1,971 research outputs found

    FPTree: A Hybrid SCM-DRAM Persistent and Concurrent B-Tree for Storage Class Memory

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    The advent of Storage Class Memory (SCM) is driving a rethink of storage systems towards a single-level architecture where memory and storage are merged. In this context, several works have investigated how to design persistent trees in SCM as a fundamental building block for these novel systems. However, these trees are significantly slower than DRAM-based counterparts since trees are latency-sensitive and SCM exhibits higher latencies than DRAM. In this paper we propose a novel hybrid SCM-DRAM persistent and concurrent B-Tree, named Fingerprinting Persistent Tree (FPTree) that achieves similar performance to DRAM-based counterparts. In this novel design, leaf nodes are persisted in SCM while inner nodes are placed in DRAM and rebuilt upon recovery. The FPTree uses Fingerprinting, a technique that limits the expected number of in-leaf probed keys to one. In addition, we propose a hybrid concurrency scheme for the FPTree that is partially based on Hardware Transactional Memory. We conduct a thorough performance evaluation and show that the FPTree outperforms state-of-the-art persistent trees with different SCM latencies by up to a factor of 8.2. Moreover, we show that the FPTree scales very well on a machine with 88 logical cores. Finally, we integrate the evaluated trees in memcached and a prototype database. We show that the FPTree incurs an almost negligible performance overhead over using fully transient data structures, while significantly outperforming other persistent trees

    Stretching the capacity of Hardware Transactional Memory in IBM POWER architectures

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    The hardware transactional memory (HTM) implementations in commercially available processors are significantly hindered by their tight capacity constraints. In practice, this renders current HTMs unsuitable to many real-world workloads of in-memory databases. This paper proposes SI-HTM, which stretches the capacity bounds of the underlying HTM, thus opening HTM to a much broader class of applications. SI-HTM leverages the HTM implementation of the IBM POWER architecture with a software layer to offer a single-version implementation of Snapshot Isolation. When compared to HTM- and software-based concurrency control alternatives, SI-HTM exhibits improved scalability, achieving speedups of up to 300% relatively to HTM on in-memory database benchmarks

    A scalable architecture for ordered parallelism

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    We present Swarm, a novel architecture that exploits ordered irregular parallelism, which is abundant but hard to mine with current software and hardware techniques. In this architecture, programs consist of short tasks with programmer-specified timestamps. Swarm executes tasks speculatively and out of order, and efficiently speculates thousands of tasks ahead of the earliest active task to uncover ordered parallelism. Swarm builds on prior TLS and HTM schemes, and contributes several new techniques that allow it to scale to large core counts and speculation windows, including a new execution model, speculation-aware hardware task management, selective aborts, and scalable ordered commits. We evaluate Swarm on graph analytics, simulation, and database benchmarks. At 64 cores, Swarm achieves 51--122× speedups over a single-core system, and out-performs software-only parallel algorithms by 3--18×.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CAREER-145299

    Pando: Personal Volunteer Computing in Browsers

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    The large penetration and continued growth in ownership of personal electronic devices represents a freely available and largely untapped source of computing power. To leverage those, we present Pando, a new volunteer computing tool based on a declarative concurrent programming model and implemented using JavaScript, WebRTC, and WebSockets. This tool enables a dynamically varying number of failure-prone personal devices contributed by volunteers to parallelize the application of a function on a stream of values, by using the devices' browsers. We show that Pando can provide throughput improvements compared to a single personal device, on a variety of compute-bound applications including animation rendering and image processing. We also show the flexibility of our approach by deploying Pando on personal devices connected over a local network, on Grid5000, a French-wide computing grid in a virtual private network, and seven PlanetLab nodes distributed in a wide area network over Europe.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 2 table

