12 research outputs found

    Scalable genetic programming by gene-pool optimal mixing and input-space entropy-based building-block learning

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    The Gene-pool Optimal Mixing Evolutionary Algorithm (GOMEA) is a recently introduced model-based EA that has been shown to be capable of outperforming state-of-the-art alternative EAs in terms of scalability when solving discrete optimization problems. One of the key aspects of GOMEA's success is a variation operator that is designed to extensively exploit linkage models by effectively combining partial solutions. Here, we bring the strengths of GOMEA to Genetic Programming (GP), introducing GP-GOMEA. Under the hypothesis of having little problem-specific knowledge, and in an effort to design easy-to-use EAs, GP-GOMEA requires no parameter specification. On a set of well-known benchmark problems we find that GP-GOMEA outperforms standard GP while being on par with more recently introduced, state-of-the-art EAs. We furthermore introduce Input-space Entropy-based Building-block Learning (IEBL), a novel approach to identifying and encapsulating relevant building blocks (subroutines) into new terminals and functions. On problems with an inherent degree of modularity, IEBL can contribute to compact solution representations, providing a large potential for knock-on effects in performance. On the difficult, but highly modular Even Parity problem, GP-GOMEA+IEBL obtains excellent scalability, solving the 14-bit instance in less than 1 hour

    A Black-Box Discrete Optimization Benchmarking (BB-DOB) Pipeline Survey: Taxonomy, Evaluation, and Ranking

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    This paper provides a taxonomical identification survey of classes in discrete optimization challenges that can be found in the literature including a proposed pipeline for benchmarking, inspired by previous computational optimization competitions. Thereby, a Black-Box Discrete Optimization Benchmarking (BB-DOB) perspective is presented for the BB-DOB@GECCO Workshop. It is motivated why certain classes together with their properties (like deception and separability or toy problem label) should be included in the perspective. Moreover, guidelines on how to select significant instances within these classes, the design of experiments setup, performance measures, and presentation methods and formats are discussed.authorsversio

    Surrogate-free machine learning-based organ dose reconstruction for pediatric abdominal radiotherapy

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    To study radiotherapy-related adverse effects, detailed dose information (3D distribution) is needed for accurate dose-effect modeling. For childhood cancer survivors who underwent radiotherapy in the pre-CT era, only 2D radiographs were acquired, thus 3D dose distributions must be reconstructed. State-of-the-art methods achieve this by using 3D surrogate anatomies. These can however lack personalization and lead to coarse reconstructions. We present and validate a surrogate-free dose reconstruction method based on Machine Learning (ML). Abdominal planning CTs (n=142) of recently-treated childhood cancer patients were gathered, their organs at risk were segmented, and 300 artificial Wilms' tumor plans were sampled automatically. Each artificial plan was automatically emulated on the 142 CTs, resulting in 42,600 3D dose distributions from which dose-volume metrics were derived. Anatomical features were extracted from digitally reconstructed radiographs simulated from the CTs to resemble historical radiographs. Further, patient and radiotherapy plan features typically available from historical treatment records were collected. An evolutionary ML algorithm was then used to link features to dose-volume metrics. Besides 5-fold cross validation, a further evaluation was done on an independent dataset of five CTs each associated with two clinical plans. Cross-validation resulted in mean absolute errors ≤0.6 Gy for organs completely inside or outside the field. For organs positioned at the edge of the field, mean absolute errors ≤1.7 Gy for Dmean, ≤2.9 Gy for D2cc, and ≤13% for V5Gy and V10Gy, were obtained, without systematic bias. Similar results were found for the independent dataset. To conclude, our novel organ dose reconstruction method is not only accurate, but also efficient, as the setup of a surrogate is no longer needed

