54,299 research outputs found

    Building Partnerships to Reinvent School Culture

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    Presents a case study of community organizing for school reform by Austin Interfaith: how its "alliance schools" network and parent and community engagement shaped leadership development, district-level policy, school-level capacity, and student outcomes

    Inclusion Needs a Different School Culture

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    Teachers' beliefs and values are affecting the emerging organizational paradigm called inclusive education. A social constructivist perspective on teachers' beliefs acknowledges that teachers have their ideals and this knowledge influences their actions in the implementation of inclusive schooling. This happens within a social and cultural context of the school and the community. This paper addresses a critical aspect of the changes needed for the development of inclusive schooling and the associated professional development for teachers

    Makna School Culture Dan Budaya Mutu Bagi Stakeholder Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (Min) Demangan Kota Madiun Tahun Pelajaran 2014-2015

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    Peran dunia pendidikan untuk melahirkan generasi muda yang berkarakter sangat diperlukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sumber daya manusia Indonesia yang berkualitas. Oleh karena itu kehadiran lembaga pendidikan yang bermutu tidak bisa dihindarkan lagi. Obyek penelitian ini adalah bagaimana para stakeholders di MIN Demangan memaknai school culture dan budaya mutu. Adapun subyek penelitiannya adalah kepala madrasah, 4 para guru, dan 2 orang anggota komite madrasah. Ini adalah Fenomenologi yang berusaha memahami makna dari sebuah pengalaman dari perspektif partisipan. Data dalam penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif, berbentuk tindakan, pernyataan-pernyataan secara lisan, dan berbagai artefak. Pengumpulan datanya menggunakan teknik observasi-non partisipasi dan wawancara mendalam. Penelitian ini menemukan tiga hal: pertama, Kepala MIN Demangan memaknai budaya mutu sebagai strategi mewujudkan madrasahnya sebagai lembaga pendidikan Islam yang unggul; kedua, stakeholders MIN Demangan memaknai budaya mutu sebagai upaya untuk menumbuhkan perasaan kompetitif dalam diri warga MIN Demangan; ketiga, Kepala MIN Demangan telah melakukan berbagai hal dalam rangka menumbuhkan budaya mutu, antara lain: menumbuhkan budaya kompetitif bagi warga madrasah, memberikan penghargaan bagi warga madrasah yang berprestasi, mempublikasikan kegiatan budaya mutu di MIN Demangan melalui media massa, melaporkan pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran secara transparan, dan menjadikan MIN Demangan sebagai madrasah Adiwiyat

    Teachers Performance Analysis Of Vocation High School In Banten Province

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    This study aimed to analyze and prove the influence of leadership, school culture and competence on work motivation and its implication toward teacher\u27s performance of vocation high school at Banten province, both partially and simultaneously. The method used in this research were descriptive, survey and explanatory method with population size of 617 and sample size of 215 respondents. The method used to analysis data was SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). The research result, obtained the findings as follows: The leadership, school culture and competence both partially and simultaneously had positive and significant impact on work motivation with contribution (R2) 50%. Partially leadership dominantly influence on work motivation. Further on Structural 2 showed those: The leadership, school culture, competence and work motivation both partially and simultaneously had positive and significant impact on teacher\u27s performance with contribution (R2) 77%. Viewed as partial, the leadership had dominantly toward teacher\u27s performance. Concerning on direct and indirect effect that work motivation was being full mediating. This study found and recommended that to increase teacher\u27s  performance of vocation high school at Banten province needed to be extending work motivation, reflected by the dimension of affiliation and supported with an increase in leadership which reflected by the dimension of personality especially integrity, and then backed with an enhance in teacher\u27s competence which reflected by the dimension of personality, especially hold the norms, and the last one repaired the school culture with the dimension bureaucracy especially coordinatio

    Discrimination against same sex attracted youth: the role of the school counsellor

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    Beginning with a discussion of current legislation in Australia around inclusion, this paper highlights recent research into the school experience of Same Sex Attracted Youth (SSAY), including the issues faced by students,and the negative outcomes of such experiences. The school experiences of SSAY youth is positioned within a social justice framework. The critical role that school counsellors can play in determining school culture is examined. The role of a school counsellor as part of a pastoral care team within school management is also highlighted. Factors that may influence a more supportive and inclusive school culture are discussed

