65 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationRecent trends in high performance computing present larger and more diverse computers using multicore nodes possibly with accelerators and/or coprocessors and reduced memory. These changes pose formidable challenges for applications code to attain scalability. Software frameworks that execute machine-independent applications code using a runtime system that shields users from architectural complexities oer a portable solution for easy programming. The Uintah framework, for example, solves a broad class of large-scale problems on structured adaptive grids using fluid-flow solvers coupled with particle-based solids methods. However, the original Uintah code had limited scalability as tasks were run in a predefined order based solely on static analysis of the task graph and used only message passing interface (MPI) for parallelism. By using a new hybrid multithread and MPI runtime system, this research has made it possible for Uintah to scale to 700K central processing unit (CPU) cores when solving challenging fluid-structure interaction problems. Those problems often involve moving objects with adaptive mesh refinement and thus with highly variable and unpredictable work patterns. This research has also demonstrated an ability to run capability jobs on the heterogeneous systems with Nvidia graphics processing unit (GPU) accelerators or Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. The new runtime system for Uintah executes directed acyclic graphs of computational tasks with a scalable asynchronous and dynamic runtime system for multicore CPUs and/or accelerators/coprocessors on a node. Uintah's clear separation between application and runtime code has led to scalability increases without significant changes to application code. This research concludes that the adaptive directed acyclic graph (DAG)-based approach provides a very powerful abstraction for solving challenging multiscale multiphysics engineering problems. Excellent scalability with regard to the different processors and communications performance are achieved on some of the largest and most powerful computers available today

    Investigating applications portability with the Uintah DAG-based runtime system on PetaScale supercomputers

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    pre-printPresent trends in high performance computing present formidable challenges for applications code using multicore nodes possibly with accelerators and/or co-processors and reduced memory while still attaining scalability. Software frameworks that execute machine-independent applications code using a runtime system that shields users from architectural complexities offer a possible solution. The Uintah framework for example, solves a broad class of large-scale problems on structured adaptive grids using fluid-flow solvers coupled with particle-based solids methods. Uintah executes directed acyclic graphs of computational tasks with a scalable asynchronous and dynamic runtime system for CPU cores and/or accelerators/coprocessors on a node. Uintah's clear separation between application and runtime code has led to scalability increases of 1000x without significant changes to application code. This methodology is tested on three leading Top500 machines; OLCF Titan, TACC Stampede and ALCF Mira using three diverse and challenging applications problems. This investigation of scalability with regard to the different processors and communications performance leads to the overall conclusion that the adaptive DAG-based approach provides a very powerful abstraction for solving challenging multi-scale multi-physics engineering problems on some of the largest and most powerful computers available today

    A survey of high level frameworks in block-structured adaptive mesh refinement packages

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    pre-printOver the last decade block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (SAMR) has found increasing use in large, publicly available codes and frameworks. SAMR frameworks have evolved along different paths. Some have stayed focused on specific domain areas, others have pursued a more general functionality, providing the building blocks for a larger variety of applications. In this survey paper we examine a representative set of SAMR packages and SAMR-based codes that have been in existence for half a decade or more, have a reasonably sized and active user base outside of their home institutions, and are publicly available. The set consists of a mix of SAMR packages and application codes that cover a broad range of scientific domains. We look at their high-level frameworks, their design trade-offs and their approach to dealing with the advent of radical changes in hardware architecture. The codes included in this survey are BoxLib, Cactus, Chombo, Enzo, FLASH, and Uintah

    Parallelization and integration of fire simulations in the Uintah PSE

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    Journal ArticleA physics-based stand-alone serial code for fire simulations is integrated in a unified computational framework to couple with other disciplines and to achieve massively parallel computation. Uintah, the computational framework used, is a component-based visual problem-solving environment developed at the University of Utah. It provides the framework for large-scale parallelization for different applications. The integration of the legacy fire code in Uintah is built on three principles: 1)Develop different reusable physics-based components that can be used interchangeably and interact with other components, 2) reuse the legacy stand-alone fire code (written in Fortran) as much as possible, and 3) use components developed by third parties, specifically non-linear and linear solvers designed for solving complex-flow problems. A helium buoyant plume is simulated using the Nirvana machine at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Linear scalability is achieved up to 128 processors. Issues related to scaling beyond 128 processors are also discussed

    DAG-based software frameworks for PDEs

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    pre-printThe task-based approach to software and parallelism is well-known and has been proposed as a potential candidate, named the silver model, for exas-cale software. This approach is not yet widely used in the large-scale multi-core parallel computing of complex systems of partial differential equations. After surveying task-based approaches we investigate how well the Uintah software and an extension named Wasatch fit in the task-based paradigm and how well they perform on large scale parallel computers. The conclusion is that these approaches show great promise for petascale but that considerable algorithmic challenges remain

