher depends on which direction he is traveling. We give a solution of this game on a class of networks called trees, generalising Gal's work. We also show how the game relates to another new model of search studied by Baston and Kikuta, where the Searcher must pay extra search costs to search the network's nodes (or vertices). We go on to study another new model of search called expanding search, which models coal mining. We solve this game on trees and also study the related problem where the Hider's strategy is known to the Searcher. We extend the expanding search game to consider what happens if there are several hidden objects and solve this game for certain classes of networks. Finally we study a game in which a squirrel hides nuts from a pilferer

    Searching a variable speed network

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    A point lies on a network according to some unknown probability distribution. Starting at a specified root of the network, a Searcher moves to find this point at speeds that depend on his location and direction. He seeks the randomized search algorithm that minimizes the expected search time. This is equivalent to modeling the problem as a zero-sum hide-and-seek game whose value is called the search value of the network. We make a new and direct derivation of an explicit formula for the search value of a tree, proving that it is equal to half the sum of the minimum tour time of the tree and a quantity called its incline. The incline of a tree is an average over the leaf nodes of the difference between the time taken to travel from the root to a leaf node and the time taken to travel from a leaf node to the root. This difference can be interpreted as height of a leaf node, assuming uphill is slower than downhill. We then apply this formula to obtain numerous results for general networks. We also introduce a new general method of comparing the search value of networks that differ in a single arc. Some simple networks have very complicated optimal strategies that require mixing of a continuum of pure strategies. Many of our results generalize analogous ones obtained for constant velocity (in both directions) by S. Gal, but not all of those results can be extended

    Optimal trade-off between speed and acuity when searching for a small object

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    A Searcher seeks to find a stationary Hider located at some point H (not necessarily a node) on a given network Q. The Searcher can move along the network from a given starting point at unit speed, but to actually find the Hider she must pass it while moving at a fixed slower speed (which may depend on the arc). In this “bimodal search game,” the payoff is the first time the Searcher passes the Hider while moving at her slow speed. This game models the search for a small or well hidden object (e.g., a contact lens, improvised explosive device, predator search for camouflaged prey). We define a bimodal Chinese postman tour as a tour of minimum time δ which traverses every point of every arc at least once in the slow mode. For trees and weakly Eulerian networks (networks containing a number of disjoint Eulerian cycles connected in a tree-like fashion) the value of the bimodal search game is δ/2. For trees, the optimal Hider strategy has full support on the network. This differs from traditional search games, where it is optimal for him to hide only at leaf nodes. We then consider the notion of a lucky Searcher who can also detect the Hider with a positive probability q even when passing him at her fast speed. This paper has particular importance for demining problems

    Hide-and-seek games on a network, using combinatorial search paths

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    This paper introduces a new search paradigm to hide-and-seek games on networks. The Hider locates at any point on any arc. The Searcher adopts a “combinatorial” path when searching the network: a sequence of arcs, each adjacent to the last, and traced out at unit speed. In previous literature the Searcher was allowed “simple motion,” any unit speed path, including ones that turn around inside an arc. The new approach more closely models real problems such as search for improvised explosive devices using vehicles that can only turn around at particular locations on a road. The search game is zero sum, with the time taken to find the Hider as the payoff. Using a lemma giving an upper bound for the expected search time on a semi Eulerian network, we solve the search game on a network Q3 consisting of two nodes connected by three arcs of arbitrary lengths. When two Q3 networks with unit length arcs are linked by two small central arcs incident at the start node, one of these arcs must be traversed at least three times in an optimal search. This property holds for both combinatorial paths and simple motion paths, and the latter makes it a counterexample to a conjecture of Gal, which said that two traversals were always sufficient

    Approximate solutions for expanding search games on general networks

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    We study the classical problem introduced by R. Isaacs and S. Gal of minimizing the time to find a hidden point H on a network Q moving from a known starting point. Rather than adopting the traditional continuous unit speed path paradigm, we use the dynamic “expanding search” paradigm recently introduced by the authors. Here the regions S(t) that have been searched by time t are increasing from the starting point and have total length t. Roughly speaking the search follows a sequence of arcs ai such that each one starts at some point of an earlier one. This type of search is often carried out by real life search teams in the hunt for missing persons, escaped convicts, terrorists or lost airplanes. The paper which introduced this type of search solved the adversarial problem (where H is hidden to maximize the time to be found) for the cases where Q is a tree or is 2-arc-connected. This paper’s main contribution is to give two strategy classes which can be used on any network and have expected search times which are within a factor close to 1 of the value of the game (minimax search time). These strategies classes are respectively optimal for trees and 2-arc-connected networks. We also solve the game for circle-and-spike networks, which can be considered as the simplest class of networks for which a solution was previously unknown

    The expanding search ratio of a graph

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    We study the problem of searching for a hidden target in an environment that is modeled by an edge-weighted graph. Most of the previous work on this problem considers the pathwise cost formulation, in which the cost incurred by the searcher is the overall time to locate the target, assuming that the searcher moves at unit speed. More recent work introduced the setting of expanding search in which the searcher incurs cost only upon visiting previously unexplored areas of the graph. Such a paradigm is useful in modeling problems in which the cost of re-exploration is negligible (such as coal mining). In our work we study algorithmic and computational issues of expanding search, for a variety of search environments including general graphs, trees and star-like graphs. In particular, we rely on the deterministic and randomized search ratio as the performance measures of search strategies, which were originally introduced by Koutsoupias and Papadimitriou [ICALP 1996] in the context of pathwise search. The search ratio is essentially the best competitive ratio among all possible strategies. Our main objective is to explore how the transition from pathwise to expanding search affects the competitive analysis, which has applications to optimization problems beyond the strict boundaries of search problems
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