    Transactional memory for high-performance embedded systems

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    The increasing demand for computational power in embedded systems, which is required for various tasks, such as autonomous driving, can only be achieved by exploiting the resources offered by modern hardware. Due to physical limitations, hardware manufacturers have moved to increase the number of cores per processor instead of further increasing clock rates. Therefore, in our view, the additionally required computing power can only be achieved by exploiting parallelism. Unfortunately writing parallel code is considered a difficult and complex task. Hardware Transactional Memories (HTMs) are a suitable tool to write sophisticated parallel software. However, HTMs were not specifically developed for embedded systems and therefore cannot be used without consideration. The use of conventional HTMs increases complexity and makes it more difficult to foresee implications with other important properties of embedded systems. This thesis therefore describes how an HTM for embedded systems could be implemented. The HTM was designed to allow the parallel execution of software and to offer functionality which is useful for embedded systems. Hereby the focus lay on: elimination of the typical limitations of conventional HTMs, several conflict resolution mechanisms, investigation of real time behavior, and a feature to conserve energy. To enable the desired functionalities, the structure of the HTM described in this work strongly differs from a conventional HTM. In comparison to the baseline HTM, which was also designed and implemented in this thesis, the biggest adaptation concerns the conflict detection. It was modified so that conflicts can be detected and resolved centrally. For this, the cache hierarchy as well as the cache coherence had to be adapted and partially extended. The system was implemented in the cycle-accurate gem5 simulator. The eight benchmarks of the STAMP benchmark suite were used for evaluation. The evaluation of the various functionalities shows that the mechanisms work and add value for the operation in embedded systems.Der immer größer werdende Bedarf an Rechenleistung in eingebetteten Systemen, der für verschiedene Aufgaben wie z. B. dem autonomen Fahren benötigt wird, kann nur durch die effiziente Nutzung der zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen erreicht werden. Durch physikalische Grenzen sind Prozessorhersteller dazu übergegangen, Prozessoren mit mehreren Prozessorkernen auszustatten, statt die Taktraten weiter anzuheben. Daher kann die zusätzlich benötigte Rechenleistung aus unserer Sicht nur durch eine Steigerung der Parallelität gelingen. Hardwaretransaktionsspeicher (HTS) erlauben es ihren Nutzern schnell und einfach parallele Programme zu schreiben. Allerdings wurden HTS nicht speziell für eingebettete Systeme entwickelt und sind daher nur eingeschränkt für diese nutzbar. Durch den Einsatz herkömmlicher HTS steigt die Komplexität und es wird somit schwieriger abzusehen, ob andere wichtige Eigenschaften erreicht werden können. Um den Einsatz von HTS in eingebettete Systeme besser zu ermöglichen, beschreibt diese Arbeit einen konkreten Ansatz. Der HTS wurde hierzu so entwickelt, dass er eine parallele Ausführung von Programmen ermöglicht und Eigenschaften besitzt, welche für eingebettete Systeme nützlich sind. Dazu gehören unter anderem: Wegfall der typischen Limitierungen herkömmlicher HTS, Einflussnahme auf den Konfliktauflösungsmechanismus, Unterstützung einer abschätzbaren Ausführung und eine Funktion, um Energie einzusparen. Um die gewünschten Funktionalitäten zu ermöglichen, unterscheidet sich der Aufbau des in dieser Arbeit beschriebenen HTS stark von einem klassischen HTS. Im Vergleich zu dem Referenz HTS, der ebenfalls im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entworfen und implementiert wurde, betrifft die größte Anpassung die Konflikterkennung. Sie wurde derart verändert, dass die Konflikte zentral erkannt und aufgelöst werden können. Hierfür mussten die Cache-Hierarchie und Cache-Kohärenz stark angepasst und teilweise erweitert werden. Das System wurde in einem taktgenauen Simulator, dem gem5-Simulator, umgesetzt. Zur Evaluation wurden die acht Benchmarks der STAMP-Benchmark-Suite eingesetzt. Die Evaluation der verschiedenen Funktionen zeigt, dass die Mechanismen funktionieren und somit einen Mehrwert für eingebettete Systeme bieten