6 research outputs found

    Authentication techniques in smart grid: a systematic review

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    Smart Grid (SG) provides enhancement to existing grids with two-way communication between the utility, sensors, and consumers, by deploying smart sensors to monitor and manage power consumption. However due to the vulnerability of SG, secure component authenticity necessitates robust authentication approaches relative to limited resource availability (i.e. in terms of memory and computational power). SG communication entails optimum efficiency of authentication approaches to avoid any extraneous burden. This systematic review analyses 27 papers on SG authentication techniques and their effectiveness in mitigating certain attacks. This provides a basis for the design and use of optimized SG authentication approaches

    Key Management Systems for Smart Grid Advanced Metering Infrastructure: A Survey

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    Smart Grids are evolving as the next generation power systems that involve changes in the traditional ways of generation, transmission and distribution of power. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is one of the key components in smart grids. An AMI comprises of systems and networks, that collects and analyzes data received from smart meters. In addition, AMI also provides intelligent management of various power-related applications and services based on the data collected from smart meters. Thus, AMI plays a significant role in the smooth functioning of smart grids. AMI is a privileged target for security attacks as it is made up of systems that are highly vulnerable to such attacks. Providing security to AMI is necessary as adversaries can cause potential damage against infrastructures and privacy in smart grid. One of the most effective and challenging topic's identified, is the Key Management System (KMS), for sustaining the security concerns in AMI. Therefore, KMS seeks to be a promising research area for future development of AMI. This survey work highlights the key security issues of advanced metering infrastructures and focuses on how key management techniques can be utilized for safeguarding AMI. First of all, we explore the main features of advanced metering infrastructures and identify the relationship between smart grid and AMI. Then, we introduce the security issues and challenges of AMI. We also provide a classification of the existing works in literature that deal with secure key management system in AMI. Finally, we identify possible future research directions of KMS in AMI

    Technical - regulatory strategies for the implementation of the AMI infrastructure in the horizon 2030 in Colombia

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    gr谩ficos, tablasComo respuesta a los retos de la transici贸n energ茅tica para Colombia en el horizonte del a帽o 2.030, existe un inter茅s en evaluar y analizar las implicaciones y oportunidades que poseen las disrupciones tecnol贸gicas dentro del mercado y operaci贸n del sistema el茅ctrico colombiano. Nuevas oportunidades de negocio, junto con nuevos paradigmas de operaci贸n del sistema el茅ctrico son algunos motivadores en el papel dinamizador del usuario final. El objetivo de este trabajo busca proponer tendencias tecnol贸gicas y regulatorias para el surgimiento y despliegue de la infraestructura de medici贸n inteligente bajo la infraestructura AMI, fundamentada en el estudio exhaustivo del estado del arte y el aprendizaje de experiencias nacionales e internacionales. Por su parte, los resultados muestran que la proyecci贸n por medio de los modelos de simulaci贸n empleados permite incluir estrategias de despliegue masivo siguiendo las bondades del modelo de difusi贸n general; adem谩s, permite evaluar el impacto e incidencia sobre la oferta y la demanda el茅ctrica. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el despliegue de medici贸n AMI para el sector residencial urbano se proyecta entre aproximadamente 64% y 88,7% para el a帽o 2.030; para el a帽o 2.035 los escenarios muestran despliegues cercanos entre 85,3% y 98,4%. La proyecci贸n de demanda el茅ctrica, con respecto al Sistema Interconectado Nacional SIN, muestra tendencias de reducci贸n entre aproximadamente 9,2%, y 13,1% para el a帽o 2.030; por su parte, para el a帽o 2.035 la proyecci贸n muestra incrementos de reducci贸n entre el 12,6% y 14,7% seg煤n los 3 escenarios analizados. Por 煤ltimo, la participaci贸n de demanda con autogeneraci贸n distribuida a peque帽a escala muestra escenarios de participaci贸n en el Sistema Interconectado Nacional de entre el 4,7% y 6,6% para el a帽o 2.030; sin embargo, para el a帽o 2.035 se tiene un aumento significativo de entre el 21,7% y 28,3%. (Texto tomado de la fuente)In response to the challenges of the energy transition for Colombia on the horizon of the year 2030, there is an interest in evaluating and analyzing the implications and opportunities that technological interruptions have within the market and operation of the Colombian electricity system. New business opportunities, along with new operating paradigms for the electrical system are some of the motivators in the dynamic role of the end user. The objective of this work seeks to propose technological and regulatory trends for the emergence and use of smart metering infrastructure under the AMI infrastructure, based on the exhaustive study of the state of the art and learning from national and international experiences. On the other hand, the results show that the projection through the simulation models used allows including strategies of massive use following the benefits of the general diffusion model; In addition, it allows evaluating the impact and incidence on electricity supply and demand. The results obtained show that the use of AMI measurement for the urban residential sector is projected between approximately 64% and 88.7% for the year 2030; for the year 2035 the scenarios show uses close to between 85.3% and 98.4%. The projection of electricity demand, with respect to the National Interconnected System SIN, shows reduction trends between approximately 9.2% and 13.1% for the year 2030; for its part, for the year 2035 the projection shows increases in reduction between 12.6% and 14.7% according to the 3 scenarios analyzed. Finally, the share of demand with small-scale distributed self-generation shows participation scenarios in the National Interconnected System of between 4.7% and 6.6% for the year 2030; however, for the year 2035 there is a significant increase of between 21.7% and 28.3%.Maestr铆aMag铆ster en Ingenier铆a - Ingenier铆a El茅ctricaPol铆tica, regulaci贸n y mercado de energ铆aEl茅ctrica, Electr贸nica, Automatizaci贸n Y Telecomunicacione

    Smart metering and its use for distribution network control

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    Global energy demand is increasing, with the adoption of electric vehicles, in particular, representing a significant prospective demand on electricity distribution networks. The exploitation of renewable generation sources, driven by increased economic viability, technological maturity, and the need for environmental sustainability, is expected to play an increasingly important role in meeting this demand. However, the adoption of such low-carbon technologies necessitates a significant change in the way that distribution networks are monitored and controlled. This work examines the state of the art in the impact of low-carbon technologies on distribution networks, the technical strategies available to mitigate these impacts and their relative merits, and the architecture of the control systems used to effect such strategies. Smart metering and advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) are a fundamental component of these smart grid systems, providing widespread visibility of conditions at the very periphery of distribution networks which has not previously been feasible, but where the impact of low-carbon technologies is significant. This work describes the development of a hardware-in-the-loop test rig incorporating multiple, custom-built, hardware smart meter test beds, and the use of this test rig to demonstrate the implementation of real-time voltage control within a simulated low voltage (LV) distribution network. However, the adoption of smart metering and AMI inevitably incurs cyber security vulnerabilities which did not exist in the case of meters with no facility for remote communication. This work examines cyber security issues pertinent to smart grids and AMI in particular, and describes the analysis of the cyber security vulnerabilities of a commercially deployed smart electricity meter. The exploitation of these vulnerabilities in a manner which permits unauthorised electronic access to the device is also described. Finally, recommendations are made of revisions to the hardware, firmware and communications protocols used by the compromised meter which may mitigate the vulnerabilities identified