81 research outputs found

    Set optimization - a rather short introduction

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    Recent developments in set optimization are surveyed and extended including various set relations as well as fundamental constructions of a convex analysis for set- and vector-valued functions, and duality for set optimization problems. Extensive sections with bibliographical comments summarize the state of the art. Applications to vector optimization and financial risk measures are discussed along with algorithmic approaches to set optimization problems

    Scalarized Preferences in Multi-objective Optimization

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    Multikriterielle Optimierungsprobleme verfügen über keine Lösung, die optimal in jeder Zielfunktion ist. Die Schwierigkeit solcher Probleme liegt darin eine Kompromisslösung zu finden, die den Präferenzen des Entscheiders genügen, der den Kompromiss implementiert. Skalarisierung – die Abbildung des Vektors der Zielfunktionswerte auf eine reelle Zahl – identifiziert eine einzige Lösung als globales Präferenzenoptimum um diese Probleme zu lösen. Allerdings generieren Skalarisierungsmethoden keine zusätzlichen Informationen über andere Kompromisslösungen, die die Präferenzen des Entscheiders bezüglich des globalen Optimums verändern könnten. Um dieses Problem anzugehen stellt diese Dissertation eine theoretische und algorithmische Analyse skalarisierter Präferenzen bereit. Die theoretische Analyse besteht aus der Entwicklung eines Ordnungsrahmens, der Präferenzen als Problemtransformationen charakterisiert, die präferierte Untermengen der Paretofront definieren. Skalarisierung wird als Transformation der Zielmenge in diesem Ordnungsrahmen dargestellt. Des Weiteren werden Axiome vorgeschlagen, die wünschenswerte Eigenschaften von Skalarisierungsfunktionen darstellen. Es wird gezeigt unter welchen Bedingungen existierende Skalarisierungsfunktionen diese Axiome erfüllen. Die algorithmische Analyse kennzeichnet Präferenzen anhand des Resultats, das ein Optimierungsalgorithmus generiert. Zwei neue Paradigmen werden innerhalb dieser Analyse identifiziert. Für beide Paradigmen werden Algorithmen entworfen, die skalarisierte Präferenzeninformationen verwenden: Präferenzen-verzerrte Paretofrontapproximationen verteilen Punkte über die gesamte Paretofront, fokussieren aber mehr Punkte in Regionen mit besseren Skalarisierungswerten; multimodale Präferenzenoptima sind Punkte, die lokale Skalarisierungsoptima im Zielraum darstellen. Ein Drei-Stufen-Algorith\-mus wird entwickelt, der lokale Skalarisierungsoptima approximiert und verschiedene Methoden werden für die unterschiedlichen Stufen evaluiert. Zwei Realweltprobleme werden vorgestellt, die die Nützlichkeit der beiden Algorithmen illustrieren. Das erste Problem besteht darin Fahrpläne für ein Blockheizkraftwerk zu finden, die die erzeugte Elektrizität und Wärme maximieren und den Kraftstoffverbrauch minimiert. Präferenzen-verzerrte Approximationen generieren mehr Energie-effiziente Lösungen, unter denen der Entscheider seine favorisierte Lösung auswählen kann, indem er die Konflikte zwischen den drei Zielen abwägt. Das zweite Problem beschäftigt sich mit der Erstellung von Fahrplänen für Geräte in einem Wohngebäude, so dass Energiekosten, Kohlenstoffdioxidemissionen und thermisches Unbehagen minimiert werden. Es wird gezeigt, dass lokale Skalarisierungsoptima Fahrpläne darstellen, die eine gute Balance zwischen den drei Zielen bieten. Die Analyse und die Experimente, die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt werden, ermöglichen es Entscheidern bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen indem Methoden angewendet werden, die mehr Optionen generieren, die mit den Präferenzen der Entscheider übereinstimmen

    Development of advanced thermodynamic models for CO2 absorption: From numerical methods to process modelling

