15 research outputs found

    UWB-based system for UAV Localization in GNSS-Denied Environments: Characterization and Dataset

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    Small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have penetrated multiple domains over the past years. In GNSS-denied or indoor environments, aerial robots require a robust and stable localization system, often with external feedback, in order to fly safely. Motion capture systems are typically utilized indoors when accurate localization is needed. However, these systems are expensive and most require a fixed setup. Recently, visual-inertial odometry and similar methods have advanced to a point where autonomous UAVs can rely on them for localization. The main limitation in this case comes from the environment, as well as in long-term autonomy due to accumulating error if loop closure cannot be performed efficiently. For instance, the impact of low visibility due to dust or smoke in post-disaster scenarios might render the odometry methods inapplicable. In this paper, we study and characterize an ultra-wideband (UWB) system for navigation and localization of aerial robots indoors based on Decawave's DWM1001 UWB node. The system is portable, inexpensive and can be battery powered in its totality. We show the viability of this system for autonomous flight of UAVs, and provide open-source methods and data that enable its widespread application even with movable anchor systems. We characterize the accuracy based on the position of the UAV with respect to the anchors, its altitude and speed, and the distribution of the anchors in space. Finally, we analyze the accuracy of the self-calibration of the anchors' positions.Comment: Accepted to the 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2020

    UWB localization with battery-powered wireless backbone for drone-based inventory management

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    Current inventory-taking methods (counting stocks and checking correct placements) in large vertical warehouses are mostly manual, resulting in (i) large personnel costs, (ii) human errors and (iii) incidents due to working at large heights. To remedy this, the use of autonomous indoor drones has been proposed. However, these drones require accurate localization solutions that are easy to (temporarily) install at low costs in large warehouses. To this end, we designed a Ultra-Wideband (UWB) solution that uses infrastructure anchor nodes that do not require any wired backbone and can be battery powered. The resulting system has a theoretical update rate of up to 2892 Hz (assuming no hardware dependent delays). Moreover, the anchor nodes have an average current consumption of only 27 mA (compared to 130 mA of traditional UWB infrastructure nodes). Finally, the system has been experimentally validated and is available as open-source software

    Research Trend Topic Area on Mobile Anchor Localization: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Localization in a dynamic environment is one of the challenges in WSN localization involving dynamic sensor nodes or anchor nodes. Mobile anchors can be an efficient solution for the number of anchors in a 3-dimensional environment requiring more local anchors. The reliability of a localization system using mobile anchors is determined by various parameters such as energy efficiency, coverage, computational complexity, and cost. Various methods have been proposed by researchers to build a reliable mobile anchor localization system. This certainly shows the many research opportunities that can be carried out in mobile anchor localization. The many opportunities in this topic will be very confusing for researchers who want to research in this field in choosing a topic area early. However, until now there is still no paper that discusses systematic mapping studies that can provide information on topic areas and trends in the field of mobile anchor localization. A systematic Mapping Study (SMS) was conducted to determine the topic area and its trends, influential authors, and produce modeling topics and trends from the resulting modeling topics. This SMS can be a solution for researchers who are interested in research in the field of mobile anchor localization in determining the research topics they are interested in for further research. This paper gives information on the mobile anchor research area, the author who has influenced mobile anchor localization research, and the topic modeling and trend that potentially promissing research in the future. The SMS includes a chronology of publications from 2017-2022, bibliometric co-occurrence, co-author analysis, topic modeling, and trends. The results show that the development of mobile anchor localization publications is still developing until 2022. There are 10 topic models with 6 of them included in the promising topic. The results of this SMS can be used as preliminary research from the literacy stage, namely Systematic Literature Review (SLR)

    Autonomous Navigation System for a Delivery Drone

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    The use of delivery services is an increasing trend worldwide, further enhanced by the COVID pandemic. In this context, drone delivery systems are of great interest as they may allow for faster and cheaper deliveries. This paper presents a navigation system that makes feasible the delivery of parcels with autonomous drones. The system generates a path between a start and a final point and controls the drone to follow this path based on its localization obtained through GPS, 9DoF IMU, and barometer. In the landing phase, information of poses estimated by a marker (ArUco) detection technique using a camera, ultra-wideband (UWB) devices, and the drone's software estimation are merged by utilizing an Extended Kalman Filter algorithm to improve the landing precision. A vector field-based method controls the drone to follow the desired path smoothly, reducing vibrations or harsh movements that could harm the transported parcel. Real experiments validate the delivery strategy and allow to evaluate the performance of the adopted techniques. Preliminary results state the viability of our proposal for autonomous drone delivery.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, extended version of an paper published at the XXIII Brazilian Congress of Automatica, entitled "Desenvolvimento de um drone aut\^onomo para tarefas de entrega de carga

    Towards Precise Positioning and Movement of UAVs for Near-Wall Tasks in GNSS-Denied Environments

