3 research outputs found

    Exploring the intersections: Researchers and communication professionals' perspectives on the organizational role of science communication

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    Purpose: This paper reports on research exploring the intersections between researchers and communication professionals' perspectives on the objectives, funders and organizational influences on their science communication practices. Design/methodology/approach: Examining one context, the inter-organizational BCDC Energy Research project based at five different research organizations in Finland, this paper presents data from semi-structured interviews with 17 researchers and 15 communication professionals. Findings: The results suggest that performance-based funding policies that drive the proliferation of large-scale research projects can create challenges. In particular, a challenge arises in generating a shared sense of identity and purpose amongst researchers and communication professionals. This may have unintended negative impacts on the quality and cohesiveness of the science communication which occurs. Research limitations/implications: The study was exploratory in nature and focuses on one organizational and institutional environment. Further research with a wider number of projects, as well as funders, would be conducive to a greater understanding of the issues involved. Practical implications: On a practical level, this research suggests that the creation of clearer communications awareness and guidance may be helpful in some large-scale projects, particularly involving broad numbers of organizations, individual researchers and funders. Originality/value: This is one of the first studies examining the perspectives of both researchers and communication professionals working over one project, drawing together a range of different institutional and disciplinary perspectives. The results highlight the importance of the influences of funding on science communication aims, assumptions, cultures and structures. The article articulates the need for further research in this area

    Scholars’ temporal participation on, temporary disengagement from, and return to Twitter

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    Even though the extant literature investigates how and why academics use social media, much less is known about academics’ temporal patterns of social media use. This mixed methods study provides a first-of-its-kind investigation into temporal social media use. In particular, we study how academics’ use of Twitter varies over time and examine the reasons why academics temporarily disengage and return to the social media platform. We employ data mining methods to identify a sample of academics on Twitter (n = 3,996) and retrieve the tweets they posted (n = 9,025,127). We analyze quantitative data using descriptive and inferential statistics, and qualitative data using the constant comparative approach. Results show that Twitter use is predominantly connected to traditional work hours and is well-integrated into academics’ professional endeavors, suggesting that professional use of Twitter has become “ordinary.” Though scholars rarely announce their departure from or return to Twitter, approximately half of this study’s participants took some kind of a break from Twitter. Although users returned to Twitter for both professional and personal reasons, conferences and workshops were found to be significant events stimulating the return of academic users

    Capacity development through digital informal learning experiences: An exploration of the entrepreneurial competency development of self-employed Canadian mothers using a learning ecologies framework

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    Many Canadian women pursue self-employment during motherhood to create flexible working conditions. Although there is ample literature on the motherhood penalty and female entrepreneurship, little research exists on the development of entrepreneurial competencies through digital informal learning and how this impacts capacity development. An ethnographic approach guided the design of a mixed-methods research study, which focused on the digital learning experiences of 47 Canadian entrepreneurs who are mothers. A learning ecologies framework was applied to address the multidimensionality of individual learning experiences and the overall learning culture of the sample. The findings showed that the demands of motherhood influenced the learning culture of participants: learning was primarily informal and occurred in digital contexts, affording flexible learning experiences based on self-identified needs.Muchas mujeres canadienses buscan trabajo por cuenta propia durante su maternidad para tener condiciones de trabajo flexibles. Aunque existe una amplia literatura sobre la penalización por maternidad y el emprendimiento femenino, hay poca investigación sobre el desarrollo de competencias empresariales a través del aprendizaje informal digital y cómo esto afecta al desarrollo de capacidades. Un enfoque etnográfico guio el diseño de un estudio de investigación de métodos mixtos centrado en las experiencias de aprendizaje digital de 47 emprendedoras canadienses que son madres. Se aplicó un marco teórico de ecologías de aprendizaje para abordar la multidimensionalidad de las experiencias de aprendizaje individuales y la cultura de aprendizaje global de la muestra. Los resultados demostraron que las necesidades propias de la maternidad influyen en la cultura de aprendizaje de las participantes: el aprendizaje fue principalmente informal y tuvo lugar en contextos digitales, lo que permitió experiencias de aprendizaje flexibles basadas en necesidades autoidentificadas.Moltes dones canadenques busquen feina per compte propi durant la maternitat per tenir condicions laborals flexibles. Tot i que hi ha una àmplia literatura sobre la penalització per maternitat i l'emprenedoria femenina, hi ha poques recerques sobre el desenvolupament de competències empresarials mitjançant l'aprenentatge informal digital i com això afecta el desenvolupament de capacitats. Un enfocament etnogràfic va guiar el disseny d'un estudi de recerca de mètodes mixtos centrat en les experiències d'aprenentatge digital de 47 empresàries canadenques que són mares. Es va aplicar un marc teòric d'ecologies d'aprenentatge per abordar la multidimensionalitat de les experiències d'aprenentatge individuals i la cultura d'aprenentatge global de la mostra. Els resultats van demostrar que les necessitats pròpies de la maternitat influeixen en la cultura d'aprenentatge de les participants: l'aprenentatge va ser sobretot informal i va tenir lloc en contextos digitals, cosa que va permetre experiències d'aprenentatge flexibles basades en necessitats autoidentificades.E-learnin