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    This thesis considers the development of predictive thermodynamic models for amine-based carbon capture processes, motivated by the imminent requirement for the reduction in anthropogenically produced carbon dioxide emissions. In the introduction, we show how the use of molecular-based equations of state, such as SAFT (Statistical Associating Fluid Theory), can be highly effective in this context. Due to the level of molecular detail captured in their theoretical development, one can reduce the reliance on experimental data by transferring their parameters based on sound physical arguments. In particular, the inherent chemical reactions in amine-based carbon dioxide absorption processes can be modelled by a physical association scheme, offering a vast simplification over the conventional treatments. In the following chapter a rate-based absorber model is presented to investigate the reactive capture of carbon dioxide CO2 using aqueous monoethanolamine (MEA) as a solvent. The SAFT-VR SW equation is used as the thermodynamic model. Due to the physical treatment of the reactions, the process model equations only needs to consider the apparent concentrations of the molecular species, while the reactions are implicit in the SAFT equation. With the assumption that the species diffuse as non-associated species, the rate of CO2 absorption is overpredicted, providing an upper bound on the solvent performance. A single parameter is adjusted to the pilot plant data, reflecting the reduction in mass transfer rate in the apparent CO2 in its aggregated form, which is found to be transferable over all of the pilot plant runs. The development of new models for the SAFT- Mie equation is then considered for improvement of the thermodynamic model. This is because the thermodynamic models developed for the SAFT-VR SW (used in the absorber) provide an inaccurate description of the liquid heat capacity and the heat of absorption of CO2. We consider a novel approach to the parameter estimation problem. It is shown that posing the parameter estimation as a multi-objective optimization problem offers numerous advantages over conventional (single-objective optimization) techniques. A robust and efficient algorithm that deals with multiple objective functions is tailored for this purpose. We consider objective functions that characterise the deviation between the SAFT model and experimental measurements for different thermodynamic property types. Using the multi-objective optimization technique we develop SAFT- Mie models for water where saturated liquid denisty, vapour pressure and isobaric heat capacity are treated as competing objectives. A single (non-spherical) model for water is chosen from the Pareto fronts obtained. Next, we develop SAFT- Mie (or SAFT-VR Mie) models for the CO2 + MEA + H2O mixture, with focus on developing models that provide a simultaneous accurate description of the vapour-liquid equilibria and the caloric properties. In comparison with the previous models developed for the SAFT-VR SW equation of state, the new models provide a better description of key thermodynamic properties in the chemisorption process, in particular the vapour pressure of CO2 above v the solvent mixture, the isobaric liquid heat capacity and the heat of absorption. We show that incorporating the new thermodynamic models in our process model for the absorber, we obtain a slightly better prediction of the column temperature profile. In the last chapter we derive a classical density functional theory (DFT) that incorporates the SAFT-VR Mie equation of state (SAFT-VR Mie MF DFT). The proposed method is applicable for a wide variety of fluids, including fluids/ fluid mixtures that consist of associating molecules and molecules of varying chain length. We derive a theory that is numerically tractable and show a novel implementation of the DFT equations in gPROMS. We show that the theory can be used to accurately predict the experimental interfacial tension for the SAFT models developed in this thesis, and the predicted density profiles in the intefacial region compare favourably with molecular simulations. The SAFT-VR Mie MF DFT approach developed in this chapter is used throughout the thesis for validation of the thermodynamic models.Open Acces

