7 research outputs found

    Ensuring Deterministic Concurrency through Compilation

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    Multicore shared-memory architectures are becoming prevalent but bring many programming challenges. Among the biggest is non-determinism: the output of the program does not depend merely on the input, but also on scheduling choices taken by the operating system. In this paper, we discuss and propose additional tools that provide determinism guarantees-compilers that generate deterministic code, libraries that provide deterministic constructs, and analyzers that check for determinism. Additionally, we discuss techniques to check for problems like deadlock that can result from the use of these deterministic constructs

    WCRT algebra and interfaces for esterel-style synchronous processing

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    Abstract—The synchronous model of computation together with a suitable execution platform facilitates system-level timing predictability. This paper introduces an algebraic framework for precisely capturing worst case reaction time (WCRT) characteris-tics for Esterel-style reactive processors with hardware-supported multithreading. This framework provides a formal grounding for the WCRT problem, and allows to improve upon earlier heuristics by accurately and modularly characterizing timing interfaces. I

    Buffer Sharing in Rendezvous Programs

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    Sequentially Constructive Concurrency: A Conservative Extension of the Synchronous Model of Computation

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    Synchronous languages ensure deterministic concurrency, but at the price of heavy restrictions on what programs are considered valid, or constructive. Meanwhile, sequential languages such as C and Java offer an intuitive, familiar programming paradigm but provide no guarantees with regard to deterministic concurrency. The sequentially constructive model of computation (SC MoC) presented here harnesses the synchronous execution model to achieve deterministic concurrency while addressing concerns that synchronous languages are unnecessarily restrictive and difficult to adopt. In essence, the SC MoC extends the classical synchronous MoC by allowing variables to be read and written in any order as long as sequentiality expressed in the program provides sufficient scheduling information to rule out race conditions. This allows to use programming patterns familiar from sequential programming, such as testing and later setting the value of a variable, which are forbidden in the standard synchronous MoC. The SC MoC is a conservative extension in that programs considered constructive in the common synchronous MoC are also SC and retain the same semantics. In this paper, we identify classes of variable accesses, define sequential constructiveness based on the concept of SC-admissible scheduling, and present a priority-based scheduling algorithm for analyzing and compiling SC programs

    Grounding Synchronous Deterministic Concurrency in Sequential Programming

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    In this report, we introduce an abstract interval domain I(D; P) and associated fixed point semantics for reasoning about concurrent and sequential variable accesses within a synchronous cycle-based model of computation. The interval domain captures must (lower bound) and cannot (upper bound) information to approximate the synchronisation status of variables consisting of a value status D and an init status P. We use this domain for a new behavioural definition of Berry’s causality analysis for Esterel. This gives a compact and uniform understanding of Esterel-style constructiveness for shared-memory multi-threaded programs. Using this new domain-theoretic characterisation we show that Berry’s constructive semantics is a conservative approximation of the recently proposed sequentially constructive (SC) model of computation. We prove that every Berry-constructive program is sequentially constructive, i.e., deterministic and deadlock-free under sequentially admissible scheduling. This gives, for the first time, a natural interpretation of Berry-constructiveness for main-stream imperative programming in terms of scheduling, where previous results were cast in terms of synchronous circuits. It also opens the door to a direct mapping of Esterel’s signal mechanism into boolean variables that can be set and reset arbitrarily within a tick. We illustrate the practical usefulness of this mapping by discussing how signal reincarnation is handled efficiently by this transformation, which is of complexity that is linear in progra