12 research outputs found

    Secure Scan Design with a Novel Methodology of Scan Camouflaging

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    Scan based attacks are the major security concerns of a design. These attacks are majorly employed to understand the camouflaged logic during reverse engineering. The state-of-the-art techniques like scan chain scrambling hinder accessibility of scan chains, but are prone to layout level reverse engineering attacks. In the proposed methodology, the scan design is secured by adding an extra scan input port (DSI) to the flipflop using dummy contacts, which ensure that DSI cannot be distinguished from SI port even with layout based reverse engineering techniques. Dummy scan chain connections are introduced in the design by connecting DSI port to the nearby flipflop Q output port. Our proposed method can withstand Reset-and-scan attack, Incremental SAT-based attack and the recent ScanSAT attack. The performance of this concept is measured in terms of frequency and total power consumption on IWLS-2005 benchmark circuits having up to 1380 flipflops with 40nm technology library. The delay is effected by a maximum of 2.2% with 50% obfuscation without any impact on power, pattern generation time and scan test time

    Sequential Logic Encryption Against Model Checking Attack

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    Due to high IC design costs and emergence of countless untrusted foundries, logic encryption has been taken into consideration more than ever. In state-of-the-art logic encryption works, a lot of performance is sold to guarantee security against both the SAT-based and the removal attacks. However, the SAT-based attack cannot decrypt the sequential circuits if the scan chain is protected or if the unreachable states encryption is adopted. Instead, these security schemes can be defeated by the model checking attack that searches iteratively for different input sequences to put the activated IC to the desired reachable state. In this paper, we propose a practical logic encryption approach to defend against the model checking attack on sequential circuits. The robustness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by experiments on around fifty benchmarks

    A Generic Scan Attack on Hardware based eStream Winners

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    Scan chains, a design for testability (DFT) feature, are included in most modern-day ICs. But, it opens a side channel for attacking cryptographic chips. We propose a methodology by which we can recover internal states of any stream cipher using scan chains without knowledge of its design. We consider conven- tional scan-chain design which is normally not scram- bled or protected in any other way. In this scenario the challenge of the adversary is to obtain the corre- spondence of output of the scan chain and the internal state registers of the stream cipher. We present a math- ematical model of the attack and the correspondence between the scan chain-outputs and the internal state bits have been proved under this model. We propose an algorithm that through o-line and on-line simulation forms bijection between the above mentioned sets and thus nds the required correspondence. We also give an estimate of the number of o-line simulations necessary for nding the correspondence. The proposed strategy is successfully applied to eS- tream hardware based nalists MICKEY-128 2.0, Triv- ium and Grain-128. To the best of our knowledge, this is the rst scan based attack against full round Grain-128 and only the fourth reported cryptanalysis. This attack on Trivium is better than that of the published scan- attack on Trivium. This scan-based attack is also the rst reported scan based cryptanalysis against MICKEY- 128 2.0

    Scan-based Attacks on Linear Feedback Shift Register Based Stream Ciphers

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    In this paper, we present an attack on stream cipher implementations by determining the scan chain structure of the linear feedback shift registers in their implementations. Although scan Design-for-Test (DFT) is a powerful testing scheme, we show that it can be used to retrieve the information stored in a crypto chip thus compromising its theoretically proven security

    A Hardware Security Solution against Scan-Based Attacks

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    Scan based Design for Test (DfT) schemes have been widely used to achieve high fault coverage for integrated circuits. The scan technique provides full access to the internal nodes of the device-under-test to control them or observe their response to input test vectors. While such comprehensive access is highly desirable for testing, it is not acceptable for secure chips as it is subject to exploitation by various attacks. In this work, new methods are presented to protect the security of critical information against scan-based attacks. In the proposed methods, access to the circuit containing secret information via the scan chain has been severely limited in order to reduce the risk of a security breach. To ensure the testability of the circuit, a built-in self-test which utilizes an LFSR as the test pattern generator (TPG) is proposed. The proposed schemes can be used as a countermeasure against side channel attacks with a low area overhead as compared to the existing solutions in literature

    Secure and Robust Key-Trapped Design-for-Security Architecture for Protecting Obfuscated Logic

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    Having access to the scan chain of Integrated Circuits (ICs) is an integral requirement of the debug/testability process within the supply chain. However, the access to the scan chain raises big concerns regarding the security of the chip, particularly when the secret information, such as the key of logic obfuscation, is embedded/stored inside the chip. Hence, to relieve such concerns, numerous secure scan chain architectures have been proposed in the literature to show not only how to prevent any unauthorized access to the scan chain but also how to keep the availability of the scan chain for debug/testability. In this paper, we first provide a holistic overview of all secure scan chain architectures. Then, we discuss the key leakage possibility and some substantial architectural drawbacks that moderately affect both test flow and design constraints in the state-of-the-art published design-for-security (DFS) architectures. Then, we propose a new key-trapped DFS (kt-DFS) architecture for building a secure scan chain architecture while addressing the potential of key leakage. The proposed kt-DFS architecture allows the designer to perform the structural test with no limitation, enabling an untrusted foundry to utilize the scan chain for manufacturing fault testing without needing to access the scan chain. Finally, we evaluate and compare the proposed architecture with state-of-the-art ones in terms of security, testability time and complexity, and area/power/delay overhead