    On multiobjective optimization from the nonsmooth perspective

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    Practical applications usually have multiobjective nature rather than having only one objective to optimize. A multiobjective problem cannot be solved with a single-objective solver as such. On the other hand, optimization of only one objective may lead to an arbitrary bad solutions with respect to other objectives. Therefore, special techniques for multiobjective optimization are vital. In addition to multiobjective nature, many real-life problems have nonsmooth (i.e. not continuously differentiable) structure. Unfortunately, many smooth (i.e. continuously differentiable) methods adopt gradient-based information which cannot be used for nonsmooth problems. Since both of these characteristics are relevant for applications, we focus here on nonsmooth multiobjective optimization. As a research topic, nonsmooth multiobjective optimization has gained only limited attraction while the fields of nonsmooth single-objective and smooth multiobjective optimization distinctively have attained greater interest. This dissertation covers parts of nonsmooth multiobjective optimization in terms of theory, methodology and application. Bundle methods are widely considered as effective and reliable solvers for single-objective nonsmooth optimization. Therefore, we investigate the use of the bundle idea in the multiobjective framework with three different methods. The first one generalizes the single-objective proximal bundle method for the nonconvex multiobjective constrained problem. The second method adopts the ideas from the classical steepest descent method into the convex unconstrained multiobjective case. The third method is designed for multiobjective problems with constraints where both the objectives and constraints can be represented as a difference of convex (DC) functions. Beside the bundle idea, all three methods are descent, meaning that they produce better values for each objective at each iteration. Furthermore, all of them utilize the improvement function either directly or indirectly. A notable fact is that none of these methods use scalarization in the traditional sense. With the scalarization we refer to the techniques transforming a multiobjective problem into the single-objective one. As the scalarization plays an important role in multiobjective optimization, we present one special family of achievement scalarizing functions as a representative of this category. In general, the achievement scalarizing functions suit well in the interactive framework. Thus, we propose the interactive method using our special family of achievement scalarizing functions. In addition, this method utilizes the above mentioned descent methods as tools to illustrate the range of optimal solutions. Finally, this interactive method is used to solve the practical case studies of the scheduling the final disposal of the spent nuclear fuel in Finland.Käytännön optimointisovellukset ovat usein luonteeltaan ennemmin moni- kuin yksitavoitteisia. Erityisesti monitavoitteisille tehtäville suunnitellut menetelmät ovat tarpeen, sillä monitavoitteista optimointitehtävää ei sellaisenaan pysty ratkaisemaan yksitavoitteisilla menetelmillä eikä vain yhden tavoitteen optimointi välttämättä tuota mielekästä ratkaisua muiden tavoitteiden suhteen. Monitavoitteisuuden lisäksi useat käytännön tehtävät ovat myös epäsileitä siten, etteivät niissä esiintyvät kohde- ja rajoitefunktiot välttämättä ole kaikkialla jatkuvasti differentioituvia. Kuitenkin monet optimointimenetelmät hyödyntävät gradienttiin pohjautuvaa tietoa, jota ei epäsileille funktioille ole saatavissa. Näiden molempien ominaisuuksien ollessa keskeisiä sovelluksia ajatellen, keskitytään tässä työssä epäsileään monitavoiteoptimointiin. Tutkimusalana epäsileä monitavoiteoptimointi on saanut vain vähän huomiota osakseen, vaikka sekä sileä monitavoiteoptimointi että yksitavoitteinen epäsileä optimointi erikseen ovat aktiivisia tutkimusaloja. Tässä työssä epäsileää monitavoiteoptimointia on käsitelty niin teorian, menetelmien kuin käytännön sovelluksien kannalta. Kimppumenetelmiä pidetään yleisesti tehokkaina ja luotettavina menetelminä epäsileän optimointitehtävän ratkaisemiseen ja siksi tätä ajatusta hyödynnetään myös tässä väitöskirjassa kolmessa eri menetelmässä. Ensimmäinen näistä yleistää yksitavoitteisen proksimaalisen kimppumenetelmän epäkonveksille monitavoitteiselle rajoitteiselle tehtävälle sopivaksi. Toinen menetelmä hyödyntää klassisen nopeimman laskeutumisen menetelmän ideaa konveksille rajoitteettomalle tehtävälle. Kolmas menetelmä on suunniteltu erityisesti monitavoitteisille rajoitteisille tehtäville, joiden kohde- ja rajoitefunktiot voidaan ilmaista kahden konveksin funktion erotuksena. Kimppuajatuksen lisäksi kaikki kolme menetelmää ovat laskevia eli ne tuottavat joka kierroksella paremman arvon jokaiselle tavoitteelle. Yhteistä on myös se, että nämä kaikki hyödyntävät parannusfunktiota joko suoraan sellaisenaan tai epäsuorasti. Huomattavaa on, ettei yksikään näistä menetelmistä hyödynnä skalarisointia perinteisessä merkityksessään. Skalarisoinnilla viitataan menetelmiin, joissa usean tavoitteen tehtävä on muutettu sopivaksi yksitavoitteiseksi tehtäväksi. Monitavoiteoptimointimenetelmien joukossa skalarisoinnilla on vankka jalansija. Esimerkkinä skalarisoinnista tässä työssä esitellään yksi saavuttavien skalarisointifunktioiden perhe. Yleisesti saavuttavat skalarisointifunktiot soveltuvat hyvin interaktiivisten menetelmien rakennuspalikoiksi. Täten kuvaillaan myös esiteltyä skalarisointifunktioiden perhettä hyödyntävä interaktiivinen menetelmä, joka lisäksi hyödyntää laskevia menetelmiä optimaalisten ratkaisujen havainnollistamisen apuna. Lopuksi tätä interaktiivista menetelmää käytetään aikatauluttamaan käytetyn ydinpolttoaineen loppusijoitusta Suomessa

    Robust computational intelligence techniques for visual information processing

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    The third part is exclusively dedicated to the super-resolution of Magnetic Resonance Images. In one of these works, an algorithm based on the random shifting technique is developed. Besides, we studied noise removal and resolution enhancement simultaneously. To end, the cost function of deep networks has been modified by different combinations of norms in order to improve their training. Finally, the general conclusions of the research are presented and discussed, as well as the possible future research lines that are able to make use of the results obtained in this Ph.D. thesis.This Ph.D. thesis is about image processing by computational intelligence techniques. Firstly, a general overview of this book is carried out, where the motivation, the hypothesis, the objectives, and the methodology employed are described. The use and analysis of different mathematical norms will be our goal. After that, state of the art focused on the applications of the image processing proposals is presented. In addition, the fundamentals of the image modalities, with particular attention to magnetic resonance, and the learning techniques used in this research, mainly based on neural networks, are summarized. To end up, the mathematical framework on which this work is based on, ₚ-norms, is defined. Three different parts associated with image processing techniques follow. The first non-introductory part of this book collects the developments which are about image segmentation. Two of them are applications for video surveillance tasks and try to model the background of a scenario using a specific camera. The other work is centered on the medical field, where the goal of segmenting diabetic wounds of a very heterogeneous dataset is addressed. The second part is focused on the optimization and implementation of new models for curve and surface fitting in two and three dimensions, respectively. The first work presents a parabola fitting algorithm based on the measurement of the distances of the interior and exterior points to the focus and the directrix. The second work changes to an ellipse shape, and it ensembles the information of multiple fitting methods. Last, the ellipsoid problem is addressed in a similar way to the parabola

    International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT) 2019 Conference Book

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    The Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization took place on the campus of the Technical University of Berlin, August 3-8, 2019. The ICCOPT is a flagship conference of the Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS), organized every three years. ICCOPT 2019 was hosted by the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Berlin. It included a Summer School and a Conference with a series of plenary and semi-plenary talks, organized and contributed sessions, and poster sessions. This book comprises the full conference program. It contains, in particular, the scientific program in survey style as well as with all details, and information on the social program, the venue, special meetings, and more