3 research outputs found

    A Virtual Prototype of Scalable Network-on-Chip Design

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    A Virtual Prototype of Network-on-Chip (NoC) that interconnects IPs in System-on-Chip is presented in this thesis. A Virtual Prototype is a software model describing various components of NoC put together for simulation and experiments of large SoCs (System-on-Chips). It is a practical way to validate interconnection and working of SoCs with a large number of components in scalable manner. In spite of extensive studies on NoC design, a virtual prototype of NoC is unavailable to academic community. The proposed cycle accurate model of NoC is perhaps the first academic virtual prototype of NoC (VPNoC). The VPNoC can provide similar functionalities as the NoC in the existing simulators. Furthermore, since it is implemented on Carbon SoC Designer, an ARM based SoC development tool, it can be applied directly to current/future SoC design. The proposed VPNoC has been used to demonstrate the design of two SoC applications. In this study, we have achieved: 1) designs and implementations of the NoC components and the VPNoC, 2) measurement of throughput and latency for the VPNoC, and 3) two data intensive applications and their performance analysis

    Hardware Architecture for Semantic Comparison

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    Semantic Routed Networks provide a superior infrastructure for complex search engines. In a Semantic Routed Network (SRN), the routers are the critical component and they perform semantic comparison as their key computation. As the amount of information available on the Internet grows, the speed and efficiency with which information can be retrieved to the user becomes important. Most current search engines scale to meet the growing demand by deploying large data centers with general purpose computers that consume many megawatts of power. Reducing the power consumption of these data centers while providing better performance, will help reduce the costs of operation significantly. Performing operations in parallel is a key optimization step for better performance on general purpose CPUs. Current techniques for parallelization include architectures that are multi-core and have multiple thread handling capabilities. These coarse grained approaches have considerable resource management overhead and provide only sub-linear speedup. This dissertation proposes techniques towards a highly parallel, power efficient architecture that performs semantic comparisons as its core activity. Hardware-centric parallel algorithms have been developed to populate the required data structures followed by computation of semantic similarity. The performance of the proposed design is further enhanced using a pipelined architecture. The proposed algorithms were also implemented on two contemporary platforms such as the Nvidia CUDA and an FPGA for performance comparison. In order to validate the designs, a semantic benchmark was also been created. It has been shown that a dedicated semantic comparator delivers significantly better performance compared to other platforms. Results show that the proposed hardware semantic comparison architecture delivers a speedup performance of up to 10^5 while reducing power consumption by 80% compared to traditional computing platforms. Future research directions including better power optimization, architecting the complete semantic router and using the semantic benchmark for SRN research are also discussed

    Semantic Routed Network for Distributed Search Engines

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    Searching for textual information has become an important activity on the web. To satisfy the rising demand and user expectations, search systems should be fast, scalable and deliver relevant results. To decide which objects should be retrieved, search systems should compare holistic meanings of queries and text document objects, as perceived by humans. Existing techniques do not enable correct comparison of composite holistic meanings like: "evidences on role of DR2 gene in development of diabetes in Caucasian population", which is composed of multiple elementary meanings: "evidence", "DR2 gene", etc. Thus these techniques can not discern objects that have a common set of keywords but convey different meanings. Hence we need new methods to compare composite meanings for superior search quality. In distributed search engines, for scalability, speed and efficiency, index entries should be systematically distributed across multiple index-server nodes based on the meaning of the objects. Furthermore, queries should be selectively sent to those index nodes which have relevant entries. This requires an overlay Semantic Routed Network which will route messages, based on meaning. This network will consist of fast response networking appliances called semantic routers. These appliances need to: (a) carry out sophisticated meaning comparison computations at high speed; and (b) have the right kind of behavior to automatically organize an optimal index system. This dissertation presents the following artifacts that enable the above requirements: (1) An algebraic theory, a design of a data structure and related techniques to efficiently compare composite meanings. (2) Algorithms and accelerator architectures for high speed meaning comparisons inside semantic routers and index-server nodes. (3) An overlay network to deliver search queries to the index nodes based on meanings. (4) Algorithms to construct a self-organizing, distributed meaning based index system. The proposed techniques can compare composite meanings ~105 times faster than an equivalent software code and existing hardware designs. Whereas, the proposed index organization approach can lead to 33% savings in number of servers and power consumption in a model search engine having 700,000 servers. Therefore, using all these techniques, it is possible to design a Semantic Routed Network which has a potential to improve search results and response time, while saving resources