2,118 research outputs found

    A quadri-dimensional approach for poor performance prioritization in mobile networks using Big Data

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    Abstract The Management of mobile networks has become so complex due to a huge number of devices, technologies and services involved. Network optimization and incidents management in mobile networks determine the level of the quality of service provided by the communication service providers (CSPs). Generally, the down time of a system and the time taken to repair [mean time to repair (MTTR)] has a direct impact on the revenue, especially on the operational expenditure (OPEX). A fast root cause analysis (RCA) mechanism is therefore crucial to improve the efficiency of the operational team within the CSPs. This paper proposes a quadri-dimensional approach (i.e. services, subscribers, handsets and cells) to build a service quality management (SQM) tree in a Big Data platform. This is meant to speed up the root cause analysis and prioritize the elements impacting the performance of the network. Two algorithms have been proposed; the first one, to normalize the performance indicators and the second one to build the SQM tree by aggregating the performance indicators for different dimensions to allow ranking and detection of tree paths with the worst performance. Additionally, the proposed approach will allow CSPs to detect the mobile network dimensions causing network issues in a faster way and protect their revenue while improving the quality of the service delivered

    A Tutorial on Machine Learning for Failure Management in Optical Networks

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    Failure management plays a role of capital importance in optical networks to avoid service disruptions and to satisfy customers' service level agreements. Machine learning (ML) promises to revolutionize the (mostly manual and human-driven) approaches in which failure management in optical networks has been traditionally managed, by introducing automated methods for failure prediction, detection, localization, and identification. This tutorial provides a gentle introduction to some ML techniques that have been recently applied in the field of the optical-network failure management. It then introduces a taxonomy to classify failure-management tasks and discusses possible applications of ML for these failure management tasks. Finally, for a reader interested in more implementative details, we provide a step-by-step description of how to solve a representative example of a practical failure-management task

    Mitigating Denial of Service Attacks in Fog-Based Wireless Sensor Networks Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Wireless sensor networks are considered to be among the most significant and innovative technologies in the 21st century due to their wide range of industrial applications. Sensor nodes in these networks are susceptible to a variety of assaults due to their special qualities and method of deployment. In WSNs, denial of service attacks are common attacks in sensor networks. It is difficult to design a detection and prevention system that would effectively reduce the impact of these attacks on WSNs. In order to identify assaults on WSNs, this study suggests using two machine learning models: decision trees and XGBoost. The WSNs dataset was the subject of extensive tests to identify denial of service attacks. The experimental findings demonstrate that the XGBoost model, when applied to the entire dataset, has a higher true positive rate (98.3%) than the Decision tree approach (97.3%) and a lower false positive rate (1.7%) than the Decision tree technique (2.7%). Like this, with selected dataset assaults, the XGBoost approach has a higher true positive rate (99.01%) than the Decision tree technique (97.50%) and a lower false positive rate (0.99%) than the Decision tree technique (2.50%)

    Root Cause Analysis for Autonomous Optical Network Security Management

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    The ongoing evolution of optical networks towards autonomous systems supporting high-performance services beyond 5G requires advanced functionalities for automated security management. To cope with evolving threat landscape, security diagnostic approaches should be able to detect and identify the nature not only of existing attack techniques, but also those hitherto unknown or insufficiently represented. Machine Learning (ML)-based algorithms perform well when identifying known attack types, but cannot guarantee precise identification of unknown attacks. This makes Root Cause Analysis (RCA) crucial for enabling timely attack response when human intervention is unavoidable. We address these challenges by establishing an ML-based framework for security assessment and analyzing RCA alternatives for physical-layer attacks. We first scrutinize different Network Management System (NMS) architectures and the corresponding security assessment capabilities. We then investigate the applicability of supervised and unsupervised learning (SL and UL) approaches for RCA and propose a novel UL-based RCA algorithm called Distance-Based Root Cause Analysis (DB-RCA). The framework’s applicability and performance for autonomous optical network security management is validated on an experimental physical-layer security dataset, assessing the benefits and drawbacks of the SL-and UL-based RCA. Besides confirming that SL-based approaches can provide precise RCA output for known attack types upon training, we show that the proposed UL-based RCA approach offers meaningful insight into the anomalies caused by novel attack types, thus supporting the human security officers in advancing the physical-layer security diagnostics

    Non-intrusive load monitoring techniques for activity of daily living recognition

