71 research outputs found

    Group-based optimization for parallel job scheduling in clusters via heuristic search

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    Job scheduling for parallel processing typically makes scheduling decisions on a per job basis due to the dynamic arrival of jobs. Such decision making provides limited options to find globally best schedules. Most research uses off-line optimization which is not realistic. We propose an optimization on the basis of limited-size dynamic job grouping per priority class. We apply heuristic domain-knowledge-based hi-level search and branch-and-bound methods to heavy workload traces to capture good schedules. Special plan-based conservative backfilling and shifting policies are used to augment the search. Our objective is to minimize average relative response times for long and medium job classes, while keeping utilization high. The scheduling algorithm is extended from the SCOJO-PECT coarse-grain pre-emptive time-sharing scheduler. The proposed scheduler was evaluated using real traces and Lublin-Feitelson synthetic workload model. The comparisons were made with the conservative SCOJO-PECT scheduler. The results are promising--the average relative response times were improved by 18-32 while still able to contain the loss of utilization within 2

    Split Scheduling with Uniform Setup Times

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    We study a scheduling problem in which jobs may be split into parts, where the parts of a split job may be processed simultaneously on more than one machine. Each part of a job requires a setup time, however, on the machine where the job part is processed. During setup a machine cannot process or set up any other job. We concentrate on the basic case in which setup times are job-, machine-, and sequence-independent. Problems of this kind were encountered when modelling practical problems in planning disaster relief operations. Our main algorithmic result is a polynomial-time algorithm for minimising total completion time on two parallel identical machines. We argue why the same problem with three machines is not an easy extension of the two-machine case, leaving the complexity of this case as a tantalising open problem. We give a constant-factor approximation algorithm for the general case with any number of machines and a polynomial-time approximation scheme for a fixed number of machines. For the version with objective minimising weighted total completion time we prove NP-hardness. Finally, we conclude with an overview of the state of the art for other split scheduling problems with job-, machine-, and sequence-independent setup times
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