6,831 research outputs found

    Wiring up pre-characterized single-photon emitters by laser lithography

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    Future quantum optical chips will likely be hybrid in nature and include many single-photon emitters, waveguides, filters, as well as single-photon detectors. Here, we introduce a scalable optical localization-selection-lithography procedure for wiring up a large number of single-photon emitters via polymeric photonic wire bonds in three dimensions. First, we localize and characterize nitrogen vacancies in nanodiamonds inside a solid photoresist exhibiting low background fluorescence. Next, without intermediate steps and using the same optical instrument, we perform aligned three-dimensional laser lithography. As a proof of concept, we design, fabricate, and characterize three-dimensional functional waveguide elements on an optical chip. Each element consists of one single-photon emitter centered in a crossed-arc waveguide configuration, allowing for integrated optical excitation and efficient background suppression at the same time

    Diode laser frequency stabilization onto an optical cavity

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    During this thesis work, a frequency stabilization system for an External Littrow Cavity Diode Laser (ECDL) at 370 nm has been set up and tested. The goal of the frequency stabilization is to achieve a long term frequency stability of less than ±50 kHz within 8 hours, which will be used for the single Ce ion detection project in the quantum information group. The system design is centered around a Fabry-Pérot (FP) cavity which is composed of two mirrors optically contacted onto the ends of a cylindrical spacer made of Ultra-Low Expansion (ULE) glass. To first order, the cavity spacer has a zero thermal expansion coefficient around a certain temperature. The method for achieving the required frequency stability is to actively stabilize the ECDL output frequency through controlling both the ECDL driving current and the grating position by a piezoelectric actuator. Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) locking technique [1] is used to lock the laser frequency onto one of the resonance lines of the stable FP cavity. To be able to get the desired performance each segment of the system has to be set up correctly. The work include aligning the laser beam polarization, coupling laser into a single mode polarization maintaining fiber, setting up the radio frequency resonance tank used for the Electro-Optic Modulator (EOM), putting together the vacuum chamber where the FP cavity sits inside, installing the cavity spacer into the vacuum chamber, aligning the laser beam to match the cavity modes and designing the electronic filter circuits etc. Finally, after eight months of hard work, this laser could be locked around 2 hours and gave a good start for the future work. However the locking performance has not been characterized due to the shortness of time. Considering the time plan for this thesis, the improvement for a longer-time locking is remained

    MFIRE-2: A Multi Agent System for Flow-based Intrusion Detection Using Stochastic Search

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    Detecting attacks targeted against military and commercial computer networks is a crucial element in the domain of cyberwarfare. The traditional method of signature-based intrusion detection is a primary mechanism to alert administrators to malicious activity. However, signature-based methods are not capable of detecting new or novel attacks. This research continues the development of a novel simulated, multiagent, flow-based intrusion detection system called MFIRE. Agents in the network are trained to recognize common attacks, and they share data with other agents to improve the overall effectiveness of the system. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is the primary classifier with which agents determine an attack is occurring. Agents are prompted to move to different locations within the network to find better vantage points, and two methods for achieving this are developed. One uses a centralized reputation-based model, and the other uses a decentralized model optimized with stochastic search. The latter is tested for basic functionality. The reputation model is extensively tested in two configurations and results show that it is significantly superior to a system with non-moving agents. The resulting system, MFIRE-2, demonstrates exciting new network defense capabilities, and should be considered for implementation in future cyberwarfare applications

    Atoms in microcavities : detection and spectroscopy

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    This thesis presents work undertaken with cold rubidium atoms interacting with an optical microcavity. The optical microcavity used is unique in its design, being formed between an optical fibre and silicon micromirror. This allows direct optical access to the cavity mode, whilst the use of microfabrication techniques in the design means that elements of the system are inherently scalable. In addition, the parameters of the system are such that a single atom has a substantial impact on the cavity field. In this system, two types of signal arise from the atoms' interaction with the cavity field; a `reflection' signal and a `fluorescence' signal. A theoretical description for these signals is presented, followed by experiments which characterise the signals under a variety of experimental conditions. The thesis then explores two areas: the use of the microcavity signals for atom detection and the investigation of how higher atom numbers and, as a result, a larger cooperative interaction between the atoms and the cavity field, impacts the signals. First, the use of these signals to detect an effective single atom and individual atoms whilst falling and trapped is explored. The effectiveness of detection is parameterised in terms of detection confidence and signal to noise ratio, detection fidelity and dynamic range. In the second part of this thesis, the effect of higher atom numbers on the reflection and fluorescence signals is investigated. A method for increasing the atom number is presented, alongside experiments investigating the impact on the measured signals. This is followed by experiments which explore the dispersive nature of the atom-cavity interaction by measuring the excitation spectrum of the system in reflection and fluorescence. In doing so, it is shown that, for weak coupling, these two signals are manifestly different
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