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    Abstract: UAVs often perform tasks that require flying close to walls or structures and in environments where a satellite-based location is not possible. Flying close to solid bodies implies a higher risk of collisions, thus requiring an increase in the precision of the measurement and control of the UAV’s position. The aerodynamic distortions generated by nearby walls or other objects are also relevant, making the control more complex and further placing demands on the positioning system. Performing wall-related tasks implies flying very close to the wall and, in some cases, even touching it. This work presents a Near-Wall Positioning System (NWPS) based on the combination of an Ultra-wideband (UWB) solution and LIDAR-based range finders. This NWPS has been developed and tested to allow precise positioning and orientation of a multirotor UAV relative to a wall when performing tasks near it. Specific position and orientation control hardware based on horizontal thrusters has also been designed, allowing the UAV to move smoothly and safely near walls.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; RTI2018-101114-B-I00), Xunta de Galicia; ED431C2017/12)

    ReLoc: Hybrid RSSI- and phase-based relative UHF-RFID tag localization with COTS devices

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    Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology brings tremendous advancements in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), especially for smart inventory management, as it provides a fast and low-cost way of counting or positioning items in the warehouse. In the last decade, many novel solutions, including absolute and relative positioning methods, have been proposed for this application. However, the available methods are quite sensitive to the minor changes in the deployment scenario, including the orientation of the tag and antenna, the materials contained inside the carton, tag distortion, and multipath propagation. To this end, we propose a hybrid relative passive RFID localization method (ReLoc) based on both the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) and measured phases, which orders the RFID tags horizontally and vertically. In this article, the phase-based variant maximum likelihood estimation is proposed for lateral positioning, and the RSSI profiles of two tilted antennas are compared with each other for level distinguishing. We implement the proposed positioning system ReLoc with commercial off-the-shelf RFID devices. The experiment in a warehouse shows that ReLoc is a powerful solution for practical item-level inventory management. The experimental results show that ReLoc achieves an average lateral and level ordering accuracy of 94.6% and 94.3%, respectively. Notably, when considering liquid or metal materials inside the carton or tag distortion, ReLoc still performs excellently with more than 93% ordering accuracy both horizontally and vertically, indicating the robustness of the proposed method

    Experimental evaluation of a UWB-based cooperative positioning system for pedestrians in GNSS-denied environment

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    Cooperative positioning (CP) utilises information sharing among multiple nodes to enable positioning in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-denied environments. This paper reports the performance of a CP system for pedestrians using Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) technology in GNSS-denied environments. This data set was collected as part of a benchmarking measurement campaign carried out at the Ohio State University in October 2017. Pedestrians were equipped with a variety of sensors, including two different UWB systems, on a specially designed helmet serving as a mobile multi-sensor platform for CP. Different users were walking in stop-and-go mode along trajectories with predefined checkpoints and under various challenging environments. In the developed CP network, both Peer-to-Infrastructure (P2I) and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) measurements are used for positioning of the pedestrians. It is realised that the proposed system can achieve decimetre-level accuracies (on average, around 20 cm) in the complete absence of GNSS signals, provided that the measurements from infrastructure nodes are available and the network geometry is good. In the absence of these good conditions, the results show that the average accuracy degrades to meter level. Further, it is experimentally demonstrated that inclusion of P2P cooperative range observations further enhances the positioning accuracy and, in extreme cases when only one infrastructure measurement is available, P2P CP may reduce positioning errors by up to 95%. The complete test setup, the methodology for development, and data collection are discussed in this paper. In the next version of this system, additional observations such as the Wi-Fi, camera, and other signals of opportunity will be included

    Bidirectional UWB Localization: A Review on an Elastic Positioning Scheme for GNSS-deprived Zones

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    A bidirectional Ultra-Wideband (UWB) localization scheme is one of the three widely deployed design integration processes ordinarily destined for time-based UWB positioning systems. The key property of the bidirectional UWB localization is its ability to serve both the navigation and tracking assignments on-demand within a single localization scheme. Conventionally, the perspective of navigation and tracking in wireless localization systems is viewed distinctly as an individual system because different methodologies were required for the implementation process. The ability to flexibly or elastically combine two unique positioning perspectives (i.e., navigation and tracking) within a single scheme is a paradigm shift in the way location-based services are observed. Thus, this article addresses and pinpoints the potential of a bidirectional UWB localization scheme. Regarding this, the complete system model of the bidirectional UWB localization scheme was comprehensively described based on modular processes in this article. The demonstrative evaluation results based on two system integration processes as well as a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis of the scheme were also discussed. Moreover, we argued that the presented bidirectional scheme can also be used as a prospective topology for the realization of precise location estimation processes in 5G/6G wireless mobile networks, as well as Wi-Fi fine-time measurement-based positioning systems in this article.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figure