    Creating Positive School Culture on Social Media - School Culture on the Go

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    Schools across America have created policies to address school culture. School culture today must be able to adjust and adapt to the changing times that are brought on by technology. Technology has continued to change citizens across the globe; this change has made communication look, feel, and operate differently than ever before. Technology has grown, with its platforms embedded in schools, these changes have gifts such as cultural inclusiveness, vast options for instructional resources, and even options for feedback and evaluation. Technology has also challenged many schools in ways of distracting students, bullying through social media, and gangs today have evolved to use social media for advertising and threatening students and schools. Schools must find innovative ways to create a culture that is strong at school, extends to the cyber world, and can transition to communities and homes

    The Relationship Between School Culture And Third-grade Fcat Reading Proficiency In Seminole County Public Elementary Schools

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    This study aimed to determine the relationship between school culture and student achievement. Elementary school teachers (N=574) from 27 schools in suburban Seminole County, Florida completed the School Culture Triage Survey to generate a school culture score. The participating schools were ranked and placed in categories representing the top 33% (N=9), middle 33% (N=9), and bottom 33% (N=9) of the population based on their culture score. School culture data were analyzed and correlated with third grade student achievement data, as measured by the 2007 Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) Reading to determine if there were any relationships between (a) school culture and student achievement; (b) the three key components of school culture (collaboration, collegiality, and self-determination/efficacy) and student achievement; and (c) principal tenure and school culture. Additional data analysis served to determine if there were any experiential or demographic differences among the teachers from the schools falling in the top, middle, and bottom 33% on the School Culture Triage Survey. To learn more about principal beliefs with regard to school culture and student achievement, principal interviews were conducted with some principals (N=8) from the participating schools. Through a review of the research results and related literature, the researcher concluded that a relationship between the overall school culture and student achievement did not exist. Further analysis revealed that there were no relationships between student achievement and collaboration, collegiality, and self-determination/efficacy, or between school culture and principal tenure for the schools participating in this study

    Gender, Professional Orientation, and Student Achievement: Elements of School Culture

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    This study explored the relationships between professional orientation (defined as how the principal sees his or her role in the organization) and school culture, the influence of gender on professional orientation, and the relationship between school culture and the academic achievement of students. One hundred principals were surveyed. Two instruments, the Professional Orientation and the School Culture Survey were completed. The results were analyzed using linear regression statistics to determine (a) gender and professional orientation effect on the factors of school culture, and (b) if factors of school culture had an effect on student success in the elementary school. Findings of this study suggested that the professional orientation of the principal does appear to have a significant effect on school culture. In addition, professional orientation choices do vary in ways that can be connected to gender. Of the six school culture factors, only learning partnership appears to have any significant effect on student achievement

    Efektivitas Budaya Organisasi dalam Mewujudkan Visi dan Misi SMA Swasta UISU Siantar

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    This study aims to describe the Effectiveness of Organizational Culture in Realizing the Vision and Mission of UISU Siantar Private High School. School culture is the basic personality of the school which is shaped by norms, values, beliefs, and traditions shared by school members. Because a positive school culture plays an important role in directing the behavior of school members to achieve school goals. This Research In this study, a qualitative research design was used to analyze school culture. A study that focuses on school culture, student groups or classroom behavior should use an ethnographic case study format. This study reveals that school culture has a significant impact on school effectiveness. Therefore, in implementing education reform, system leaders should emphasize the important role of school culture in school effectiveness. School improvement efforts need to be focused on the dimensions of school culture and school effectiveness. Effective planning and strategies are needed to develop working conditions in which teachers can collaborate and work together effectively. School leaders should focus on creating a positive school culture based on collaboration, and mutual support. Principals to involve all stakeholders in the formulation and development of school management strategies

    Students Direct Inclusive School Development in an Australian Secondary School: An Example of Student Empowerment

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    This paper reports on processes employed at a secondary state high school in Australia, where students directed inclusive school development. The procedures used in the study were developed from the Index for Inclusion and included a student forum; a student presentation to parents, principal and teachers and a focus group interview with members of the school community. These procedures were designed to empower students to participate in school review and planning and evaluate the procedures developed from the Index for Inclusion. Samples of interview data from the school principal, staff, parents and the students illustrate a growing understanding of what inclusive education means for members of this school community. The research extends understandings of inclusive education in schools, from a focus on students with disabilities to a much broader philosophy that influences school culture, policy and practice for the diversity of students at the school. Discussion about feeling part of a ‘family’ in the school community and the description of the procedures linked to actions for change, provide evidence of a developing inclusive school culture that will inform educators interested in inclusive school development
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