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    Esta tesis nace con la motivación de afrontar dos grandes problemas de nuestra era: la falta de recursos energéticos y el envejecimiento de la población. Respecto al primer problema, nace en la primera década de este siglo el concepto de Smart Grids con el objetivo de alcanzar la eficiencia energética. Numerosos países comienzan a realizar despliegues masivos de contadores inteligentes ("Smart Meters"), lo que despierta el interés de investigadores que comienzan a desarrollar nuevas técnicas para predecir la demanda. Así, los sistemas NILM (Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring) tratan de predecir el consumo individual de los dispositivos conectados a partir de un único sensor: el contador inteligente. Por otra parte, los grandes avances en la medicina moderna han permitido que nuestra esperanza de vida aumente considerablemente. No obstante, esta longevidad, junto con la baja fertilidad en los países desarrollados, tiene un efecto secundario: el envejecimiento de la población. Unos de los grandes avances es la incorporación de la tecnología en la vida cotidiana, lo que ayuda a los más mayores a llevar una vida independiente. El despliegue de una red de sensores dentro de la vivienda permite su monitorización y asistencia en las tareas cotidianas. Sin embargo, son intrusivos, no escalables y, en algunas ocasiones, de alto coste, por lo que no están preparados para hacer frente al incremento de la demanda de esta comunidad. Esta tesis doctoral nace de la motivación de afrontar estos problemas y tiene dos objetivos principales: lograr un modelo de monitorización sostenible para personas mayores y, a su vez, dar un valor añadido a los sistemas NILM que despierte el interés del usuario final. Con este objetivo, se presentan nuevas técnicas de monitorización basadas en NILM, aunando lo mejor de ambos campos. Esto supone un ahorro considerable de recursos en la monitorización, ya que únicamente se necesita un sensor: el contador inteligente; lo cual da escalabilidad a estos sistemas. Las contribuciones de esta tesis se dividen en dos bloques principales. En el primero se proponen nuevas técnicas NILM optimizadas para la detección de la actividad humana. Así, se desarrolla una propuesta basada en detección de eventos (conexiones de dispositivos) en tiempo real y su clasificación a un dispositivo. Con el objetivo de que pueda integrarse en contadores inteligentes. Cabe destacar que el clasificador se basa en modelos generalizados de dispositivos y no necesita conocimiento específico de la vivienda. El segundo bloque presenta tres nuevas técnicas de monitorización de personas mayores basadas en NILM. El objetivo es proporcionar una monitorización básica pero eficiente y altamente escalable, ahorrando en recursos. Los procesos Cox, log Gaussian Cox Processes (LGCP), monitorizan un único dispositivo si la rutina está estrechamente ligada a este. Así, se propone un sistema de alarmas si se detectan cambios en el comportamiento. LGCP tiene la ventaja de poder modelar periodicidades e incertidumbres propias del comportamiento humano. Cuando la rutina no depende de un único dispositivo, se proponen dos técnicas: una basada en gaussianas mixtas, Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM); y la otra basada en la Teoría de la Evidencia de Dempster-Shafer (DST). Ambas monitorizan y detectan deterioros en la actividad, causados por enfermedades como la demencia y el alzhéimer. Únicamente DST usa incertidumbres que simulan mejor el comportamiento humano y, por tanto, permite alarmas en caso de un repentino desvío. Finalmente, todas las propuestas han sido validadas mediante la evaluación de métricas y la obtención de resultados experimentales. Para ello, se han usado medidas de escenarios reales que han sido recopiladas en bases de datos. Los resultados obtenidos han sido satisfactorios, demostrando que este tipo de monitorización es posible y muy beneficioso para nuestra sociedad. Además, se ha dado a lugar nuevas propuestas que serán desarrolladas en el futuro. Códigos UNESCO: 120320 - sistemas de control medico, 332201 – distribución de la energía, 120701 – análisis de actividades, 120304 – inteligencia artificial, 120807 – plausibilidad, 221402 – patrones

    Predicting customer's gender and age depending on mobile phone data

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    In the age of data driven solution, the customer demographic attributes, such as gender and age, play a core role that may enable companies to enhance the offers of their services and target the right customer in the right time and place. In the marketing campaign, the companies want to target the real user of the GSM (global system for mobile communications), not the line owner. Where sometimes they may not be the same. This work proposes a method that predicts users' gender and age based on their behavior, services and contract information. We used call detail records (CDRs), customer relationship management (CRM) and billing information as a data source to analyze telecom customer behavior, and applied different types of machine learning algorithms to provide marketing campaigns with more accurate information about customer demographic attributes. This model is built using reliable data set of 18,000 users provided by SyriaTel Telecom Company, for training and testing. The model applied by using big data technology and achieved 85.6% accuracy in terms of user gender prediction and 65.5% of user age prediction. The main contribution of this work is the improvement in the accuracy in terms of user gender prediction and user age prediction based on mobile phone data and end-to-end solution that approaches customer data from multiple aspects in the telecom domain