39,044 research outputs found

    Complexity of scheduling multiprocessor tasks with prespecified processor allocations

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    We investigate the computational complexity of scheduling multiprocessor tasks with prespecified processor allocations. We consider two criteria: minimizing schedule length and minimizing the sum of the task completion times. In addition, we investigate the complexity of problems when precedence constraints or release dates are involved

    Feasibility Tests for Recurrent Real-Time Tasks in the Sporadic DAG Model

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    A model has been proposed in [Baruah et al., in Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 2012] for representing recurrent precedence-constrained tasks to be executed on multiprocessor platforms, where each recurrent task is modeled by a directed acyclic graph (DAG), a period, and a relative deadline. Each vertex of the DAG represents a sequential job, while the edges of the DAG represent precedence constraints between these jobs. All the jobs of the DAG are released simultaneously and have to be completed within some specified relative deadline. The task may release jobs in this manner an unbounded number of times, with successive releases occurring at least the specified period apart. The feasibility problem is to determine whether such a recurrent task can be scheduled to always meet all deadlines on a specified number of dedicated processors. The case of a single task has been considered in [Baruah et al., 2012]. The main contribution of this paper is to consider the case of multiple tasks. We show that EDF has a speedup bound of 2-1/m, where m is the number of processors. Moreover, we present polynomial and pseudopolynomial schedulability tests, of differing effectiveness, for determining whether a set of sporadic DAG tasks can be scheduled by EDF to meet all deadlines on a specified number of processors

    On the periodic behavior of real-time schedulers on identical multiprocessor platforms

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    This paper is proposing a general periodicity result concerning any deterministic and memoryless scheduling algorithm (including non-work-conserving algorithms), for any context, on identical multiprocessor platforms. By context we mean the hardware architecture (uniprocessor, multicore), as well as task constraints like critical sections, precedence constraints, self-suspension, etc. Since the result is based only on the releases and deadlines, it is independent from any other parameter. Note that we do not claim that the given interval is minimal, but it is an upper bound for any cycle of any feasible schedule provided by any deterministic and memoryless scheduler

    Integrating Job Parallelism in Real-Time Scheduling Theory

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    We investigate the global scheduling of sporadic, implicit deadline, real-time task systems on multiprocessor platforms. We provide a task model which integrates job parallelism. We prove that the time-complexity of the feasibility problem of these systems is linear relatively to the number of (sporadic) tasks for a fixed number of processors. We propose a scheduling algorithm theoretically optimal (i.e., preemptions and migrations neglected). Moreover, we provide an exact feasibility utilization bound. Lastly, we propose a technique to limit the number of migrations and preemptions

    Restart-Based Fault-Tolerance: System Design and Schedulability Analysis

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    Embedded systems in safety-critical environments are continuously required to deliver more performance and functionality, while expected to provide verified safety guarantees. Nonetheless, platform-wide software verification (required for safety) is often expensive. Therefore, design methods that enable utilization of components such as real-time operating systems (RTOS), without requiring their correctness to guarantee safety, is necessary. In this paper, we propose a design approach to deploy safe-by-design embedded systems. To attain this goal, we rely on a small core of verified software to handle faults in applications and RTOS and recover from them while ensuring that timing constraints of safety-critical tasks are always satisfied. Faults are detected by monitoring the application timing and fault-recovery is achieved via full platform restart and software reload, enabled by the short restart time of embedded systems. Schedulability analysis is used to ensure that the timing constraints of critical plant control tasks are always satisfied in spite of faults and consequent restarts. We derive schedulability results for four restart-tolerant task models. We use a simulator to evaluate and compare the performance of the considered scheduling models

    A Novel SAT-Based Approach to the Task Graph Cost-Optimal Scheduling Problem

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    The Task Graph Cost-Optimal Scheduling Problem consists in scheduling a certain number of interdependent tasks onto a set of heterogeneous processors (characterized by idle and running rates per time unit), minimizing the cost of the entire process. This paper provides a novel formulation for this scheduling puzzle, in which an optimal solution is computed through a sequence of Binate Covering Problems, hinged within a Bounded Model Checking paradigm. In this approach, each covering instance, providing a min-cost trace for a given schedule depth, can be solved with several strategies, resorting to Minimum-Cost Satisfiability solvers or Pseudo-Boolean Optimization tools. Unfortunately, all direct resolution methods show very low efficiency and scalability. As a consequence, we introduce a specialized method to solve the same sequence of problems, based on a traditional all-solution SAT solver. This approach follows the "circuit cofactoring" strategy, as it exploits a powerful technique to capture a large set of solutions for any new SAT counter-example. The overall method is completed with a branch-and-bound heuristic which evaluates lower and upper bounds of the schedule length, to reduce the state space that has to be visited. Our results show that the proposed strategy significantly improves the blind binate covering schema, and it outperforms general purpose state-of-the-art tool