6 research outputs found

    RDF Data Indexing and Retrieval: A survey of Peer-to-Peer based solutions

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    The Semantic Web enables the possibility to model, create and query resources found on the Web. Enabling the full potential of its technologies at the Internet level requires infrastructures that can cope with scalability challenges and support various types of queries. The attractive features of the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) communication model such as decentralization, scalability, fault-tolerance seems to be a natural solution to deal with these challenges. Consequently, the combination of the Semantic Web and the P2P model can be a highly innovative attempt to harness the strengths of both technologies and come up with a scalable infrastructure for RDF data storage and retrieval. In this respect, this survey details the research works that adopt this combination and gives an insight on how to deal with the RDF data at the indexing and querying levels.Le Web Sémantique permet de modéliser, créer et faire des requêtes sur les ressources disponibles sur le Web. Afin de permettre à ses technologies d'exploiter leurs potentiels à l'échelle de l'Internet, il est nécessaire qu'elles reposent sur des infrastructures qui puissent passer à l'échelle ainsi que de répondre aux exigences d'expressivité des types de requêtes qu'elles offrent. Les bonnes propriétés qu'offrent les dernières générations de systèmes pair-à- pair en termes de décentralisation, de tolérance aux pannes ainsi que de passage à l'échelle en font d'eux des candidats prometteurs. La combinaison du modèle pair-à-pair et des technologies du Web Sémantique est une tentative innovante ayant pour but de fournir une infrastructure capable de passer à l'échelle et pouvant stocker et rechercher des données de type RDF. Dans ce contexte, ce rapport présente un état de l'art et discute en détail des travaux autour de systèmes pair-à-pair qui traitent des données de type RDF à large échelle. Nous détaillons leurs mécanismes d'indexation de données ainsi que le traitement des divers types de requêtes offerts

    Scalable reduction of large datasets to interesting subsets

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    With a huge amount of RDF data available on the web, the ability to find and access relevant information is crucial. Traditional approaches to storing, querying, and reasoning fall short when faced with web-scale data. We present a system that combines the computational power of large clusters for enabling large-scale reasoning and data access with an efficient data structure for storing and querying the accessed data on a traditional personal computer or other resource-constrained device. We present results of using this system to load the 2009 Billion Triples Challenge dataset, materialize RDFS inferences, extract an “interesting” subset of the data using a large cluster, and further analyze the extracted data using a personal computer, all in the order of tens of minutes

    Scalable reduction of large datasets to interesting subsets

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    Abstract. With a huge amount of RDF data available on the web, the ability to find and access relevant information is crucial. Traditional approaches to storing, querying, and inferencing fall short when faced with web-scale data. We present a system that combines the computational power of large clusters for enabling large-scale inferencing and data access with an efficient data structure for storing and querying this accessed data on a traditional personal computer or smaller embedded device. We present results of using this system to load the Billion Triples Challenge dataset, fully materialize RDFS inferences, and extract an “interesting” subset of the data using a large cluster, and further analyze the extracted data using a traditional personal computer.