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationSolutions to Partial Di erential Equations (PDEs) are often computed by discretizing the domain into a collection of computational elements referred to as a mesh. This solution is an approximation with an error that decreases as the mesh spacing decreases. However, decreasing the mesh spacing also increases the computational requirements. Adaptive mesh re nement (AMR) attempts to reduce the error while limiting the increase in computational requirements by re ning the mesh locally in regions of the domain that have large error while maintaining a coarse mesh in other portions of the domain. This approach often provides a solution that is as accurate as that obtained from a much larger xed mesh simulation, thus saving on both computational time and memory. However, historically, these AMR operations often limit the overall scalability of the application. Adapting the mesh at runtime necessitates scalable regridding and load balancing algorithms. This dissertation analyzes the performance bottlenecks for a widely used regridding algorithm and presents two new algorithms which exhibit ideal scalability. In addition, a scalable space- lling curve generation algorithm for dynamic load balancing is also presented. The performance of these algorithms is analyzed by determining their theoretical complexity, deriving performance models, and comparing the observed performance to those performance models. The models are then used to predict performance on larger numbers of processors. This analysis demonstrates the necessity of these algorithms at larger numbers of processors. This dissertation also investigates methods to more accurately predict workloads based on measurements taken at runtime. While the methods used are not new, the application of these methods to the load balancing process is. These methods are shown to be highly accurate and able to predict the workload within 3% error. By improving the accuracy of these estimations, the load imbalance of the simulation can be reduced, thereby increasing the overall performance

    Resident block-structured adaptive mesh refinement on thousands of graphics processing units

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    Block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) is a technique that can be used when solving partial differential equations to reduce the number of cells necessary to achieve the required accuracy in areas of interest. These areas (shock fronts, material interfaces, etc.) are recursively covered with finer mesh patches that are grouped into a hierarchy of refinement levels. Despite the potential for large savings in computational requirements and memory usage without a corresponding reduction in accuracy, AMR adds overhead in managing the mesh hierarchy, adding complex communication and data movement requirements to a simulation. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of a resident GPU-based AMR library, including: the classes used to manage data on a mesh patch, the routines used for transferring data between GPUs on different nodes, and the data-parallel operators developed to coarsen and refine mesh data. We validate the performance and accuracy of our implementation using three test problems and two architectures: an 8 node cluster, and 4,196 nodes of Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Titan supercomputer. Our GPU-based AMR hydrodynamics code performs up to 4.87x faster than the CPU-based implementation, and is scalable on 4,196 K20x GPUs using a combination of MPI and CUDA

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationRadiation is the dominant mode of heat transfer in high temperature combustion environments. Radiative heat transfer affects the gas and particle phases, including all the associated combustion chemistry. The radiative properties are in turn affected by the turbulent flow field. This bi-directional coupling of radiation turbulence interactions poses a major challenge in creating parallel-capable, high-fidelity combustion simulations. In this work, a new model was developed in which reciprocal monte carlo radiation was coupled with a turbulent, large-eddy simulation combustion model. A technique wherein domain patches are stitched together was implemented to allow for scalable parallelism. The combustion model runs in parallel on a decomposed domain. The radiation model runs in parallel on a recomposed domain. The recomposed domain is stored on each processor after information sharing of the decomposed domain is handled via the message passing interface. Verification and validation testing of the new radiation model were favorable. Strong scaling analyses were performed on the Ember cluster and the Titan cluster for the CPU-radiation model and GPU-radiation model, respectively. The model demonstrated strong scaling to over 1,700 and 16,000 processing cores on Ember and Titan, respectively

    Parallel block structured adaptive mesh refinement on graphics processing units.

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    Block-structured adaptive mesh refinement is a technique that can be used when solving partial differential equations to reduce the number of zones necessary to achieve the required accuracy in areas of interest. These areas (shock fronts, material interfaces, etc.) are recursively covered with finer mesh patches that are grouped into a hierarchy of refinement levels. Despite the potential for large savings in computational requirements and memory usage without a corresponding reduction in accuracy, AMR adds overhead in managing the mesh hierarchy, adding complex communication and data movement requirements to a simulation. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of a native GPU-based AMR library, including: the classes used to manage data on a mesh patch, the routines used for transferring data between GPUs on different nodes, and the data-parallel operators developed to coarsen and refine mesh data. We validate the performance and accuracy of our implementation using three test problems and two architectures: an eight-node cluster, and over four thousand nodes of Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Titan supercomputer. Our GPU-based AMR hydrodynamics code performs up to 4.87x faster than the CPU-based implementation, and has been scaled to over four thousand GPUs using a combination of MPI and CUDA
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