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    Hardware has become a popular target for attackers to hack into any computing and communication system. Starting from the legendary power analysis attacks discovered 20 years ago to the recent Intel Spectre and Meltdown attacks, security vulnerabilities in hardware design have been exploited for malicious purposes. With the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) applications, where the IoT devices are extremely resource constrained, many proven secure but computational expensive cryptography protocols cannot be applied on such devices. Thus there is an urgent need to understand the hardware vulnerabilities and develop cost effective mitigation methods. One established field in the semiconductor and integrated circuit (IC) industry, known as IC test, has the goal of ensuring that fabricated ICs are free of manufacturing defects and perform the required functionalities. Testing is essential to isolate faulty chips from good ones. The concept of design for test (DFT) has been integrated in the commercial IC design and fabrication process for several decades. Scan chain, which provides test engineer access to all the flip flops in the chip through the scan in (SI) and scan out (SO) ports, is the backbone of industrial testing methods and can be found in almost all the modern designs. In addition to IC testing, scan chain has found applications in intellectual property (IP) protection and IC identification. However, attackers can also leverage the controllability and observability of scan chain as a side channel to break systems such as cryptographic chips. This dissertation addresses these two important security problems by proposing (1) a practical scan chain based security primitive for IP protection and (2) a partial scan chain framework that can mitigate all the existing scan based attacks. First, we observe the fact that each D-flip-flop has two output ports, Q and Q’, designed to simplify the logic and has been used to reduce the power consumption for IC test. The availability of both Q and Q’ ports provide the opportunity for IP protection. More specifically, we can generate a digital fingerprint by selecting different connection styles between adjacent scan cells during the design of scan chain. This method has two major advantages: fingerprints are created as a post-silicon procedure and therefore there will be little fabrication overhead; altering the connection style requires the modification of test vectors for each fingerprinted IP and thus enables a non-intrusive fingerprint verification method. This addresses the overhead and detectability problems, two of the most challenging problems of designing practical IP fingerprinting techniques in the past two decades. Combined with the recently developed reconfigurable scan networks (RSNs) that are popular for embedded and IoT devices, we design an IC identification (ID) scheme utilizing the different connection styles. We perform experiments on standard benchmarks to demonstrate that our approach has low design overhead. We also conduct security analysis to show that such fingerprints and IC IDs are robust against various attacks. In the second part of this dissertation, we consider the scan chain side channel attack, which has been reported as one of the most severe side channel attacks to modern secure systems. We argue that the current countermeasures are restricted to the requirement of providing direct SI and SO for testing and thus suffers the vulnerability of leaving this side channel open to the attackers as well. Therefore, we propose a novel public-private partial scan chain based approach with the basic idea of removing the flip flops that store sensitive information from the scan chain. This will eliminate the scan chain side channel, but it also limits IC test. The key contribution in our proposed public-private partial scan chain design is that it can keep the full test coverage while providing security to the scan chain. This is achieved by chaining the removed flip flops into one or more private partial scan chains and adding protections to the SI and SO ports of such chains. Unlike the traditional partial scan design which not only fails to provide full fault coverage, but also incur huge overhead in test time and test vector generation time, we propose a set of techniques to ensure that the desired test vectors can be entered into the system efficiently. These techniques include test vector reordering, test vector reusing, and test vector generation based on a novel finite state machine (FSM) structure we have invented. On the other hand, to enable the test engineers the ability to observe the test output to diagnose the chip while not leaking information to the attackers, we propose two lightweight mechanisms, one based on linear feedback shift register (LFSR) and the other one based on configurable physical unclonable function (PUF). Finally, we discuss a protocol on how in-field test can be realized using our public-private partial scan chain. We conduct experiments with industrial scan design tools to demonstrate that the required hardware in our approach has negligible area overhead and gives full test coverage with reduced test time and does not need to re-generate test vectors. In sum, this dissertation focuses on the role of scan chain, a conventional design for test facility, in hardware security. We show that scan chain features can be leveraged to create practical IP protection techniques including IP watermarking and fingerprinting as well as IC identification and authentication. We also propose a novel public-private partial scan design principle to close the scan chain side channel to the attackers. Through this dissertation work, we demonstrate that it is possible to develop highly practical scan chain based techniques that can benefit both the community of IC test and hardware security