10 research outputs found

    A decoupled local memory allocator

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    Compilers use software-controlled local memories to provide fast, predictable, and power-efficient access to critical data. We show that the local memory allocation for straight-line, or linearized programs is equivalent to a weighted interval-graph coloring problem. This problem is new when allowing a color interval to "wrap around," and we call it the submarine-building problem. This graph-theoretical decision problem differs slightly from the classical ship-building problem, and exhibits very interesting and unusual complexity properties. We demonstrate that the submarine-building problem is NP-complete, while it is solvable in linear time for not-so-proper interval graphs, an extension of the the class of proper interval graphs. We propose a clustering heuristic to approximate any interval graph into a not-so-proper interval graph, decoupling spill code generation from local memory assignment. We apply this heuristic to a large number of randomly generated interval graphs reproducing the statistical features of standard local memory allocation benchmarks, comparing with state-of-the-art heuristics. © 2013 ACM

    Processor Energy Characterization for Compiler-Assisted Software Energy Reduction

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    Automated Compilation Framework for Scratchpad-based Real-Time Systems

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    ScratchPad Memory (SPM) is highly adopted in real-time systems as it exhibits a predictable behaviour. SPM is software-managed by explicitly inserting instructions to move code and data transfers between the SPM and the main memory. However, it is a tedious job to decide how to manage the SPM and to manually modify the code to insert memory transfers. Hence, an automated compilation tool is essential to efficiently utilize the SPM. Another key problem with SPM is the latency suffered by the system due to memory transfers. Hiding this latency is important for high-performance systems. In this thesis, we address the problems of managing SPM and reducing the impact of memory latency. To realize the automation of our work, we develop a compilation framework based on the LLVM compiler to analyze and transform the program code. We exploit our framework to improve the performance of the execution of single and multi-tasks in real-time systems. For the single task execution, Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) is of great importance to assure correct and safe behaviour of the system. So, we propose a WCET-driven allocation technique for data SPM that employs software prefetching to efficiently manage the SPM and to overlap the memory transfer and the task execution in a predictable way. On the other hand, multi-tasking requires the system to be schedulable such that all the tasks can meet their timing requirements. However, executing multiple tasks on a multi-processor platform suffers from the contention of the accesses to the shared main memory. To avoid the contention, several scheduling techniques adopted the 3-phase execution model which executes the task as a sequence of memory and computation phases. This provides the means to avoid the contention as well as to hide the memory latency by using a Direct Memory Access (DMA) engine. Executing memory transfers using the DMA allows overlapping the memory transfers with the computations on the processor. Using the 3-phase model in systems with limited sizes of local SPM may necessitate a segmentation of the task. Automating the segmentation process is necessary especially for systems with large task sets. Hence, we propose a set of efficient segmentation algorithms that follow the 3-phase execution model. The application of these algorithms shows a significant improvement in the system schedulability. For our segmentation algorithms to be more applicable, we extend the 3-phase model to allow programs with multiple paths represented as conditional Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs), unlike the previous works that targeted sequential programs. We also introduce a multi-steaming model to exploit the benefits of prefetching by overlapping the memory and computation phases of the same task, which was not allowed in the previous approaches. By combining the automated compilation with the proposed algorithms, we are able to achieve our goal to efficiently manage data SPM in real-time systems

    Studies on a local and cache memory management scheme on a multicore processor

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲2791号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2009/2/25 ; 早大学位記番号:新501

    Scratchpad Allocation for Data Aggregates in Superperfect Graphs

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    Existing methods place data or code in scratchpad memory, i.e., SPM by either relying on heuristics or resorting to integer programming or mapping it to a graph coloring problem. In this work, the SPM allocation problem is formulated as an interval coloring problem. The key observation is that in many embedded applications, arrays (including structs as a special case) are often related in the following way: For any two arrays, their live ranges are often such that one is either disjoint from or contains the other. As a result, array interference graphs are often superperfect graphs and optimal interval colorings for such array interference graphs are possible. This has led to the development of two new SPM allocation algorithms. While differing in whether live range splits and spills are done sequentially or together, both algorithms place arrays in SPM based on examining the cliques in an interference graph. In both cases, we guarantee optimally that all arrays in an interference graph can be placed in SPM if its size is no smaller than the clique number of the graph. In the case that the SPM is not large enough, we rely on heuristics to split or spill a live range until the graph is colorable. Our experiment results using embedded benchmarks show that our algorithms can outperform graph coloring when their interference graphs are superperfect or nearly so although graph coloring is admittedly more general and may also be effective to applications with arbitrary interference graphs