    Improving the efficiency of GP-GOMEA for higher-arity operators

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    Deploying machine learning models into sensitive domains in our society requires these models to be explainable. Genetic Programming (GP) can offer a way to evolve inherently interpretable expressions. GP-GOMEA is a form of GP that has been found particularly effective at evolving expressions that are accurate yet of limited size and, thus, promote interpretability. Despite this strength, a limitation of GP-GOMEA is template-based. This negatively affects its scalability regarding the arity of operators that can be used, since with increasing operator arity, an increasingly large part of the template tends to go unused. In this paper, we therefore propose two enhancements to GP-GOMEA: (i) semantic subtree inheritance, which performs additional variation steps that consider the semantic context of a subtree, and (ii) greedy child selection, which explicitly considers parts of the template that in standard GP-GOMEA remain unused. We compare different versions of GP-GOMEA regarding search enhancements on a set of continuous and discontinuous regression problems, with varying tree depths and operator sets. Experimental results show that both proposed search enhancements have a generally positive impact on the performance of GP-GOMEA, especially when the set of operators to choose from is large and contains higher-arity operators

    Mini-Batching, Gradient-Clipping, first-versus second-order: What works in Gradient-Based coefficient optimisation for Symbolic Regression'

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    The aim of Symbolic Regression (SR) is to discover interpretable expressions that accurately describe data. The accuracy of an expression depends on both its structure and coefficients. To keep the structure simple enough to be interpretable, effective coefficient optimisation becomes key. Gradient-based optimisation is clearly effective at training neural networks in Deep Learning (DL), which can essentially be viewed as large, over-parameterised expressions: in this paper, we study how gradient-based optimisation techniques as often used in DL transfer to SR. In particular, we first assess what techniques work well across random SR expressions, independent of any specific SR algorithm. We find that mini-batching and gradient-clipping can be helpful (similar to DL), while second-order optimisers outperform first-order ones (different from DL). Next, we consider whether including gradient-based optimisation in Genetic Programming (GP), a classic SR algorithm, is beneficial. On five real-world datasets, in a generation-based comparison, we find that second-order optimisation outperforms coefficient mutation (or no optimisation). However, in time-based comparisons, performance gaps shrink substantially because the computational expensiveness of second-order optimisation causes GP to perform fewer generations. The interplay of computational costs between the optimisation of structure and coefficients is thus a critical aspect to consider

    On explaining machine learning models by evolving crucial and compact features

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    Feature construction can substantially improve the accuracy of Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. Genetic Programming (GP) has been proven to be effective at this task by evolving non-linear combinations of input features. GP additionally has the potential to improve ML explainability since explicit expressions are evolved. Yet, in most GP works the complexity of evolved features is not explicitly bound or minimized though this is arguably key for explainability. In this article, we assess to what extent GP still performs favorably at feature construction when constructing features that are (1) Of small-enough number, to enable visualization of the behavior of the ML model; (2) Of small-enough size, to enable interpretability of the features themselves; (3) Of sufficient informative power, to retain or even improve the performance of the ML algorithm. We consider a simple feature construction scheme using three different GP algorithms, as well as random search, to evolve features for five ML algorithms, including support vector machines and random forest. Our results on 21 datasets pertaining to classification and regression problems show that constructing only two compact features can be sufficient to rival the use of the entire original feature set. We further find that a modern GP algorithm, GP-GOMEA, performs best overall. These results, combined with examples that we provide of readable constructed features and of 2D visualizations of ML behavior, lead us to positively conclude that GP-based feature construction still works well when explicitly searching for compact features, making it extremely helpful to explain ML models

    Unveiling evolutionary algorithm representation with DU maps

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    Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have proven to be effective in tackling problems in many different domains. However, users are often required to spend a significant amount of effort in fine-tuning the EA parameters in order to make the algorithm work. In principle, visualization tools may be of great help in this laborious task, but current visualization tools are either EA-specific, and hence hardly available to all users, or too general to convey detailed information. In this work, we study the Diversity and Usage map (DU map), a compact visualization for analyzing a key component of every EA, the representation of solutions. In a single heat map, the DU map visualizes for entire runs how diverse the genotype is across the population and to which degree each gene in the genotype contributes to the solution. We demonstrate the generality of the DU map concept by applying it to six EAs that use different representations (bit and integer strings, trees, ensembles of trees, and neural networks). We present the results of an online user study about the usability of the DU map which confirm the suitability of the proposed tool and provide important insights on our design choices. By providing a visualization tool that can be easily tailored by specifying the diversity (D) and usage (U) functions, the DU map aims at being a powerful analysis tool for EAs practitioners, making EAs more transparent and hence lowering the barrier for their use