1,444 research outputs found

    Hierarchical fractional-step approximations and parallel kinetic Monte Carlo algorithms

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    We present a mathematical framework for constructing and analyzing parallel algorithms for lattice Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations. The resulting algorithms have the capacity to simulate a wide range of spatio-temporal scales in spatially distributed, non-equilibrium physiochemical processes with complex chemistry and transport micro-mechanisms. The algorithms can be tailored to specific hierarchical parallel architectures such as multi-core processors or clusters of Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). The proposed parallel algorithms are controlled-error approximations of kinetic Monte Carlo algorithms, departing from the predominant paradigm of creating parallel KMC algorithms with exactly the same master equation as the serial one. Our methodology relies on a spatial decomposition of the Markov operator underlying the KMC algorithm into a hierarchy of operators corresponding to the processors' structure in the parallel architecture. Based on this operator decomposition, we formulate Fractional Step Approximation schemes by employing the Trotter Theorem and its random variants; these schemes, (a) determine the communication schedule} between processors, and (b) are run independently on each processor through a serial KMC simulation, called a kernel, on each fractional step time-window. Furthermore, the proposed mathematical framework allows us to rigorously justify the numerical and statistical consistency of the proposed algorithms, showing the convergence of our approximating schemes to the original serial KMC. The approach also provides a systematic evaluation of different processor communicating schedules.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure

    MOLNs: A cloud platform for interactive, reproducible and scalable spatial stochastic computational experiments in systems biology using PyURDME

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    Computational experiments using spatial stochastic simulations have led to important new biological insights, but they require specialized tools, a complex software stack, as well as large and scalable compute and data analysis resources due to the large computational cost associated with Monte Carlo computational workflows. The complexity of setting up and managing a large-scale distributed computation environment to support productive and reproducible modeling can be prohibitive for practitioners in systems biology. This results in a barrier to the adoption of spatial stochastic simulation tools, effectively limiting the type of biological questions addressed by quantitative modeling. In this paper, we present PyURDME, a new, user-friendly spatial modeling and simulation package, and MOLNs, a cloud computing appliance for distributed simulation of stochastic reaction-diffusion models. MOLNs is based on IPython and provides an interactive programming platform for development of sharable and reproducible distributed parallel computational experiments

    An adaptive Cartesian embedded boundary approach for fluid simulations of two- and three-dimensional low temperature plasma filaments in complex geometries

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    We review a scalable two- and three-dimensional computer code for low-temperature plasma simulations in multi-material complex geometries. Our approach is based on embedded boundary (EB) finite volume discretizations of the minimal fluid-plasma model on adaptive Cartesian grids, extended to also account for charging of insulating surfaces. We discuss the spatial and temporal discretization methods, and show that the resulting overall method is second order convergent, monotone, and conservative (for smooth solutions). Weak scalability with parallel efficiencies over 70\% are demonstrated up to 8192 cores and more than one billion cells. We then demonstrate the use of adaptive mesh refinement in multiple two- and three-dimensional simulation examples at modest cores counts. The examples include two-dimensional simulations of surface streamers along insulators with surface roughness; fully three-dimensional simulations of filaments in experimentally realizable pin-plane geometries, and three-dimensional simulations of positive plasma discharges in multi-material complex geometries. The largest computational example uses up to 800800 million mesh cells with billions of unknowns on 40964096 computing cores. Our use of computer-aided design (CAD) and constructive solid geometry (CSG) combined with capabilities for parallel computing offers possibilities for performing three-dimensional transient plasma-fluid simulations, also in multi-material complex geometries at moderate pressures and comparatively large scale.Comment: 40 pages, 21 figure

    Research and Education in Computational Science and Engineering

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    Over the past two decades the field of computational science and engineering (CSE) has penetrated both basic and applied research in academia, industry, and laboratories to advance discovery, optimize systems, support decision-makers, and educate the scientific and engineering workforce. Informed by centuries of theory and experiment, CSE performs computational experiments to answer questions that neither theory nor experiment alone is equipped to answer. CSE provides scientists and engineers of all persuasions with algorithmic inventions and software systems that transcend disciplines and scales. Carried on a wave of digital technology, CSE brings the power of parallelism to bear on troves of data. Mathematics-based advanced computing has become a prevalent means of discovery and innovation in essentially all areas of science, engineering, technology, and society; and the CSE community is at the core of this transformation. However, a combination of disruptive developments---including the architectural complexity of extreme-scale computing, the data revolution that engulfs the planet, and the specialization required to follow the applications to new frontiers---is redefining the scope and reach of the CSE endeavor. This report describes the rapid expansion of CSE and the challenges to sustaining its bold advances. The report also presents strategies and directions for CSE research and education for the next decade.Comment: Major revision, to appear in SIAM Revie

    High Performance Computing for Stability Problems - Applications to Hydrodynamic Stability and Neutron Transport Criticality

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    In this work we examine two kinds of applications in terms of stability and perform numerical evaluations and benchmarks on parallel platforms. We consider the applicability of pseudospectra in the field of hydrodynamic stability to obtain more information than a traditional linear stability analysis can provide. Furthermore, we treat the neutron transport criticality problem and highlight the Davidson method as an attractive alternative to the so far widely used power method in that context

    Investigating applications portability with the Uintah DAG-based runtime system on PetaScale supercomputers

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    pre-printPresent trends in high performance computing present formidable challenges for applications code using multicore nodes possibly with accelerators and/or co-processors and reduced memory while still attaining scalability. Software frameworks that execute machine-independent applications code using a runtime system that shields users from architectural complexities offer a possible solution. The Uintah framework for example, solves a broad class of large-scale problems on structured adaptive grids using fluid-flow solvers coupled with particle-based solids methods. Uintah executes directed acyclic graphs of computational tasks with a scalable asynchronous and dynamic runtime system for CPU cores and/or accelerators/coprocessors on a node. Uintah's clear separation between application and runtime code has led to scalability increases of 1000x without significant changes to application code. This methodology is tested on three leading Top500 machines; OLCF Titan, TACC Stampede and ALCF Mira using three diverse and challenging applications problems. This investigation of scalability with regard to the different processors and communications performance leads to the overall conclusion that the adaptive DAG-based approach provides a very powerful abstraction for solving challenging multi-scale multi-physics engineering problems on some of the largest and most powerful computers available today